To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily stopped her pacing look at the floor thinking about what Docis said "i hope your right" she said softly as she once again took a seat. She had only been a way from Namir for a couple of hours but she already want to run to check on him. but it made he feel a little better that the kings guard was with him
"Now I am going to go get you some food and your going to right down your sizes. I cant have Namir's wife running around looking like a boy. Every size don't be shy and don't down size." He chuckled turning and leaving the room telling someone that no one enters that room but him. There was no response but the sound of foot steps moving down the hall.
Lily sighed and wrote down her sizes. Looking at the sheet of paper one would think she might have written down a size smaller than she really but in fact she wrote down a size bigger, she always thought she looked to skinny even though she ate what she wanted. but at this point eating was not something she wanted anything to do with.
Soon Docis came back with a large tray of food setting it down on the bed with a smile he took the paper then looked at her. Knowing these where not right but there was little he could do he knew nothing about woman's cloths except that they looked better on the floor. "I will be back shortly don't leave the room i still need to look you over. " He moved even faster this time and made his way to the cities finest tailor and ordered him to rush out a some nice cloths for her.
Lily sighed softly as she took only a few bites of food before moving the tray away. She thought it almost funny that he told her night to go anywhere, she didn't know anyone or anything here, where was she to go. she didn't even know how to get to the prison where Namir being kept
About 2 hours later Docis returned with a large package full of clothing for her he smiled setting down next to her. "Okay before you put this on lets get you cleaned up and checked out where all were you injured?"
Lily pulls back her hair to show him a nasty cut on her forehead but that didn't seem to worry her. The she showed him her leg which still had a deep gash in it. Both wounds were bad, and still bleed, but they didn't seem to worry her. Lily paused and then lifted up her shirt to show him her lower stomach were he womb would be. It had a deep cut and was bruised. She hid this wound from both namir and the doctor "what if i can't have a baby now because of this."
"Them you and Namir will grow old and happy spending every night trying. Sounds like a good life to me. " He smiled and helped her to her feet leading her into the bathroom. He heated water and filled the bath tub with cool water. "Go ahead and get those cloths off. I'm going to take care of those wounds after we get you cleaned up. If you don't clean them out soon your going to get infections. "
Trying to have a child was not what she thought of a good life she thought it could present stress to there marriage. She sighed and climbed into the bath after he was gone. She washed herself and then dried herself off remembering the times namir would join her in the bath. She came out where a loose fitting dress.
Docis laid her down and gave her a very stiff drink. He moved quickly to stitch up each wound to leave the smallest scar possible. He took great care to look over her body as he checked her stomach. "The cut did not hit anything important if you cant have children it wont be because of this blow. "
Lily closed her eyes as docis worked. As he stitched she felt some pain but tried not make a sound even though a few times she whimpered. She breathed a sigh of relief when he said the blow did not real damage "oh thank god"
"Now you get some sleep if Namir finds out i let you worry yourself to death ill be the one hanging from the rope. " He did not think that his woulds would offend he was used to dark humor with Namir. He looked at her worried as he knew the timing and the company where not the best for that joke.
Lily at first was going to protest but her body was in need of rest. His joke was not the best but she knew he was just trying to lighten the mood. Lily smiled at him "thank you docis, for everything"
Docis moved to lay on the couch across the room watching the young woman sleep. Deep down he was as scared as she was but years of bad things happening around him had hardened his facade.
Lily got comfortable as she could. it was the first night in some time she did not sleep beside Namir. Her eyes closed and she fell a sleep, but it was a restless sleep tossing and turning all night long. Her dreams filled of images of Namir in pain. Causing to cry in her sleep
The next morning a lovely young woman work Lily from her sleep with a tray of food. "Lady Lily? Docis sent me to take care of you while he is away for the day. He said he was attending the great bard Namir. "Her face lit up talking about him having loved music her whole life the thought of being so close to him made her happy. Since it was his first visit to their nation.
Lily finally was able to get an hour of true sleep before she was woken. At first was afraid of the girl not knowing who she was but then realized that docis had sent her. Lily sat up why would Docis not take her to see her husband. "thank you, did Docis say when he would return?"
"No miss he said Namir was having some difficulties with the government and he was going to help him straighten them out. He just told me to make sure your taken care of. " She moved to set in a small chair near the door smiling brightly hoping Namir would be performing in town having no clue what was actually happening.
Lily sighed. Maybe by some miracle when Docis returned he would have Namir with him. Her hand folder across her lap her head hung down. It looked as though she praying. Praying for the safe return of her beloved husband.
The girl saw Lily praying and felt awkward she sat silently. She was trying to figure out just what was wrong with her but decided not to ask. Her mind lost in thought as she sat there quietly.
Lily looked over the girl and bite her lip lightly she was trying think of a nice way for her to tell the girl to get out. Lily was in no mood to have some girl hanging around all day. "ummm i'm sorry i don;t know your name, but umm, you don't have to sit there all day. i am sure you have other things you would like to do with your time"
"I am working that's why I am here Docis is paying for me to be here. He said i am to give you someone to talk to and help you relax. Do you want anything?" She smiled not wanting to be sent away hoping that Docis would be coming back with Namir and she would get to meet him. " OH my name is Jordan!"
Lily sighed softly trying to think of a way to get the girl to leave "Docis was just being protective of me is all, as you can see i am fine. SO why don't you go enjoy the day and i won't tell docis that you left me alone, so you have a whole by yourself and you are getting paid for it."
She lowered her head sadly she did not want to leave she wanted to meet Namir."And what happens when he gets back and finds me not here?" She took a deep breath not wanting to leave."I promise i wont get in the way. "
"i will think of something to tell him why you are not here, you don't have to worry about that." Lily said with a smile but then noticed the girl looked sad. "Why do you want to stay here so bad? i mean there is nothing to do"
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