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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

The theater was buzzing nearly 100 workers getting the building ready for use. Once he the arrived he smiled and dissmounted. As he steppped back and handed the rains them to a worker. He smiled looking at Lily before leading her around to the back into he back area of the theater. He smiled as the walked threw the massive halls filled with dozens of dressing rooms. "Shall we go to the stage? "
Lily looked over the building from the outside, it was clearly bigger than any other stage they had preformed in before. She dismounted her horse and followed him around the back. the hallway was filled with dressing rooms and she could imagine all the talented performers getting ready in them. "yes lets go see the stage you built."
Namir lead her onto the stage the floor of it bigger than the floor of most of the buildings they performed in. He smiled as the looked over the theater dozens of private boxers lined the top of the 3 story building. Hundreds of seats filled the large expanse inside the building. Namir smiled and walked out the middle of the stage a few feet from the edge. He smiled it had come a long way since he last stood here. All the seats now in place the building was nearly complete. Everything was going as scheduled.
Lily followed him to the stage. She was amazed by the sheer size of the stage area. there were so many seats and so many private boxes. "this is amazing Namir, its the biggest threater i have ever seen. And it is so beautiful."
He smiled looking at her turning around standing on the ledge of the stage. "It is the largest theater ever built. I am hoping that it will allow the worlds musicians a safe harbor in the world a place where music can bring all together. "He was starting to sound like a politician again. He was very excited to be have her on this stage. "Will you take the stage with me? Will you be there when i open this theater. It is only one performance a week until you no longer desire to be there. "
Lily smiled and moved closer to him "of i will here when you open the threater, that is something i would never miss." she kissed his cheek softly "and yes i will sing you, i have missed our performances together."

((Move time now???))
For the next few weeks Namir spent most of his time trying to get the theater ready trying to get everything ready for the grand opening. He begged for forgiveness every time he left her side for a more than an hour. He knew she would never be mad at him for spending a few hours at work but he still felt bad about not spending time with her. Every moment of his free time he spent with her either just laying around the house together or helping her learn the new songs and get ready for the theaters opening.

The last week before the opening was extremely hectic for them both Namir brought her along to meet all of the special guests. Dozens of nobles and royals from around western Europe. Namir had his wish his theater was a gathering place for the kings of every major country and it was not even open yet. Over the course of the week they met hundreds of performers and nobles it was all very draining for Namir. He had planned a 3 day event to open the theater each having only one performance in common. They would perform a short show each night to close the theater.

Namir had been to tired over the last week to spend much time doing anything but working on his theater. He felt terrible for neglecting Lily but this was a chaotic time for him. The last night Namir walked into the bedroom just after Lily crawled into bed. He moved slowly his shoulder slumped as he was tired and he needed to be up fairly early in the morning to get everything started.
Lily had taken noticed at how hard Namir was working. Although it was a bit lonely during the day she was very proud of Namir. She knew this was his dream and she would never stand in the way of his dreams.

Most days lily stated at home while he was working on his theater. She would spend the days cooking dinners for him when he returned. Or she would had her own little touches to an already beautiful home. She would also tend to the land and the barn since she was so use to doing that before she had lived here.

As namir crawled into bed the night before the concert Lily turned over. Her hand right away went to his back and shoulders and began to rub them "honey your so tense relax everything is going to be fine tomorrow"
Namir groaned softly and kissed her passionately No matter how busy he had been for the last weeks he never broke his promise to her. " I know my love 3 more days then i can start to relax. " He smiled kissing her cheek snuggling in close to her. "Are you excited?"
She rubbed him a little bit more before collapsing beside him holding him in her arms. "yes i am excited, i am excited to get up on stage again and preform. But i mostly excited for you, you finally get to see your dream become a reality. I could not be happier for you"
"I have my dream. Every thing about you is my dream. "He smiled looking into her eyes only 2 more days of living like this before he would propose to her. "Get some sleep we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. " He spoke softly as he drifted off into a deep exhausted sleep.
Lily smiled softly and kissed him on the cheek. She settled into a deep sleep. As the sun rose the next morning Lily arose from the bed before he walk up. She but on her robe and went downstairs to the kitchen. She wanted to make him a filling breakfast because she had a feeling he would probably not eat much today.
Stephen woke up about a half hour later groaning when she was not there for her good morning kiss. "That's just not nice!" He chuckled getting up going into the bathroom preparing a bath for them both he wanted them to look their best today. He smiled as he cleaned up and shaved taking the extra time to shave his groin he had not done so in far to long and it was starting to bother him.
Lily filled a large tray with eggs, bacon, bread, fruits and coffee. She carefully lifted the tray and head back upstairs. a few times she thought she was going to drop the food but to her relief she made it back the bedroom with out dropping anything. Lily was surprised when she found him not in bed "namir?" she called out as she set the food down on a small table in the corner.
"I am in the bath love what do you need?"She had caught him in the midst of his shaving and he looked rather silly half shaved. He smiled looking out into the room hoping he had time to finish before she got in. "Is everything okay? "He said working with a careful but quickened pace.
"everything is fine dear. I just didn't think you would be up before i returned to the bed room was all" she arranged the food while she still had time. Making sure he had a plate made with everything on it.
Namir finished cleaning quickly and drew another bath for her. Smiling as he dried off and headed out into the bedroom. His hands held the towel up high as he was drying his hair walking into the room still glistening slightly the occasional errant drop of water trickling down his nude form. "Thank you love you did not need to make me breakfast. " He smiled walking over kissing her lightly tossing the towel into the bathroom. He would put it away later. "There is a fresh bath ready for you when you are. " He smiled looking into her eyes setting on the edge of the bed.
"well i know you if i didn't bring you breakfast you probably would not eat much today" she took his plate and brought it over to him "so eat up" she kissed him. She then turned to take her clothes off. Her robe and night dress sliping from her shoulders landing in a puddle on the floor. She went to the bathroom and climbed into the bath he had run for her.
Namir ate slowly as he relaxed some trying to enjoy himself before the hectic day that was to come. He smiled it tasted quite good and it was sweet that she thought to make him a meal. As he finished the meal his mind began to race again. He wondered just what would go wrong he hoped it would not be anything to important. Slowly he moved into his closet and put on a dark blue suit. Taking his fine cloths for his performance out slipping them into a bag so he would have the for when he performed later today.
As Namir ate Lily bathed she enjoyed it much more when Namir joined her, but today was no day for that. Lily shaved her legs before she was finished in the bath. After her bath lily did her hair. she choose to wear a soft braid today, it made her look very elegant. While Namir was dressing lily slipped into her closest choosing a light blue dress for during the day and a elegant purple dress for the preformace. "you all set," she asked as she came out of the closet.
Namir nodded smiling kissing her cheek. "As ready as i can be that is. " He smiled pressing his lips into hers before leading her out and to the barn. He smiled as he looked at her and went in to grab 2 horses for them to ride into town. Helping her up onto her horse then getting up and leading her into town his nerves building rapidly and becoming slightly visible as his hands started to shake.
Lily kissed him back. she hoped everything went as planned for him today, and if it didn't she hope there was just small problems. She walked with out to the barn as he got the horse. Before she knew they were on there way into town. as they drew closer she could tell he was more nervous. "namir my love relax today is going to be fine, and i will be with all day so you won't be going through this alone."
Namir rode over taking her hand as the rode threw the town allowing her to keep him calm. He had a lot to deal with today, a lot of moving parts so to speak. It made him nervous to have nearly 20 performances today 30 tomorrow and 40 the day after. He would be extremely busy the next few days. Not to mention he would be proposing to her at the end of the last performance. He looked at her and smiled as he dismounted handing off his horse to a stable boy he hired for this event. He helped her down and into their massive dressing room that was nearly the size of their bedroom.
Lily held his hand tight as they rode through the town. She wanted him to relax, to enjoy all that he had created here. but she knew he would be stubborn about. As they entered the dressing lily was in shock "namir it is so big, please tell me others are sharing this room?"

((i don't know how you want to work this whole performance thing. IDK if you want to skip to day three or if you have something else planned, I don't care either its your show hehe))
Namir nodded and kissed her cheek walking her in making her comfortable. "Yes when i am not working this will be where i am, this is our dressing room. " He smiled kissing her cheek before making his excuses and leaving for the day. He dealt slowly with all the issues and problems that had propped up already so far nothing was to major. Mostly artists not liking the order he did his best to please everyone. He joined her for lunch but did not say much he was tired. Soon it was there turn and the pair took the stage to an applause that could be heard at their home. After a long performance they bowed and made there way home hours after the sun set. Stephen would need to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow his face showed his exhaustion.
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