To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

After 2 hours Namir had had enough. He wanted nothing more to do with this party he smiled and stood. Giving the crowd a rousing thank you speech before politely making the pairs excuses and said good bye. Smiling he lead his new wife from the tent and over to the stable where a nice carriage was waiting to take them home. He helped her inside before stepping in closing the door and moving to her side. With in moments he had her on her back her legs wrapped around his waist on the bench seat. He smiled before giving her the most passionate kiss he had ever given any one.
Lily smiled as they said there goodbyes and made a dash to the stables. Where she climbed into the carriage he had waiting. She was about to tell him how she was and how perfect to day was when he kissed her deeply. She kissed him back very very passionately.
The pair sped along in the cart kissing each other passionately Stephen was grinding his waist into her firmly. Namir was lost in the moment he did not hear the driver scream. A loud thud woke him from his trance and caused him to set up. "What was tha..." Before he could react the carriage turned hard to the right sending him flying from the cart as it rolled onto his side. Namir screamed in pain as his arm wrapped itself around a tree snapping it in the middle of his forearm.

A group of ten men clad in black plate armor swarmed over the carriage and Namir finding him one kicked him hard in the head knocking him out could. Namir was almost grateful for the blow it removed his pain but the last thing he saw was a symbol he last saw the night he 'died'. Three of the men grabbed his lifeless body and drug it over to a small wagon with a cage in the back tossing him inside. The remainder stood swords drawn guarding them as the gathered there things.
Lily could not wait until they got home and the driver was going to slow for her taste. But then the driver screamed and before she knew what was happening Namir was thrown from the carriage on the left Lily went down with the carriage screaming horriably as she was tossed around like a rag doll. Lily was knocked out for a moment. and when she came to her head was bleeding pretty badly, her leg was gashed open almost to the bone. She most have caught it on something. Lily was all brusied and bloody as she stumbled away from the fallen carriage. She saw the men but she didn't know what was going on.
Namir laid looking dead against the floor of the cage. The guards saw the woman and had a decision to make would they leave a witness? They where ordered to leave none that explained the impaled driver on the front of the carriage. None of them wanted to kill the woman especially not in her wedding dress. One walked over putting his sword away he grabbed the stunned woman and took her over to the cell. He threw her in hard her head hitting the bars doing the same thing for her they had done for Namir, relieving her pain by rendering her unconscious.
Lily eyes filled with tears as she took her first few steps the pain in her leg and head were unbearable. then before she knew it she grabbed and flung at full force into a cell bashing her head against the cell bars. send her crashing to the floor in a crumpled bloody mess.
Namir woke the next morning on a what he thought was the floor of a boat. His arm had been sealed in plaster and he could not remember why. His cloths had been removed except for his boxers and he was wet and cold. His arm hurt more then he could explain he hoped they had set it properly but in the cast he could not tell. This was the second most pain he had ever been in he hoped that the final result would be the same. Though the fact he was assaulted and now on a boat... He knew where they where going and he knew it meant his death. Laying next to him was the form of his wife laying there seemingly lifeless he hair matted from blood her clothing gone she was completely nude. Namir looked around for a blanket and found only one small tattered blanket. He used it to cover her nude form hoping that the men on this ship had not done anything to her. He did not know that they men from the ship had not been allowed below decks sense they brought them on board. The doctor was a good man and refused to allow harm to come to either of them. His compassion has spared her and saved Namir's life at least for now.
Lily moaned softly in pain as he eyes began to flutter open. She tried to sit up but the pain from her head and leg wound were to much and laid down with a cry. She noticed though that she did not feel blood running from her leg or head and someone must have bandage them. She turned to see her husband there beside "namir" she whimpered softly "whats going on"
Namir moved to lay down his arm laying away from her hoping she would not see the cast. He wanted to be strong for her he wanted her to feel safe with him. He put his hand on her stomach to keep her body laying down next to him. "It would appear my past has finally caught up to me. I think i saw the colors of my former nation on those mens armor. It would appear we are returning there ... for my trial and execution. " He spoke softly so only she could hear him.
Lily couldn't believe what he was telling her. She began to shake her head which only caused blood to once again seep from her head wound. "what no, they can't, i will stop them some how, i can't loose you." her eyes began to seep tears like her head began to seep blood.
Stephen quickly moved to secure the bandage on her head again looking at her. "Stop struggling your going to hurt yourself more. " He spoke softly holding her still she could feel the cast against her shoulder as he held her tight.
Her skin already looked paler do to blood lose. "i don't care, if what you are saying is true and these men are here to kill you then i want to die with you. If i can't have you in life then damn it i will have you death." she tried to kiss him but couldn't reach
"No matter what happens to me your not allowed to die. It would be the worst feeling in the world if i was the cause of your death. " He poke softly as the doctor reentered the room they where locked in pausing surprised they where awake. Namir started to move to defend her but seeing the doctors medical kit he stayed still. "Doctor... Your wasting your time on me but she needs your attention. And some cloths!" He spoke the last part sternly he was not happy that she was laid there nude.
"well if i am not allowed to die, then you are certainly not allowed. thats the deal." Lily heard the door open and was nervous when she say the man enter. was he here to take namir. No he was here to help them but namir did not want doctor to help him. Lily shook her head again making more blood run. "no help him"
Namir placed his hand over her mouth to keep her from arguing the matter. "No doctor fix her she is bleeding from the head. " He took a long slow deep breath he looked at her watching her eye." He has fixed whats wrong with me I am worried about you. " He gripped her cheeks lightly telling her she was not allowed to argue.
Lily was going to argue some more when he placed his hand over her mouth. Namir was serious about getting her fixed. She would allow the doctor to help her, but then she would argue again once the doctor was done with her to have him help Namir.
Namir moved slowly to his feet limping badly as the doctor knelt down to work. Namir looked down feeling the pain in his leg he shook his head seeing the bruise that stretched from his mid calf to his mid foot. He had badly sprained his ankle that was for certain. He watched the doctor carefully watching his hands making sure he did not try anything now that he was awake. Slowly and nervously Namir paced trying to ignore the pain in his foot.
Lily sighed as she let the doctor work. Although he was trying to help her it was still painful. and it showed in her purple eyes. she tried to take her mind off the pain "sir, thank you for your help, but can you tell me what is going, i mean if what my husband says is true, why would you try to heal us?"
The doctor looked at her taking a deep breath wondering just what was going on. He spoke softly as he glanced at them both putting his things away and digging out a pair of shorts and a shirt for her to wear. "This is not their ship. They told us they where taking a prisoner back to their nation. He did not tell us who or that there would be a woman here. I do not support their capture but I am certain they have their reasons. I will heal any injured person who sets foot on this boat as best i can. What happens when they leave ... i can not control. " Namir moved over and slipped his arms around Lilly pulling her back to his chest he made sure to keep the sheet over her form. "Doctor... Thank you for taking care of my wife. I hope they allow your ship to return her home. " The doctor nodded and stood preparing to leave.
Lily rested against Namir "thank you sir." she said softly. She took the shirt he had given her and slipped it on the best she could. it was long, it came down to her knees she was grateful because she was not sure that she would be able to get the shorts on with her leg the way it was.
Stephen wrapped his arm and his clubbed hand around her holding her close pushing his back against the wall. They had not even been allowed a day as husband and wife before he had gotten her into trouble. " I am sorry Lily ... i should not have gotten you into this... I should have never continued singing. " He hung his head weeping he did not know what he was going to do. He only knew he was going to be in trouble once the ship landed.
Lily wrapped her arms around him "if you didn't continue singing we would have never met, we wouldn't be living in such a wonderful town. You have to trust me we will fix this somehow." she lifted his head up and kissed him "i mean i finally married you, i will not loose you now."
Namir pressed his face into Lily's neck he wanted to sit there and hold her for ever. She could feel his tears falling against her shirt he was silently crying. He knew he was going to die the men who captured him had assured that when he dissapeared he was just delaying until now. Namir wanted to be strong for her but he could not. He was going back to a place he never wished go, a place he would never hear.
"now lets think" she tried to be the reasonable one, when she was very very afraid. "would docis know what happen when he saw the carriage" she asked softly, right now docis was there only hope.
Namir took a long deep breath steeling his nerves. "Docis wont be to the house for at least 2 days. Our only hope is that the boy who takes care of the horses did not make plans to be away. If he gave the horses loads of food... Then it will be 3 days before anyone knows we are gone... Docis ... Docis knows where i am from he will look for me there i just hope he thinks to bring help because they will ignore the requests of one man. "
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