To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily was shocked when he took her head and placed it in his pants. But she gave his hard member a few gentle squeeze. before pulling her hand away "you should be leaving this house so i can get ready without you seeing me, you know it is bad luck"
He smiled moving to the edge of the bed taking her hands kissing her cheek." Are you going to get ready here and ride to the church or are you going to get ready there? " He watched her face as he stood he intended on getting ready at the hotel across the street from the church. Where his friends from London where staying.
"i was going to do some getting ready here, and some getting ready in the church." Lily would bath and get her makeup and her hair ready at there home, then dress in the church where her gown was. She would spend most the of the day alone, since she really did not have any friends since she spent so much time on the farm taking care of her father.
Namir nodded giving her another kiss before he went into the closet to grab his things. He smiled brightly as he moved to bed getting dressed standing next to the bed. "I will see you at the alter my love. " He smiled kissing her again grabbing his things and moving down stairs to go to the barn.
Lily climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom and began running the tub. She filled it with special oils designed to make her smell prefect for today. She soaked in the tub for about 30 mins before climbing out and doing her make up very simply, but it was elegant. Then she did her hair half of it up in soft ringlets the other half long with curls. She left the house shortly after that heading to the church where to put on her wedding gown and waited until she was told it was time.

As lily waited though she began to feel sad. She wished her father was here with her. To see how happy she was, and to see what a wonderful she was marring. What she missed most of all was there was no one to give her away.
Docis knocked on the door about an hour after Namir left. He smiled and stood at the door he had promised her father to take care of her and promised Namir to make sure her day went flawlessly.

In town Namir sat in the hotel getting ready taking a long hot bath making sure he was ready for the day. His hair pushed back over his ears but left to its own devices from there. He slowly got dressed they still had a few hours before the wedding would start. He could hear the people outside the hotel entering the church. He had made many many friends over the years and most of them choose to be here with him on this day.
Lily was puzzled when she heard the knock at the door to the dressing room at the church. She knew it was a little to early to start the wedding. Now she was worried that maybe Namir was backing out, that he really wasn't ready. She slowly rose and answered the door. "hello docis" she said with a soft smile, Her eye however were not smiling she was trying to push back tears "i didn't expect to see you hear, i thought you would be across the street with Namir, is everything ok."
"I ... Wanted to ask your permission to walk you down the isle. As a gift to both you and Namir... And to your father. I know I am not your fathers age but given another course of events i am old enough to be your father. " He chuckled he was nearly forty and had been friends with Namir for nearly 10 years Namir knew his beloved wife would be a bit nervous about everything and wanted someone to keep her calm. Who better than his best friend and the man that had kept his head level for so many years.
Lily smiled again she was very happy with Namir's offer. He had spent so much time with father, and he father did trust him and like him. Plus he knew her so she felt more comfortable "i would love that, but Docis don't you want to be with Namir, i mean i know he is your best friend i figured you want to enjoy the day with him."
He chuckled and gave her a soft hug before pulling away leaning against the wall. "Namir has many friends to keep him company today. I thought perhaps you could use one. " He smiled and winked at her knowing how she had been hesitant to meld with the towns people. Across the road Namir was getting nervous he was just as nervous for this wedding as he was his first. He smiled thinking about the pair and how well they would have gotten along.
Lily hug him tight when he said he wanted to stay here with her "Thank you docis you have no idea how much i could use a friend right now" she let him go taking a deep breath. She was starting to get a little nervous now. "Docis what if i am not a good wife."
"Nothing to worry about Namir will be a terrible husband. So the pair of you can be horrible together. " He chuckled he knew that it would be completely opposite but he wanted to make her laugh to try to calm her. Namir walked around the hotel room shirtless trying to stay calm pacing talking to friends singing quietly to himself.
"that didn't help much" she gave him a small smile and started to pace the room. Her hand played with the necklace he had given her when he returned to her farm after her father had past.
Docis smiled as she played with the necklace he had requested be made. He smiled and watched her pace as time drew near he smiled and got her calm and ready for the event. Namir and his group groomsmen stood at the alter speaking quietly as Namir's band began to play the match. He smiled as Docis walked her down and stared deeply into her eyes even threw the vale for the entire proceeding.
Lily drew a deep breath as she began to walk to her soon to be husband. Her eyes locked on his and for a while it seemed like he was the only other person in the room. Lily walked to the alter as the music stopped. she just smiled at Namir. her heart racing.
Namir held her hands as the priest married them his eyes never leaving her's. He seemed to hold his breath the entire time until the priest made him speak. When he did Namir took a breath and smiled giving her hand soft reassuring squeezes from time to time to make sure she knew how he felt.
Lily held his hand tight through the whole ceremony. Her eyes never leaving his. When he squeezed her hand she squeezed his back as silent past between the couple. Then came the moment that she had been waiting for the priest told Namir to kiss the bride and she knew now he was hers forever.
Namir pulled her slightly roughly to him wrapping his arms around her tightly kissing her deeply passionately. He was finally with the woman he loved in nearly every way possible. He groaned not from pleasure of the kiss but from the fact that he wanted to take her home and rip her cloths from her body. Though he could not they still had a reception to go to and he was not happy about that. He would have to find a way to get the pair our early as his parties tended to end around noon the next day.
Lily smiled as she kissed him back, she wrapped her arms around his neck. There first kiss as husband and wife. She was so happy. she pulled away and whispered in his ear "i love you. I can wait till we can go home" she then kissed his ear teasingly.
"Keep talking like that and we might not wait." He grinned and leaned in nipping her neck lightly before leading her form the church and out into the massive tent they had set up just down the road. No place in town had a large enough dining hall and dance floor so Namir had a tent made just for this occasion. He supposed it would be broken down tomorrow into the sail's of a couple small boats.
Lily giggled at his comment. She walked with him down the road. the tent was huge and could be seen for miles. It was then that she realized her husband knew a lot of people. She also realized that knowing this many people he has surely met a lot of women, and of all the women he had meet, he choose her.
Namir seemed to completely be lost in the moment he lead her out onto the dance floor for their first dance. He wanted some time with her before dinner. "I am glad that your the last women i will ever hold in my arms. " He spoke softly kissing her cheek, he rested his face in the nape of her neck as they danced slowly surrounded by friends.
"I am glad you choose me to be the last woman you hold in your arms" she whispered softly in his ear. Her head rested on his shoulder as he moved her around the floor. She hummed softly a long with the music. She almost couldn't wait to be home with him, just enjoying each on there prefect day
Soon the food was ready and Namir led her up to the platform where they would eat. He smiled happily as he held her hand as they took a drink of wine together and thanked the crowed. He smiled as they ate and talked with friends who came up to speak to them. Gratuitously accepting all the peoples well wishes and gifts. It seemed as though they would never need to buy anything ever again.

(Hmmm do i allow us to make love the on this perfect day or do i add even more drama?)
(both are fine with me, so depends on what you want)

Lily took a seat beside her husband. Eating her meal and stopping when well wishers came up to them. Lily only knew a hand full of them. But it didn't stop her from saying thank you and being very kind to them as if she had known them as long as Namir did.
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