To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily shook her head "Docis i know you better than that, you did the same thing to my father, you would have a feeling of a problem but you make it sound as if you didn't know, so please tell me what you think it might be." she crossed her arms and stared at him.
"I think you may have something in your stomach. It is important i find out quickly please... Just let me do these tests. " He took a deep breath looking into her eyes leading her into the bathroom slowly. "Please let me help you i promise i can take care of you no matter what it is but we need to know now!"
Lily bit her lip nervously now. he made it sound so serious. She was afraid. She did as he asked and brought the cup back out to him "here, how long before you know." Lily was shaking now. she was so afraid.
"I will be know before dinner. Relax I am sure it is nothing major those pills will help make it better." He was not sure if he wanted to be right or not if they broke up and she was pregnant how could she go with out him. He quickly went into his office to begin the pregnancy tests wondering if he could be right.
How could she relaxed one moment he is telling it was important for her do the test and there was no time to wait, now he was saying it was nothing. She had to many hours to wait to find out what was going on. She just paced in the living room. worrying what could be wrong. Between Namir cheating on her, and docis thinking there could be something wrong she was going insane with emotions.
Docis was almost done preparing breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Outside Namir looked like hell he had not slept a minuet since she had left him. The thought of losing her made him wish they had killed him back home. He had not changed or even went home the entire time he had set out front of the bar. When Docis opened the door Namir let lose. "What is it Docis I don't have time for lunch I have to find my wife she left me last night. All because i got drunk and messed up. "
Lily heard the knock at the door and her heart jumped. Lily backed as far away from the door as possible. when docis answered she heard Namirs voice. She wasn't ready to talk to him. Not now, she had other things to worry about. She looked for a way out of the house but a side from climbing out the window there was no other way then the door where docis and namir stood.
Namir ... You and Lilly are going to sit down and talk this out right now. I will not let her leave you with out talking to you. But its important you keep calm. " He grabbed Namir and drug him into the house setting him in a chair. "Lily if you would sit here. " Pointing at the couch the as far away as she could set." I am going to go get lunch and they we can talk this out. " He left the room slowly going to go get the food.
Lily sighed and took a seat. she looked like hell. She stared at Namir for a long time "look i have nothing to say to you nor do i care to hear what you say, cause i know its going to be, 'i'm sorry it was a stupid mistake, i'll never do it again' just save it. just leave me alone."
Docis came in and sat down with a tray of water and soup. He said nothing but only leaned back taking a deep breath. "Lily I went to the bar because our house felt like it was crushing me. All this tension about you getting pregnant. I just want you to be happy that's all i ever wanted. I ... made a mistake it. I should have walked away when we started flirt. It felt nice ... being flirted with having a woman show an attraction to me. You have been getting further away ever since the miscarriage now it feels like we only make love so you can get pregnant. I don't care if we have kids i want you! " Namir was crying ignoring his food just staring at his love.
"what you think i was happy to loose the baby after all we been through i thought finally something good would happen.....i had one job, to keep the baby safe while it grew inside me and i couldn't even do that.........." she paused and shook her head "you know what i am not doing this, there was no excuses for what you did, i don't know if i can just forgive and come home and pretend that it was ok. that it was just a mistake. i cant do it and i won't do it. cause whats going to happen the next time something gets hard, you going to go sleep with a woman."
"I never said what i did was not wrong. I never will I don't ask you to forget just to forgive. " He took a deep breath sighing sadly wondering just what was going to happen sighing. "I want so badly to make it not happen but i cant change the past. Take the house, if you wont be with me i cant live in that home. It was as much my fault you could not protect it as yours. I will live in the theater. I just hope one day you can forgive me because i love you with all my heart and i will never be with a woman other than you ever again. " Docis's heart was breaking this was not what he was hoping for he just hoped that she was not pregnant he did not want the child to be born into this. "Lily ... I will do anything it takes to make you love me again just tell me what it is!"
Lily shook her head "i don't know if i can ever trust you again. You promised before that your days of flirting were over, but you broke it, how can i ever trust you won't do it again." Lily was shaking she was going to say more but then felt sick again. she ran from the room to the bathroom.
He got up quickly this was the first time he had seen her ill he charged after her to the room. "Lily are you okay? Whats wrong? " He stood at the door the concern evident in his voice he did not care to correct her that he promised not be with another woman he could never promise not to flirt.
"its nothing Docis is already working on it" She hoped docis would have some answers sooner rather than later. she needed so badly to find out what was wrong. Lily thought if one more bad thing happen it would kill.
Namir moved to her side kneeling down holding her hair back for her not caring if she lashed out at him. "You say the word and i will send Jordan away. I will do anything to prove to you how much i love you. "
Lily turned to look at him. her eyes held tears, she took a deep breath. "you have no idea how hurt i am right now. I don't know how or if this feeling will go away. i think if you would have beaten it would not hurt as much as it does now."
"You know that she means nothing to me! You are the only woman in the world who i care about and your the only woman i want to spend my life with. Please don't leave me!" He spoke softly as Docis looked over them knowing the test was ready but not knowing if he wanted to know the answer.
Lily shook her head "you could have been kissing a whore and the feeling would still be the same." Lily shook her head he really didn't understand how hurt she was. She noticed Docis looked over them she cleared her throat. "Docis is the test done yet." She thought perhaps knowing what was wrong might take some of the stress out of the situation
"Lilly please forgive me what i did was foolish i know ... I just wish you would not take my life from me for doing so. " Docis moved from the room heading into his lab area. "I will look over the tests and see if they are done. "

(you want her to be pregnant?)
(sure, or if you want to choose, go ahead, whatever you think would twist the plot more)

Lily moved away from him and back into the living and sank on the couch. she wanted to the test results so baddly. She looked to namir again. "i just don't know how or if we can fix this."
"I swear if you tell me you don't want to be with me... I will turn myself in to the men who want me dead." He looked into her eyes he would not go on with out her he could not stand the thought of losing another wife.

In the other room docis swore she was pregnant how could he tell her that with all the stress in her light right now the man she hated had fathered her child.
"so thats it then. i have to go back with to assure you live." she hated him right now, she hated him more for the statement that he made. she may hate him but she didn't want to see him dead "i guess what choice do i have." Lily glanced towards the lab door wondering what was taking so long.
"Lily I ... I should not have worded it like that... I ... I would rather die then lose you! " He turned following her as docis came out knowing she would demand the test results. "I am sorry i failed you as a husband and as a man. It is my fault you are not pregnant it is my fault you are so stressed... " Docis came from the room looking into Lily's eyes. "It is his fault you are sick. Your pregnant Lily. " He said trying to smile hoping she would be happy about the news.
Lily was going to say something when she saw Docis enter the room. Her heart raced what could he say. When Docis said it was Namir's fault she glanced at Namir. then back to doics. She almost cried out with joy when heard what he said. "really?! Really i am pregnant!" Her excitement clear. Lily looked at Namir, with a bright smile on her face, this was the happiest she had been in months.
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