To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily slowly walked over to him. Her breast moved as she did. "of course i wanted you to join me but i wanted you to have your rest more. Because after we bathed and had something to eat you wouldn't be getting any more rest today." SHe smiled playfully and then got in the bath sinking into the hot water with a happy sigh.
He smiled kissing her softly his lips trailing down her neck as he crawled into the bath with her groaning happily. He smiled brightly at her sinking into the water down to his neck closing his eyes again. "So your saying i wont be getting an rest after breakfast? Why ever would that happen?"
"oh i don't know you will just have to wait and see." she winked alittle "namir last night was so wonderful, it made up for the two weeks i had to wait to be yours" Lily moved closer to him. Rest her head on his shoulder

((Just a heads up, having company for a couple of hours so if i jump offline that why but i should be back arouns 9-10))
"I am glad you deserve everything i can give you. " He smiled kissing her neck kissing her cheek snuggling into her smiling brightly.
Lily sighed softly "i don't desrve to be this luck as to have a husband as great as you." She loved when he kissed her neck. Of all the places he kissed her neck was her favorite.
He continued to kiss and nibble on her neck knowing she loved it. Which was okay with him he loved kissing on her neck as much as she loved him doing it. "Your the sweetest woman in the world that's why you deserve everything you i have to give. "
As he kissed her neck her body began to want him more and more she finally had to pull away "mmm you have to stop. cause if you keep going i am going to want you again and right now i just need to wash my body and get something to eat."
"But i very much love kissing your neck!" He said pouting sinking back into the water his hands washing him slowly under the water. He groaned as he sunk below the water trying clean his hair.
Lily sank deeper into the water. Her hand came up and touched the spot where he had been kissing. She was missing his lips there. "I love when you kiss my neck thats why you need to stop. We need to get clean and have something to eat before we do anything, or else we might get sick."
He did not dare correct her even though he had gone longer in a love binge but he did not want her knowing that. "That is fine my love I understand. You know the only thing i care to put to my lips right now is you. " He smiled meaning both actions that they could do together he smirked impishly and finished cleaning himself off.
Lily just shook her head and giggled. She then began to wash herself. dipping her head under the water to wash her hair. Once she was clean she moved back over to him "so how long do you think we can stayed locked away in the house without some worrying"
"I have a concert to perform tomorrow I honestly did not plan on us being away and scheduled it before we where married. " He said sadly as he slipped from the tub taking a deep breath drying himself off facing her his manhood still stiff and pointing at her. "You know how tempting it is when i see you naked to force myself on you?"
Lily sighed she had the thought of him being gone from her, she knew he would be gone most of the the day rehearsing and the performance. She rose from the bath reaching for a towel she began to dry herself off infront of him "oh how hard is it."
"I cant even describe it. Are you going to perform with me tomorrow?" He smiled kissing her neck lightly having to look away to avoid the urge to take her right there on the bathroom floor.
"Maybe i will preform a few songs with you." She said softly as he kissed her neck. SHe wrapped her towel around her and walked into the bed room.
Namir did not get dressed instead he moved down stairs into the study he was not overly hungry he had not eaten much during the entire length of the drama revolving around his capture. His stomach had shrunk as had his desire to eat wondering if he was ever going to return to the way he was just before his capture he sat there working on songs.
Shortly after the couple returned home and were able to make love together, they found out Lily was pregnant. They were over joyed. But there joyed didn't last Lily had a miscarriage. Lily was heart broken but they kept trying to get pregnant again. It has been 7 months since Lily had, had a miscarriage and she still could not get pregnant. It changed her. It changed their relationship. There was no more stress, and more sadness than there once was.
Namir could have not have cared less if she had gotten pregnant the first time. Though when she lost the child he figured that was a sign to him that he was not meant to have a child. He had now lost 2 children before they were born it was not something he was happy about. The affect it had on Lily was troubling she seemed so down all the time it was starting to drain him quickly. He had taken to working at the theater longer and longer during the day just trying to drown his sorrows in his work. He wished deep down inside that she would just give up and stop being so hung up on having a child but it did not look like that would happen any time soon.
Lily had taken to staying home most days. Losing her child had deep effect on lily. With in moments of finding out she was pregnant she became so happy and so attached the child growing inside of her. The to lose it almost killed her. She thought to herself what has she done in this life to deserve this hell. She was no also deeply stressed that she may not ever be able to have a baby.
Namir decided to go out after leaving the bar he wanted a chance at a night with out sadness. He went to the in and began talking and laughing with the people there. Leading all in rousing songs getting himself rather drunk in the process. After only a few hours it was about the time he would be arriving at home he wondered if he should be going home soon.
Lily sighed when she realized Namir still was not home. Perhaps something happen to him maybe someone had taken him again. She quickly dash to the barn got a horse and rode into town.

At the bar where Namir had been having a good time a smiling face walked over to him. "hello Namir, you remember me,Jordan i came to start a new life here!" She looked around. "where is Lily"
Namir smiled and bought her a drink enjoying himself a bit more then he should. "Well welcome its good to have you here! Are you settling in well? Have you got a job?" He smiled talking a bit quicker due to the alcohol in his blood. "Lily is at home I had to work today now I am just relaxing. " He smiled handing her the drink he had bought.
Jordan smiled and giggled playfully once she found out that Lily was not here. "oh i was thinking about staying here, i am not sure yet." She took and took a good sip of it. she playfully touched his hand "thank you"
"You can't just live in a hotel your whole life. There is a small house just outside of town I can make sure you get a good job and a good deal on the house. " He smiled looking into here eyes not even realize he was flirting with her it was just second nature to him.
"oh that would be wonderful!" she through her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "you are the sweetest man ever to walk the earth. I hope your wife knows how lucky she is."

Lily rode closer and closer to the town. once arrived there she asked a few people if they had seen her husband they sent her over to the bar.
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