To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily didn't care about his joke. all she cared about was that he was here, with her. She kissed his lips then gently she kissed his face and neck then returning to his lips. Lily pulled back slowly her eyes still held tears in them. She didn't know what to say she just stared at him.
"Now whats this i hear about you making a friend? I was locked away to be hung and you are out making friends with the locals? " He chuckled kissing her again he was so happy he just wanted to make her forget this whole incident ever happened.
"oh you mean jordan? Docis wanted someone to sit with me all day, but i wasn't in the mood, so i promised her she could meet" she kissed "i think she is your biggest fan"
"I see is she cute? " He laughed he had not looked at another woman since she had met him but he figured now that they where married he could push the occasional joke in on her. "Maybe we can bring her back with us. "
"hey, isn't one woman enough for you." Lily put her hands on her hips and stared at him. She was a little surprised when he joked with her, she wasn't sure he would be in the mood to smile an joke after what he went through
Namir smiled and leaned down kissing her cheek smiling brightly. "One woman no only one Lily will be more then enough. " He kissed her neck softly smiling biting her neck lightly before closing his eyes and laying against her resting softly.
Lily sighed happily. She was so glad to have him back in her arms "Namir when will we be returning home" she questioned softly. She couldn't wait to get back and start their lives together as husband and wife
"The day after tomorrow we will be leaving in the morning. Tomorrow we are going to dinner with the king he wants to congratulate me for my freedom. " He smiled and kissed her deeply passionately. "I am so sorry i have not kissed you in 2 weeks. I will find a way to make it up to you. "
"that will be nice having dinner with king" Lily was shocked that the king would want to dine with them, she figured he would want to return home as soon as possible. Lily kissed Namir back deeply before pulling away and makes a cute pouty face "i did not like having you not here to kiss"
"What i need to do is get someone who can kiss you when I am not able. Is that friend of yours available? " He smirked and covered his head fully expecting to get smacked for his yet again dirty joke. These last 2 weeks as caused him to revert slightly to the way he was when he first left this country slightly perverted and womanizer
Lily pushed him away from her "well perhaps maybe i need to go find a man who doesn't want to see his wife kissing someone else" She makes a face at him
"Oh if you ever kissed another man i would kill him. " Smiling kissing her neck before moving to lay on the bed he was starting to drift off almost instantly on the comfortable bed. "I am sorry i suppose my jokes are truly in poor taste. "
"well yes i suppose they are seeing is how you still have not asked for you wedding ring back" Lily had worn it on her necklace since the day Docis gave it to her for safe keeping. It rest at her breast, near her heart"
He glanced at his finger realizing he had not done that his face turned red and he felt terrible. " I was not used to wearing it yet... so my hand did not yet feel naked with out it, is there any way you can forgive me. " He looked up at her crawling over to the edge of the bed the sad look on his face told her how sorry he actually was.
Lily laid down on the bed next to him. "i don't know...." she said in a teasing fashion. She wanted to make him smile, she wanted them to be happy agin
He pulled her close kissing her neck closing his eyes his body giving up the strong facade that he been putting up. His body growing weak and he wanted to go to sleep and he did so slightly. "Sweet dreams my love. "
Lily stayed awake watching him. She played with his ring that was on her necklace. She fell a sleep as she watched. Sleeping into the next morning. it was the first time since all that had happen that she got a good nights rest.
Namir took a deep breath as he woke up he thought for a moment he was back in jail. Then he felt the bed gripping his body and the beautiful woman laying next to him. He gripped her lightly pressing his lips against her spin. He was so happy to be back with her again.
Lily started to wake as he kissed her spine. She sighed softly and her eyes began to open. Lily slowly to turn over and saw that he was a wake "good morning" she said softly
He lifted to her pressing his lips against hers beginning again his morning ritual of kissing her passionately. He held her close his hands on her sides as he kissed her deeply.
Lily knew what was coming when he began to move closer to her. She had missed him kissing her every morning. Lily wrapped her arms around her neck kissing him back deeply.
There first passionate kiss since they had been married. Namir wanted so badly to be with her but he knew with what was coming today that it would not be good to make love before. "So lunch with your friend and the a bath and then dinner with the king. Going to be an interesting day. "
"yes it is as fun as it may be i can't wait to be home again. then we can celebrate our marriage like we planned." Lily kissed him again then laid back against the pillow. She wanted him so bad, but not in this place, she didn't want there first time to be part of this horrible experience
"So lets get you in the bath then. " He smiled standing taking off all his cloths waking into the connected bath drawing some water to warm. He leaned against the door completely nude watching her with a vibrant smile.
Lily saw him get out of bed and began to strip. She looked him over making sure there was no deep wounds or anything he was hiding from her. She then rose from the bed and took off all her clothes. the wound on her stomach as healing but it was still. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him.
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