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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily took some deep breaths as she came down off her orgasm. What he did to her made her feel wonderful. Her body felt like was on some strange different, more alive. Her juices stopped there flow as she began to relax feeling very happy in this moment.
Slowly Namir moved to up and laid next to her his hand resting on her best his thumb working the small pebble in a small circle. His foot lifted the blanket and covered the pair again. He had no plans for them today that could not be pushed back till later. He would give her all the time she needed to recover. "Did you enjoy your first orgasm? Was it everything you expected? "
Lily sighed softly as he moved closer to her. she had a new smile on her face, it was soft, but strong at the same time, but it made her look even more beautiful than she did before. She turned on her side. her head resting on his chest her hand moved to rest on his stomach "it was wonderful"
"I am glad you enjoyed it your more then welcome to that feeling when ever you want. Just let me know and i will be more than happy to give you one of those when ever you like. " He smiled kissing her softly his hand staying where it was on her breast still teasing it lightly. He smiled giving it a light pinch knowing she was likely still very sensitive.
Lily smiled and kissed his chest softly. "i won't be wanting anymore right this more i am just enjoying this moment" She was very happy, but a thought came across her mind, i thought she couldn't help to think even though she shouldn't. was his wife better than she was, was she prettier, better than she was with matters of pleasure. and mostly importantly did he love her more. her thoughts started to show on her face.
He looked into her eyes wondering what she was thinking about as the look of pleasure faded from her face. His thumb stopped looking working her his hand leaving her breast resting on her side. "Is something wrong my love? You look... troubled? " He held her close thinking she was missing her father.
Lily was still in thought when he asked her what was troubling her. It took her a moment to react and when she did so she did so without thinking so first "i was just worried if your wi umm...oh never mind, its foolish anyway. " she smiled up at him and kissed his chest again. was a bit nervous that he might figure out what she was going to say
"Wi? My wi... "He looked at her wondering silently before he felt he figured it out. He smiled at her kissing her lightly. " What about her?" He had felt this feeling when he was younger about his wife's ex boyfriends. So he knew exactly what she was thinking. "I wont hide anything about her and i would never lie to you so just let me know what you want to know about her and i will tell you. "
Lily bit her lip a moment then sighed "well with us becoming closer and closer i can't help but think of her, and well how i compare to her. I'm sorry i am thinking this way and i know it is kind of childish, but your the only man for me ever, it hard to think that there another woman before me that held your heart." she looked down. "i mean was she prettier than me, was she a better partner in love, did you love her more." Lily could not bring herself to look at him.
Namir nodded as she spoke until she started asking questions then he simply stared into her eyes. He knew exactly how she felt he had asked the same question to his late wife so so long ago. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen you are far above her in that aspect. I was with her for 5 years... and we where married for 3. "He took a deep breath not wanting to offend her but he refused to lie to her again. "All that time ... I did love her more. Only because i knew her for so long and she was the mother of my child. "He looked into her eyes trying to show his sincerity that that was the only reason. "At the same point in our relationship i love you more. "He spoke softly looking into her eyes biting his lip lightly. "As far as a lover goes. We have not made love so i can not tell if you are better or not. But she was more experienced then me when we got married so she knew some things you wont, but don't worry about that... I will teach you anything you want to know." He had so much more he wanted to say but he could not think of how to word it. He was so nervous his honesty was going to cost him her love.
Some of the things he said made sense to her. she nodded a little. "i'm sorry for asking you all these question. But i feel like i am always going to be a runner prize to, i mean if your wife had lived you would be a happily married man, with probably a dozen children. and i would still be the farmers daughter."
He smiled kissing her lightly taking a deep breath. "No... my wife and i only wanted one child. And we would have been separated violently eventually. I made my name speaking out against the established government. That is why i never stood up against my accusers. I would be giving a fair trial followed by a fair hanging. " He chuckled softly kissing her softly. "If my horse did not step in a whole i would have never met you. Think of it as fate that we are together not that you are in second place. My wife and child died and my horse twisted its leg so that i could meet you fall and fall in love with the right woman. " He kissed her softly hoping to purge her doubts from her mind.
"perhaps it is fate that we meet. My father never believed in chance." Lily sighed softly, Most of her doubts he cleared up she would probably still have a few for the time being. But nothing he said could change how she felt about him she loved him more than anything. Lily wanted to change the subject maybe to a happier topic "namir, what think, or how would you like our lives to be?"
Namir smiled looking at her chuckling softly as she stumbled over the words. "I see us with 2-3 kids right here. Making love every night spending our days doing what ever we wish. In 3 years i plan on retiring from the stage but i still need to maintain the theater to keep it running. " He took a deep breath looking into her eyes. "What do you see in our future?"
Lily smiled alittle "i like your ideas for our future." she kissed him "hmmm what do i see." she thought for a moment "i see children, perhaps 2-4 children, you and i the happiest we could have every thought to be. your stage career will come to an end but you will still watch over the other singers as sort of a papa bear while i take care and spend as much time as possible with our children."
Namir smiled taking her hands slipping from the bed looking at her. "We need to get dressed I want to take you to the theater before we start your training. " He smiled looking into her eyes smiling. "I want you to be in all my performances. Until you no longer wish to. "He smiled he had plans to propose to her at the opening and wanted her to be on stage singing and enjoying herself.
Lily watched him climb out of the bed. She was enjoying this moment but knew they had to enjoy the day. She climbed out of bed and started to get dressed "really? because i haven't san since the day that you left me, i don't even know if my voice is any good."
Namir took the cloths she was dressing in away from her and lead her into one of the closets. it was filled with cloths and dresses ranging from simple work cloths to extravagant dresses for performances or other rich occasions. He smiled leading her to the middle and slipped his arms around her."I hope they are the right size... I went off memory. " He looked into her eyes smiling before moving away to his closet to dress.
"namir what are you doing i thought we had to get dress" Lily said in protest as he took away her clothes. She thought that perhaps he would want to play some more, but what he led her to was amazing "oh namir they are so beautiful, you didn't have to do this." there was more dresses here than she had had her whole life
Namir moved quickly in his room getting dressed in his business attire. A lovely dark blue suit with a black tie. He walked from the closet making the bed while he waited for her to get dressed. His mind was racing he had 2 weeks to get the ring made or his proposal would be rather lack luster.
Lily came out in a tasteful burgundy dress. Her long raven hair was done but neatly brushed. She did not look formal but she looked elegant. She walked out of the closet to show him her dress, "what do you think, you think it fits alright and looks ok?" she bit her lip nervously.
He smiled turning kissing her softly taking her hands. "You look fantastic. I will have them make them a bit smaller from now on."He winked as that would make them nearly a second skin. Slowly he lead her from the house and out to the barn. "I need to hire the staff back so we don't have to do this anymore. "HE laughed going inside gathering 2 horses and bringing them back out once they where ready to be ridden. The bar was large and there where at least 5 horses inside that she could see from where he left her outside.
Lily laughed and shook her head. The dress was already form fitting, she thought that he just like seeing her every curve. When they reached the outside she waited while he got the horses. She looked around a little, there home looked so huge and then barn was just as big. She could see more horse then they would ever need.
Namir stood next to her smiling offering to help her up onto her horse. Once she was up he moved to mount quickly looking over at her smiling. "Off to town we go. "He smiled urging his horse on as he he lead her down the hill threw the woods and back to the town. Once there he rode her threw the main street as he headed back to the large theater just outside of town to the north.
Lily enjoyed the ride to town. She really loved how they were set apart from the town so they can have there space and just enjoy there life together. When they entered the town it was easy to see which building they were heading to, the threater. She knew it was namir's passion.
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