To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Namir smiled pulling away standing slowly pulling her to her feet. He smiled leading her up stairs slowly leading her to the bathroom where he drew a bath. He stripped quickly and moved over to her side kissing her neck lightly. "One last day then we can do what ever we like when ever we like. "
Lily followed him to bathroom. She smiled when he kissed her neck. She could not wait for this day to be over. she was very excited to just enjoy some time with man she loved. The couple bathed and dressed for the day. and were quickly on the road again.

The day was not as hot as yesterday so there was less running back and forth dealing with water. but there still were minor problems. The day moved swiftly and before Lily knew it she was on stage with Namir about to sing the final song for the day.
Namir smiled and pulled out a chair setting her down he smiled telling her this was a solo song. His eyes never left her's as he moved around the stage. He sung as if he was standing on his front porch singing just to her only louder. It was a slow deeply romantic song about a man who once felt lost but had recently found a reason to live. He smiled as he took her hand at the end of the song his eyes staying locked on her's. "Ladies and gentleman, thank you all for coming to the opening of my theater. I am looking forward to performing for you all again. " His hand fiddled into his pocket and pulled out quickly. Namir smiled as he looked into Lily's eyes. " Today was the last time i will ever sing alone. From here on i will be performing only duets. " He dropped to one knee looking up into her eyes. "That is if you will have me Lily will you be my wife?" He smiled holding her hand slipping a beautiful white gold ring onto her finger. A large diamond surrounded by six small Amethysts that matched her eyes perfectly.
Lily watched him sing. She had never heard the song before she knew it would quickly become one of the crowds favorites. Her eyes never left him even has he address the crowd with his good byes. but he forehead wrinkled when he said this would be his last performance. That expression was quickly washed away by one of sheer joy and shock. Her eyes welled with tears as she shook her head yes accepting his hand.
The crowd was filled cheers as all inside envied at least one of the pair on the stage. Stephen stood and kissed her more passionately then he had ever done before. Much to the joy of the crowd who screamed and cheered as Stephen held her tight.
Lily wrapped her arms around him tightly. Kissing him back deeply. through all the excitement she had forgotten the crowd was there, her cheeks turned red when she saw them and quickly took his hand and pulled him back stage kissing him once they were alone. Even though she was happy tears streamed down her face. this was the prefect moment.
Stephen backed her threw the hall of cheering performers. All proud of them once they had reached their dressing room Stephen pushed her into the room still kissing her deeply. He locked the door behind him and pushed her over to the couch before breaking the kiss. Looking into her eyes his filled with fire, passion, and lust. He wanted to be with her completely but he was not certain she would want him to break his promise. He stood there staring at her catching his breath.
Lily stumbled through the hall lily's lips never leaving his. SHe was glad when they were inside the dressing room and the door was locked. As he pushed her to the couch she fell back on to it. Her eyes looking at him "i can't believe you want to marry me, i feel like i am in a dream." She wanted so badly to break her promise but she hoped he did not want a long engagement so they could enjoy there wedding night sooner rather than later.
Stephen moved to kneel between her legs kissing her deeply laying her on the couch. He groaned softly as he broke the kiss to speak his hands taking hers giving them a soft squeeze. "I wanted to propose to you from the moment i walked into your house after your father passed. I had a plan for it the entire time. I wanted to maintain the surprise. This promise is getting to be nearly impossible to keep!" He growled as he kissed and nibbled on her neck his body screaming for her.
Lily's hands gripped his tight. As his kissed and nibbled her neck she made soft sounds of enjoyment. "i know my body wants you so bad, and i don't even know why. its like my body knows what wants even if i don't" she was a stranger to love making "lets get married soon, a week from today, hows that? is that long enough for you?"
Stephen chuckled kissing her softly biting her lip. "I could go find the priest tonight if you wanted. "He laughed winking at her setting up slowly if he stayed in that position he would not be able to contain himself. "A week is fantastic. " He smiled still holding her hands looking at her taking a deep breath.
"ok then a week" she smiled happily kissing his cheek. "i love you so much and i can't wait to be your wife." a soft smile played on her hips "lets go home and celebrate"

(if you wanted to move time to the day of the wedding go right a head)
Stephen took her home and carried her up to the bedroom laying her down on the bed stripping down slowly. He took a deep breath before helping her strip down kissing her softly laying down next to her. He smiled holding her hand up showing off the ring he spent so much time picking out. It looked perfect on her finger.

(not just yet :p)
(ok, i didn't know if you wanted to get to the fun stuff sooner hehe)

Lily wrapped her arms around him as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom they shared. As she laid her down she watched him strip and slowly began to take her own clothes off. she left her bra and panties on as just a tease from him. "the ring is so beautiful" she kissed his cheek.
"Only 1/10 as beautiful as the finger its on." He spoke softly pressing his lips into her panties before crawling into bed next to her. He groaned softly as the bed wrapped around him pulling the blankets up over their heads. He smiled slipping his arms around her looking into her eyes. "I am the luckiest man alive to know your mine!" He smiled reaching down squeezing her inner thigh the side of his hand rubbed against her lightly.
Lily blushed at his beautiful comment. As he crawled into bed she turned on her side, as he rubbed her thigh she moved her leg to drape over him. Her pantie clad womanhood almost touching his manhood. "i hope didn't push you into marrying me" she was worried because she knew he wanted to wait, and she didn't want to pressure him
Namir smiled pressing his lips into her's as he covered themselves up. He sighed happily wrapping his arms around her holding her tight. He loved her so much it made his heart burst with joy. He kissing her again softly before closing his eyes taking a deep breath. "You have not pushed me any more then i have pushed you. "
Lily smiled happy to hear she didn't push into marriage, but she knew he might tell her anyway if she did. But she trusted him not to lie. "i love you Namir, and to be honest i can't wait to be your wife." she kiseed before resting her head against the pillow.
They both slept late the next day the crept in and nearly half away before the pair woke. They spent the next week getting ready for the wedding. Namir held over many of his friends from around the nation as he wanted them be in his wedding. He made certain to bring anyone she could even think would want to come. He worked as hard on their wedding as he did on his theater he wanted every aspect to be perfect. He smiled the day before the wedding went quickly Namir was slightly nervous he wanted badly to the wedding perfect for her. He slept next to her smiling kissing her cheek.
The week went by quicker than lily thought. basically because she was so busy, arranging floors, food, and getting a dress (which she hid from Namir). Now was he wedding and she awoke the next morning before namir and just watched him sleep. In a few short hours he would be hers.
Namir took a long slow deep breaths as he slept holding her close he needed to rest before the long day they had planned. Slowly he woke turning to face her with a vibrant smile on his face. "Good morning love. " He smiled pressing his lips lightly into her's.
Lily smiled when he awoke, and kissed him back "good morning." she brushed some of his hair off of his forehead "you are you sure you want to marry me today, its not late if you want to run away" she teased him a little, hoping that he did not want to leave her.
He leaned in whispering into her ear. "Are you sure you wish to make love to me tonight? Its not to late to call off the wedding. " He smiled biting her neck firmly enough to leave a bite mark on her skin for several minuets. Stephen could not believe what he just said it was almost to good to be true. Tonight he was going to get to make love to her the woman he loved for the first time.
Lily yelped softly as he bite her neck, for one she wasn't expecting him to bite so she was surprised two it was a little painful but not bad. She pretended to be in thought for a moment before looking at him with an evil little smile "hmm your right perhaps i should run away"
Namir smirked looking at her taking her hand pushing it down his pants allowing her to hold him in all his morning glory. He stared into her eyes leaning in kissing her deeply groaning softly absolutely loving her hand around him. He pulled back looking into her eyes chuckling." I suppose you should I don't know if you would know what to do with that. "
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