To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Lily found it hard to keep promise to be with him all day since disappeared to tend to business. she didn't push him on the issue because she knew this was his baby and this is what he wanted to do. So she stayed backstage helping the other performers the best she could with whatever they needed. By the time they reached home lily was so tired she went to the bedroom striped her clothes off and fell into the bed with out putting on her night dress
Stephen followed her doing the same crawling in close to her. He snuggled up next to her slipping his arms around her one hand laying on her breast the other on her side. He smiled kissing the back of her neck softly holding his mouth against her neck. "Lily thank you so much. I know i have been such a pain these last few days. I owe you my life. "
Lily shook her head a little "you have not been a pain you have been chasing you dream, i understand." she tried to make him feel better "the only thing i think is that you are pushing yourself to hard, i don't want you to push yourself so hard and get sick."
He smiled kissing the back of her neck again groaning softly. "I understand only 2 more days then Docis will be running it and all i have to do is sing. " He smiled drifting off almost instantly mumbling he loved her. He was so exhausted he could barely move as he held her tightly dreaming of making her the happiest woman in the world.
Lily snuggled deeper into his arms and falling to sleep. It had been such a busy she could not wait until this was over. although she was very proud of him, these next todays were going to be hard. She slept deeply that night and as the sun came through the windows lily ignored it still sleeping
Stephen woke as the sun rose taking a deep breath looking over her. He took a deep breath and rolled her gently onto her back kissing her lightly to wake her. " Good morning love. "He waited for her to wake before he pressed his lips hard into her kissing her passionately. He groaned into the kiss holding it for several long minuets before he took a long slow deep breath and got up to run a bath."We can get breakfast in our dressing room lets just get clean and get on or way. We both over slept."
Lily groaned as he rolled her onto her back. she wanted nothing more than to sleep a little longer. She kissed him back it was clear in his kiss that she was still tired. She grumbled as she got out of bed "tell me again why the opening is three days long"
"A lot of people came a long way and one day is just not enough for the price they payed. " He smiled as he called out from the bath room once it was full he stopped it and walked into the bedroom. "You can sleep in our dressing room if you would like. "He smiled walking over picking her up carefully and carried her to the tub slipping her into the water and following in next to her.
Lily knew he was right, but she still didn't have to like it. She sighed and prepared to get out of bed when he came in and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around him. When they were both in the tub she rested her head against her shoulder "i would much rather be sleeping with you." she smiled "plus i can't i found i was very much needed backstage yesterday."
He chuckled washing up quickly looking around slowly taking a long slowly deep breath. "I could lock you in so you can sleep. "He laughed taking a deep breath kissing her softly as he helped her wash wondering exactly what she was going to say when he proposed."Do you like being on that stage?"
Lily laughed "i think someone would probably break down the door if they needed help" she washed up and rose from the tub wrapping herself in a towel. "the stage is so wonderful. it is the most beautiful stage, plus the people have just been amazing."
"They bother you today they don't go on stage! " He took a deep breath kissing her cheek standing up drying off. He sighed taking a deep breath moving into the other room getting dressed slowly grabbing his suit for today's performance. Taking a deep breath as he laid on the bed trying to relax a bit.
"really its ok, i can stay awake to help." she smiled as she got dressed. Again she put on an elegant dress. She smiled softly as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. "try to enjoy yourself more today"
He smiled and kissed her softly before leading her to the barn. He had hired a stable boy yesterday and he was already there with the horses ready when the pair got to the barn. Namir smiled and thanked him before helping Lily up onto her horse and leading her in to the town. He remained close to her as always until the moment he got into town. The day had grown to be unseasonably warm and Namir looked a bit put off by that. He was hoping the day would go well despite the weather. Once inside the theater the guests where doing everything the could to stay cool as where the acts. Namir had a stage hand gather a few townsfolk together and start bringing water in to give to everyone threw out the day. They day went will few incidents save a few heat shortened performances.
The hot weather seemed to have a hold over the whole, the performers we slowed down by the heat. Lily rushed water to everyone she could find that was in need of it. And that included Namir. Lily was used to not stopping for water when worked out in the fields but she knew namir wasn't use to it. By the time the pair made it home that night lily was to hot and to tired to even make up the stairs to the bed room. she collasped on to the couch in the living area.
Namir followed her into the room as he moved slowly his shirt was still open from the show. He had undone it during the night to keep cool. He had not thought one moment about it he was putting his past behind him with these performances his mind never thought someone might recognize him. He laid down on the floor next to her reaching up taking her hand. "Good night my love Tomorrow will be our last day of this madness.
"good because if there was anymore days of this madness i might have to hurt you" she teased a little. with a soft groan she bent down and kissed him. She layed her head back down on the couch. "you can sleep up here if you want. or you can upstairs, i am just to tired to walk those stairs."
"Not enough room up there I will sleep down here. " He took off his shirt and jacket balling them up to make a pillow. He smiled lacing there fingers yawning taking a deep breath. He was drifting off quickly yawning softly as he snuggled down into the 'pillow tomorrow was going to be quite the odd day for both of them.
Lily drew a deep breath she would have normally argued with him to make him get more comfortable but she had just enough energy to say goodnight and fall into a deep sleep. She held his hand through the entire night, this was the first since they had been back together that they did not share a bed, and it felt unnatural to her. in the middle of the night found herself laying on the floor beside him, her arms wrapped around him.
He slept fitfully for the first part of the night not holding her was driving he mad. But when she joined him at his side he calmed down and held her close his face pressed into the nape of her neck. When he woke the next morning he smiled and kissed her pulse lightly not moving his head an inch. "Good morning love. " He said between a yawn and a groan.
Lily started to stir in the morning then he kissed the back of her neck her eyes opened. She yawned before saying good morning. she then turned over and looked at him. "it was lonely sleeping on the couch without"
Stephen nodded and looked into her eyes. "Not as lonely as on the floor with out the woman i love! " He smiled softly giving her a soft kiss that would become the passionate morning kiss he had grown to love giving her every morning. Once the kiss had completed he stood slowly with a groan. From there he reached down and helped her to her feet.
Lily took his hand and arose to her feet. Once standing lily wrapped her arms around his neck and looked deeply into his eyes "i can't wait till tomorrow so you and i can spend all day celebrating your success" she gave him a cute little smile before kissing him softly.
Stephen gripped her sides and deepened her kiss little did she know tomorrow she would be celebrating something other then his theater. He groaned happily as the passion in his kiss grew he slowly laid her back down on the couch laying over her. He kissed her deeply pressing his body lightly down into her rubbing against her softly.
Lily's arms wrapped around him as he began to move her to lay on the couch. She lay back and he was on top of her. She kissed him back passionately. Her body was craving more than just a kiss, it had been so long since the two enjoyed each other. she broke the kiss and looked at him "namir if you keep this up i will not want to leave the house today."
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