To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily for the first time since they were captured a smile crossed her lip "the boy at the house in the morning, i asked the baker to make all sorts of sweets for you and i have food being delivered, i asked the boy to there to help arrange it because i knew we would not want to to much for a couple of days. He will no we never came home, and he will tell docis."
"Then lets home that he does and that Docis brings everything that England has to offer. We will need it though it will mean calling in and handing out some iou's. "He squeezed her lightly his eyes now locked on the door almost willing it to stay shut he was certain in this state he could not defend her.
"i trust the boy, he will come, and docis is a very smart man he will know to bring more help" Lily took a deep breath, she hoped in two days or so they could be on there home, and start there new life off right. She knew only one thing she was not going to let him die.
Namir closed his eyes the stress and pain was taking his its tole. He was exhausted and his head was pounding he buried his face in her neck again and squeezed her tight to his chest. " As long as we are on this boat they wont harm me. I just hope we have some issues at sea and have delays. "
Lily sighed softly, she hoped that they were delayed it would give docis and the other a chance to get here. "my head hurts i think i am going to close my eyes for a little while, you should do the same." she said softly
She was to late to tell Namir to get some rest he was already drifting off to sleep against her skin. He sighed sadly as his dreams came quickly and where dark and ominous. He was certain he had only days left to live.
Lily fell into a deep sleep. her body was just to worn out. But with her head injury it was not the best thing for her to sleep so deeply, she may not have waken from her sleep.
Namir woke the next day to heavy boots on the wood outside the cell. Namir slipped from behind her and stood to guard her. No words where said as the door burst open and Namir was jabbed in the stomach by the end of a broom. When he doubled over the 2 men outside the door grabbed him and drug him from the cell. The doctor yelling in protest was ignored except to order him to close the door to the cell.
When the cell door open lily woke up just in time to see Namir get hit in the stomach and be pulled from the room. She leapt up forgetting about her injury's and lunged after him making it out the door before the doctor has a chance to close it. "let him go!" she reached one of the men that had him and punched the man as hard as she could.
The doctor grabbed her and pulled her back into the cell the pair falling as he did. His timing was fortunate as the man she hit had turned the back hand her with a closed fist. As the pair fell back it missed her by inches and the pair drug Namir out onto the ships deck binding him to the mast. "Don't go after him they will kill you just to spite him. Let me handle this you stay in here. " The doctor looked at her standing up moving to the door keeping himself between her and the door.
Lily was shocked when the doctor grabbed her, before she knew it she was on the cell floor. she went to get up when the doctor to her they will kill. She remained where she was but if the doctor was not able to help she would help her husband
The doctor ran up to the deck and yelled for them to stop. The only words she could hear in her sell was stop it right now. But he never stopped yelling he yelled constantly for nearly an hour. A little over an hour from their rude wake up the doctor drug Namir's lifeless body into the area in front of the cell. He began working quickly as Namir looked as though he had been ran over by a pack of horses.
Lily heard the man yelling, but it seemed as though it had been over an hour of the doctor screaming at the men before she say the doctor again. When he came back he had namir with him, but he was not moving and looked as though he had been beaten "oh my god namir!" she rushed to his side, gently touching his face but being careful not to get int he doctors way.
The doctors hands moved quickly making sure Namir had no broken bones. He did not but he had bruises over most of his body and his face looked terrible. It was swollen and bleeding though they where small cuts they where on hard edges his eyebrows, cheeks, the places a man would expect to get cut in a fight. Soon the doctor had stabilized him as best he could and drug him into the cell. He looked at the wounded woman and shook his head. "I did everything i could im sorry. " With that he turned and went to work he had more work to do apparently one of the knights hurt his hand on Namir's face.
Lily sat by namir. She had nothing that could help him. her only hope was that he woke up. She was so lost. Why would they do this, it was pointless
Several hours later Namir woke with a loud groan his whole body hurt and when he tried to move it felt like he was being crushed. He opened his eyes wide and the only thing he said was. "Lily" So soft he could she could barely hear it he was terrified that while beating him they where hurting her.
Lily had almost fallen a sleep sitting next to him. SHe struggled to to keep her eyes open. Lily sat next to him keeping watching as he lay there. The his eyes open and he called for her "shh i'm right here, you just rest" she put her hand on his cheek to let him know everything was ok.
Namir reassured she was okay blacked back out and rested the remainder of the night. The doctor managed to keep them away from the wounded couple. Namir never let Lily out of his sight all he wanted to do was bee close to her he was certain he did not have long to do that. He took a deep breath relaxing groaning softly. This was not how he saw their first week together.
Lily never left his side. She slept with her body pressed again him making sure he was not taken from her in the middle of the night. She knew marriage was not prefect but she never thought in all her wildest dreams this would happen to them.
For the course of the next 7 days the pair was left alone. Given meager food to say the least mainly bread and water. Namir only spoke when she spoke to him as his spirit seemed to be broken he was back in his mind to the day his wife died.
For seven days there have been nothing but silence between them and it was driving her mad. How could he just give up and shut down on her. Finally she had enough "namir, i know this seems hopeless but you can give up like this, Docis i am sure is right behind us, and we should keep our hope alive because if we don't then they win."
"I have not given up. I am plotting the man they charge with my deference will be a damned fool. I need to think of a way out of this myself. " He spoke softly kissing her neck lightly his words where short but he was trying to be sweet.
"i could defend you, Namir. My grandfather was lawyer and he let me read some of his books, but you have to tell me what you did and why you did it." This was the first lily ever spoke about her family other than her father, or her past other than her life on the farm. But she did truely want to help him
"Lily I hope i can spare you the horrors of my past. I would much rather you not know how my wife died. I will defend my self as best i can. " He hugged her tight again closing his eyes as the memories of that night washed back over him he could see the events of that night as real as he could feel her. It terrified him.
"but i can't just sit by and do nothing, your my husband." she wrapped her arms around him. Lily's head buried into his shoulder. "and i will not think any differently of you because your past, your past is just that, in the past."
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