To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily bite he lip again as she thought about what he said. With a sigh she gave up "i don't think i am going to win this. But still i just feel like i can't please my husband, i know you said your first wife was very skilled at that, and i am most certainly not. I just want you to be happy with every part of our relationship."
"I am more then happy with every part of our relationship. I told you i was going to teach you about how to please me. I just want the first time i feel that pleasure with you to be when we make love for the first time. Is that wrong?" He spoke softly laying back against the tub relaxing quite contently, even with his incredibly aroused state.
Lily looked "alright if that what you really want" Lily kinda felt defeated. she knew he was aroused and was part of her duties as a wife to take care of his needs, but he would not let her.
"Don't be sad! Be happy and excited. Besides its time for us to get ready for lunch with your friend. " He smiled kissing her neck giving her a firm hug.
"alright, and Jordan is a nice sweet girl, but to be honest i can't wait to have a day where she not following me everywhere. Its like i have had a walking talking shadow." lily shook her head a little.
"Now you know how i feel." He chuckled and nipped her neck and squirmed from under her and out of the tub. Standing next to it as he dried off and offered her a hand to get out of the tub.
Lily shook her head then rose from the tub taking his hand as she stepped out. "i can't wait to be home with the bigger tub" she gave him a cute smile knowing that they always had fun in the tub at home.
"I cant wait to get you home and have fun in something else." He smirked his hand patting her woman hood before he handed her the towel. With a bright smile he walked into the bedroom to go get dressed.
Lily wrapped the towel around herself "i think Docis might have some clothes for you in the wardrobe" Lily called from the bathroom as she finished drying off. then she entered the bedroom and got the simple dress that docis picked out for her leaving the prettier one for dinner with the king.
Namir smiled and simply got dressed in the same suit he had worn yesterday. He was very pleased to see she was happy again. "I will just wear this until we need to get ready for dinner. "
Lily slipped into the dress and tying her hair in a braid. "alright. do you know where we are Meeting Jordan for lunch, because i do not have a clue."
"There is a nice restaurant in this town so i am told. Docis told her that we would meet her there for lunch and she was not to look at price tags. Just like i always tell you even though you don't ever listen to me. "He laughed giving her bottom a light swat for being so disobediently frugal.
Lily jumped when he slapped her bottom. "that wasn't nice" as her head rubbed where he had slapped her. It didn't really hurt any she just liked toying with him. Lily looked down to the ground as if she had just been punished.
"Get used to it beautiful its the only way i seem to be able to get you to listen. " HE chuckled walking over giving her a kiss. "Lets get you all dolled up so we can get to lunch. "
Lily was already dressed she didn't know what else he would like her to do. Lily noticed he was certainly more playful this morning, she wonder if the weeks of being locked away really did have an effect on him. It wasn't a bad change though just different.
He smiled taking her hand leading her from the room and out of the inn. "I do believe its over this way." The knights that walked past gave him a evil look they where all very angry about the fact he had been freed. Many knew the man they were looking for was standing before them but there was nothing they could do.
Lily took his hand and followed him outside. as the to walked the came across some knights. The knights didn't seem happy at namir. Lily glared at them her eyes narrow. She felt like punching one of them dead in the face but she controlled herself, she just glared at them
Namir looked at her and smirked giving her a wink he was always the cocky type and loved poking someone who did not like him especially when they could not poke back. He let her hand go smiling walking over to the 2 knights she could see a strange shape in the small of his back she had never seen there before in any of his suits. "Gentlemen I want to thank you for the job your doing here in this town keeping it safe. Here I know it can be hard having a family and destroying the family of others. "He smiled grabbing a couple gold pieces from his pocket putting it in the 2 knights hands. With a great grin he turned around and walked back to her the knights grabbing there blades wanting badly to attack him but not doing so.
Lily wanted to stop namir as he walked over to the knights she didn't know what they would do to him. But as he teased them and gave them money they didn't do anything. Although when namir did walk away she noticed that they held the blades and were very angry but still they did nothing. as she walked back over to she grabbed his hand and started walking. "i wish you didn't do that, what if they got angry enough to kill you, yes they would go to prison, but you would be dead"
"I would like to see them try it would certainly have been entertaining. " He kissed her cheek then lead her to the restaurant where they would be eating lunch setting at a very quiet private table in the back the girl had yet to arrive.
As they sat down it was clear that would he did bothered her. She had just gotten him back now he was dangling himself out there like bait. She working on trying to hid it before Jordan had arrived.
Namir turned in the chair leaning over kissing Lily firmly he wanted to assure her that he was not trying to get himself killed he just felt so free. After a few moments he broke the kiss Jordan walking in as he did smiling he did not notice. "I feel fantastic I am not trying to get myself hurt I am just being myself that's all. "
Lily looked at him her eyes had tears in them. "yourself i scary i felt like i could loose you again." she said softly then out of the corner of her eyes she noticed Jordan. she quickly whipped her eyes and cleared her throat as she turned to Jordan with a smile "hello jordan"
Namir took her hand and kissed the back of it as she squealed with delight and sat down. Namir slipped his arm around her Lily's lower back. "I hear you are my biggest fan. It is nice to know that my reputation has carried all the way to here. "
((Did you want me to play Jordan))

Lily sat next to Namir and tried to look happy. But what happen before still bugged her. How could it not.
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