To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Wow that was a really good reason a child was one thing she desperately wanted. She loved the idea of a child created from there love. She looked down at him "well how do i know we will be able to have a baby, i mean we have been married two weeks and we have still not consummated our marriage" she said with a teasing smile
"Come see the king with me and you will find out after dinner once we board the boat back to our home. " He smiled standing up kissing her deeply enjoying the way she tasted and eager to show her how he felt about her.
Well she had to let him live. what choice did she have, she loved him so passionately she couldn't see him die. She wrapped her arms tight around him. Lily knew they would leaving here after dinner with the king and she couldn't wait. She wanted be home so badly so he could claim her as his.
He smiled and slipped from her moving back to the couch and continuing to get dressed. "So are you going to make me wait until i get you back home or will i have some fun on our boat ride home?"
Lily thought a moment then smiled "you can have a little fun on the ship but i rather wait until we are home. I want to make love to you in our bed for the first time, that way we can be together for hours if we wanted and we are not in a rush"
He smiled happily looking into her eyes another 2 weeks of frustration oh well. He smiled looking into her eyes taking a deep breath finishing getting dressed quickly. He smiled brightly standing up walking over to her patting her bottom.
Lily knew the wait was killing him, it was killing her as well. She just wanted there first time to be right and prefect. She wanted to be completely alone and not on a ship full of other people. Lily finished getting dressed and then turned to him
He kissed her softly before taking her hand and leading her from the room and out of the inn. They where met by Docis he smiled softly and lead them to a house the king had rented while he was there. Once they arrived they where greeted and taking into the dining hall to and seated at the small table. "The king should be here soon. "Namir smiled rather used to the kings delayed arrivals.
Lily had only met the King once when she preformed with Namir. And she really didn't speak to him she did meet him. Now she would be having dinner with him. She was a little nervous.
"Relax my love the king is just a man like any other. Perhaps a bit more self centered then most. "

"I heard that Namir! After all i have done for you here you insult me!" The king walked over and smiled as he sat down and dinner came out carried by several servants. "It is nothing i have not told you before your highness. " They both chuckled apparently good friends as the king reached over kissing the back of Lily's hand " The pleasure is my my dear pleased to make your acquaintance more formally."
Lily jumped a little when she heard the kings. She thought that they were in trouble now. But she quickly realize they were just having some fun with each other. Lily blushed a little as he took her hand and kissed "Its a pleasure to meet you your highness"
The king and Namir chatted and did there best drag docis and Lily into there conversations. Namir spending most of his time thanking the king for getting him out of the situation he was in and offering to do a performance anytime the king spoke.
Lily smiled as she noticed Namir and the King enjoy their conversation. the few times she was able to speak she thanked the King for saying her husbands life.

((i am going to get offline for a while, so maybe if you want to move time a head to when the reach home that would be fine.))
They sat and spoke for nearly 2 hours eating a very very fine meal. Namir never stopped smiling and joking with the assembled company. Once the meal was over the trio made there way to the docks were they boarded a large nice ship. Lily and Namir shared a room below decks rarely leaving for there week long travel home. The moment they arrived Namir had arranged for a carriage to pick them up. This time an armed guard sat next to the driver he was going to take no chances. He helped lily into the rear cabin and smiled crawling in after her. "One year to the day since i first met you." He said chuckling and smirking softly.
Lily enjoyed there time with the king, but she enjoyed the trip home more. then when they reached the shore lily's heart jumped in her chest. she couldn't wait to be back in there house and enjoy the night they should had weeks ago. Lily smiled when he said today was the day they met "i love you so much"
Namir smirked and wrapped his arms around her kissing her deeply. "I love you more! " He smirked biting her lower lip laying her down on the bench of the carriage.
"no not possible," Lily kissed him back, she tensed a little as the carriage approached the spot where the couple was attacked.
Namir smirked and placed his hand under her dress over her woman hood to see if she was as excited as he was. He smiled kissing and nibbling on her neck groaning happily. "It has to be possible because its true!"
Lily felt him touch her, she wanted him so badly. "i think when we get home you should get in the bath cause you smell and then straight to bed" She teased a little know full well that they would be going to bed just not to sleep.
"I will only take a bath if you promise to join me. "He smiled rubbing her firmly threw her panties he knew she had wanted to make love in the bath since they started bathing together.
Lily couldn't wait to make love to him. She wanted to try it in the bath because it seemed where they were most heated romantic moments. But for their first time she wanted to be in their bed, it where she thought he would have most control. Although she wanted him so badly lily was a little nervous. "maybe" She gave a cute smile
"As it is I think i will not be able to wait till after the bath. You will be lucky to maintain your purity long enough to get up the stairs. " He smiled his fingers rubbing her firmly as they started to roll up the hill to there home. Namir knew he needed to stop soon but he did not want to just yet.
"well sir you will just have to wait until we get upstairs and into room." she teased softly. The carriage ride seem to be taking forever.
Namir growled lightly as he pulled away setting next to her chuckling softly. He was going to assault her the moment they entered into the room. He took a deep breath as the carriage pulled to a stop and the door opened. Namir stepped out and turned to face lily in the carriage offering his hand his excitement visible in his suit.
Lily smiled as she placed her small hand in his and stepped out of the carriage. She looked up at their home so glad to see it again then she looked at him taking a deep breath and smiling more.
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