To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

The dinner continued and Namir could not help himself but to flirt she was a lovely girl. He had to let her down easy though when she asked if he would be singing here. He said no sadly but if she wanted to walk with them back to the hotel he would sing as they walked. He never once let his hand leave Lily though he knew she would be a bit self conscious with him flirting with this girl.
Lily was glad for Jordan, she knew that she really wanted to meet Namir and after being a good company for so many weeks Lily knew would make her day. As they walked back to the hotel she let Namir flirt she knew he enjoyed it she also knew Jordan was having fun. then as they entered the hotel lily said good bye to jordan and returned to their room.
"If you ever make your way to our home town I will make certain you are well taking care of be it for a visit or a to live. You took care of my wife while i was not able to I owe you a great deal." He smiled and turned following Lily up to the bedroom. "She was quite nice Docis has good taste in your friends. " He chuckled softly patting her bottom.
"yes she is, and she was very helpful while you were away." Lily said softly and pulled away from him patting her bottom she walked over to the bed and sat down. It was clear that the events before were still bugging her a little.
"Whats wrong Lily? " He walked over to her kneeling down before her wrapping his arms around her stomach kissing her knees.
Lily at first didn't want to tell him. But knew it would be better if she just did "what happen before we had lunch. I mean you were just handed back your life, your were just given back to him, and you go and you taunt people that could kill you. I know you are happy to be free and able to live life again, but but.....what you did scared me, more than i think you know." lily spoke quickly as if she had to get it all of her chest now. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was shaking a little.
"For once in my life i am taking the offensive I always used to run and hide from them. I wanted a bit of revenge for the years of my life they stole from me. For all the lives that they have taken. I was not as defenseless as you thought. I have ... gotten some training training in my days i am not the same weakling i used to be. " He leaned up his spine seeming a bit rigid as he kissed her stomach. "Don't worry about me once we are out of this town we will never see them again, and i promise I am done doing that while we are hear. "
"i am not saying you are defenseless and weak. i never thought that of you." Lily sighed softly "i don't know, you just scared me. i think i was more scared in that moment than i have been in two weeks." Lily bit her lip lightly "thank you for promising you will not do that again." SHe said softly almost a whisper
"I am sorry for scaring you I wont do things like that on purpose again. " He slowly moved to stand and took of his jacket when he did she could see the scabbard and handle of a sword ran up his spine. Clearly something about the weekend had effected him she had never seen him carry more then a pocket knife.
Lily smiled softly at him. then watched as he rose to rake off his jacket. She was about to make herself more comfotable when she noticed a sword. Something he never ever carried before. Her forehead wrinkled "namir what is that"
"Its nothing dear don't worry about it. " He spoke softly hanging his jacket up unbuttoning his shirt slowly giving her a weak smile.
Lily rose from the bed and went over to him "well i am worried about it. you never ever carried a sword and now, after what happen you are.?" Lily made him look at her "You stand here and tell you feel free and that why you stood up to those knights but if you feel so free why are you carrying a sword?"
"Do you know how many bards careers have been ended because i accepted a performance they they wanted? How many men who feel i did there daughters wrong because they came to me after a show? I have a lot of enemies Lily I never thought any of them would try something so bold as to attack me. It would be foolish to attack someone as well connected as i am. " He turned looking deep into her eyes putting his hands on her sides.

"I have a wife to worry about now and most likely a child to come soon. I will not allow someone to catch me off guard and unprepared again. Just because I am free of Stephen does not mean Namir is free of those who wish him ill. " He looked into her eyes his kissing her lightly hoping she would understand but knowing she would worry.
Lily looked down. She knew he had many affairs with other women but she never thought it would result in an attake on him. But she could understand why after all they went through would he worry. She kissed him back then slowly pulled away placing her hand softly on his cheek. "you have a wife now her knows how to protect herself. and we haven't even slept together so don't worry about a child. Please relax my love this is no way to start our marriage."
"I understand that I just want you to know. This will never happen again i promise you that." He smiled kissing her again before backing up and taking off the remains of his suit. "We should get dressed for the king there should be a dress and another suit in the closet.
Lily sighed softly. right now she was in no mood to have dinner with the king. But she sighed softly and started to undo her dress. She let it slip from her shoulders past her breast, over her hips and down the the floor. she stepped out of it and went the closet to get her dress.
Namir followed as he walked from his pants now piled on the floor. Smiling once he saw the nice dress and suit. "I always knew docis had good tastes. I just wish he would use them more often the mans wardrobe reminds me of my fathers. " He chuckled grabbing his suit and walking over to the couch.
Lily smiled at the dress docis had picked out for her. then she laughed at Namir. She pulled the dress out and slipped it on she went to fix her hair when she noticed something. Her hand came to the clasp of her necklace and unlocked it then slipped his wedding band off of necklace. then put her necklace back on "Namir, would you like this back now?" she held out the gold band to him.
Namir had just put his pants on and one shoe he smiled and walked over to her with a lopsided gate. He smiled looking at her chuckling softly wondering if she was going to be mad at him for not asking for it back yet. "Are you going to forgive me for not asking for it back? " He smiled taking his ring from her looking into her eyes.
Lily put her hands on her hips "i was a little upset with you, But i know how air headed you are." she said with a little smile "i will however have to kill you if you ever take it off again" She gave him a stern look then smiled softly.
"Really kill me? " He pouted dropping to his knees throwing his arms around her legs squeezing her lightly. "Please please please don't kill me!" He tried not to chuckle as he hugged her legs tight.
Lily could see he was trying to be cute and she wsn't going to let him get away with it. She folded her arms across her chest and looked down at him with a stern look once again "i need a really really really good reason why i shouldn't"
Namir chuckled and put his head under her dress going towards her groin. "I will do this for you if you promise not to kill me!" He chuckled kissing her hip just below her pantie line, his hands still wrapped around her knees.
Lily jumped a little when he put his hand underneath her dress. She loved when he touched her. then he kissed right below her pantie line and she thought she would melt but she wasn't going to give. He needed a better reason than that. "Hmm the reason is ok, but it come out of lust, not of any actually need. try another"
"If you kill me who will you have a baby with? "He said smiling nipping her lightly threw her panties just above her womanhood. He smiled pulling his head from under her skirt looking up at her.
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