To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"I am not holding back because it might hurt you. I am holding back because i want you to get more pleasure before i am done. " He smiled kissing her shoulder groaning softly his body continuing to rock into hers as he was growing more lost in the pleasure.
"namir don't worry about my pleasure fore once worry about your own!" Lily ordered him and her hips pushed back against his member hoping to cause him more pleasure so he would loose control. Her hips now rocked his.
He could not understand just why she seemed to disregard her pleasure. He arched his hips to enter her from a more pleasurable angle and began rocking harder into her. He was groaning loudly as his hands gripped her hips and began pulling her back into him firmly and quickly.
Lily Felt him enter her harder and smile crossed her face. She was so happy that he finally worried about himself. As he moved harder into her body became wetter. She loved the fact that he felt he could be a little rougher with her to fill his own need.
He groaned happily rocking harder into her his groans growing louder and louder. With in minuets of thrusting and grinding into her he pressed hard into her driving her stomach into the pillows as he burst into her again. With in moments he his orgasm had subsided and he had once again filled her deeply with his seed. He held his shaft in her grinding for a few moments before pulling from her and laying down beside her. He would have to teach her that this was not about his pleasure but their pleasure.
Lily felt him release deep inside her. She smiled as he held himself inside for a few more moments then collasped beside her. She moved the pillows out from under her stomach and lay beside him. "mmm that was much better than the first time." her hand came up and touched his cheek lovingly.
"Why is it you seem to not care if i pleasure you while we are making love? " He looked at her confused and a bit hurt that he was not able to pleasure her twice now. Not being able to pleasure the woman he was with was by no means something he was familiar with.
"oh my love. Tonight i wanted it to be all about you. You have taken such good care of me since the day we met, not just sexually, but in every way possiable.Now i wanted to take care of you for once. It caused me pleasure to know that finally after a year together you could feel pleasure" Lily kissed him softly "next time we will both have pleasure"
Namir smiled closing his eyes taking a deep breath shaking his head. "You don't need to worry about my pleasure If i do something i am doing it for a reason. I wanted... to prove to myself that i could do that, that i could go that long with out, that i could meet all these women who wanted to be with me and say no to them. If i was going to fail you i wanted it to be before we where married so you would not have the heart break of a unfaithful husband. " He looked into her eyes taking a deep breath biting his lower lip.
"well then think of tonight as your reward for passing your test." She moved closer to him pressing her chest against his. She playfully kissed and nibbled his neck. then slowly pulling away "you are the best husband any woman could ask for."
"Your the best wife a husband could imagine. " He smiled kissing her softly closing his eyes leaning back again. "Just as long as you remember you can have anything you want when ever you want and you actually ask so i can spoil you rotten. "
Lily smiled as her arms wrapped around him. "you know me better than that, i don't like asking you fo anything, you have already given me so much"
His hand squeezed her side and he looked into her eyes. "You better start getting used to it our I am just going to buy everything you look at for more then a couple seconds. " He chuckled kissing her cheek biting her nose lightly smiling brightly.
"oh and what could i have possibly done to deserve such attention and gifts from you" Lily asked him softly, she really did want to know why he would do such a thing when she was content just being with him.
"Your a well known singer who deserves everything her heart could desire. Besides i love spoiling those i care about ask Docis. His little sister made him promise to punch me if i ever bought something for her again... Docis hits hard by the way... " He smiled looking at her chuckling kissing her cheek. "That reminds me her birthday is next week... I guess Docis is going to punch me soon. " He chuckled kissing her again smiling brightly. "I have more money then i could spend in a life time. I want to share it with those i care about that is why i want to spoil you rotten. "
Lily smiled softly listening to him explain himself. "your two sweet but i guess i am still the farmers daughter who likes simple thing, who doesn't need anything to be happy"
"Well your going to be getting lots of things! Because i can!" He smiled and rolled over on his side facing her taking her leg draping it over his waist. "And when we have children they will be spoiled because i can!" He chuckled kissing her softly before wrapping his arms around her one slipping under he neck the other around her ribs to her back.
Lily shock her head. The she noticed that was the first time he really ever mentioned having children. "when do you want to start trying to have children" She asked softly as her hand came up and played with the hair that fell over his forehead.
He laughed softly kissing her deeply biting her lip as he pulled away. "We just started love those 2 doses of trying are still deep inside you. " He smiled taking a deep breath groaning softly his hand reaching down to cover her woman hood his palm pressing it lightly. "I don't dare keep trying tonight i might injure you your body can only take so much. "
Lily looked up at him. "well i didn't know if after tonight you would want to stop spilling your seed inside me, I didn't know if you ready for a baby soon." Lily bit her lip alittle and she agreed her body need a chance to rest tonight.
"Love I have no intention of stopping making love to you, and i have never been a fan of the preventative measures that one must take to avoid getting a woman pregnant. For the remainder of our lives i will spill my seed into you. " He smiled kissing her neck biting lightly at her pulse smiling kissing and nibbling away.
Lily wrapped her arms tight around him loving what he was doing as he kissed her neck. "so you wouldn't be upset if i got pregnant sooner rather than later." She asked softly as she bent her head to his mouth loving the attention he gave her.
He continued his attention on her neck rather enjoying the way she tasted after there love making. He smiled and rubbed her more firmly with his palm smiling brightly. "I would not be upset if my seed was getting you pregnant right now. Do not stress about getting pregnant my love. It will happen when it its meant to. Besides i rather enjoy trying to conceive a child don't you? " He smiled biting her neck lightly hoping she enjoyed their love making.
"oh i love with our loving making. you such a great lover." She cooed in his ear softly. Her back arched a little as he pressed his a little more firmly against her womanhood. She cried out in pleasure as he bite down on the soft flesh of her neck
"You see there is one problem I can not in good faith have more orgasms then my lover in one night. " He smiled his thumb rubbing her pebble lightly in small circles as he bit and kissed on her neck groaning softly into her neck.
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