To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"I am trying to protect you not from my past but from what happened to her. It was not pretty and i don't like talking about it anymore. " He kissed her cheek smiling brightly as he clinched his eyes trying to forget his passed.
Lily sighed she did not press the issue anymore. She needed there days to be as happy as they could be, because she was not sure what the next moment would bring. She held tight to hope that soon this would just a nightmare in their past.
The armored men that took them burst threw the door not long after the pair had calmed down. Grabbing Namir who did not struggle, he had not the strength to do so. He covered his head to spare himself any beating. As the men moved to grab lily the stopped and turned to walk away. Leaving her alone as if ordered to not bring her and then made there way off the ship.
Lily had her arms wrapped tight around namir when the door burst open. The man grabbed Namir and pulled him away even though she protested. they went to grab her and lily flinched and covered her head. By the time lily looked again they were gone

((is the door still locked after they leave))

They drug Namir into the large port city that had become this nations capital. Far from the small town where the crimes of Namir's past where committed. Once inside the town the knights were met with more of their kind. All escorting Namir to what they felt would be his last home.
Lily saw that the door was left open, and she sprang to her feet and followed after the knights. She was a few steps behind them, but she kept them insight as the met up with more knights and dragged Namir through the city. She did not pay attention other than Namir, she had to keep him in her sight.
They drug Namir into the castle's walls and then down into the dungeons. Where Namir would stay until his trial tomorrow. Docis had heard the commotion and sprinted towards the castle followed by several men he had brought to help. Once there they where there Docis grabbed Lily as the guards pushed the small crowd of people from the area keeping them from the building.
Lily felt someone grab her and she turned to hit the person when she realized it was Docis. Lily throw her arms around him hugging him tight "Oh thank go your here." Lily was once again full of hope that she could have her husband back "i don't know whats going on, we were taken on our way home..." she tried to explain everything to him how the beat Namir, and of the doctors help.
" Found the cart turned over the next day and we rode as fast as we could. Fortunately for Namir the king was coming to town for the wedding but was a day late. " He smirked devilishly giving her a firm hug." Lets get you to the inn and get you checked out. I don't trust the work of some hack ship doctor not when it comes to you and Namir. The king is going to get me in to see Namir and then should have him free in a couple days. If Namir's story holds I just hope they have not been building to strong a case sense he left. " He turned and with an arm around her lower back lead her to the inn.
Lily was so glad Docis was here, she knew he head was a little to cloud to think of a good plan. After all she ran of the ship after Namir in nothing more than a tattered shirt. "what do you mean a case against, i don't even know why they took him Namir would not tell me"
He shook his head knowing how long it took Namir to tell him about it. He had though that Namir would at least give her a vague description. "It involves the scar that runs across his stomach and if he choose not to tell you any more i will honor his decision even if i do think it foolish. " He shook his head angry at his long time friend. How could he put her threw this and not tell her why it was happening.
"please docis you have to tell me, I am sure i am going to hear about it on the streets and i fear it would be lies. Please tell me so i know not believe them" she bit her lip. As they walked to the inn she could feels peoples on her, most thinking she was a whore with the way she was dressed.
He swept her up to a his room and gathered some fresh clean cloths for her. Sadly he did not think to grab any of her cloths so again she would be stuck wearing a mans cloths. "Has he told you why he and his first wife where no longer together? " He spoke softly not wanting to give anything away to soon. But knowing she was not going to give in.
Lily went up to the room with him. She thanked him for the clothes even though they were men's she didn't seem to mind. "yes, she was killed not long after their first child was born" she said softly
"Before, he had just found out she was pregnant at the time. " He spoke softly looking at her not wanting to give up many details. " He killed the man who killed her that's how he got the scar on his stomach. He nearly died in the battle. When he came to a several days later he left changing his name. To Namir the man they are searching for is dead. And the king is going to give him a story to make them believe that. Do you need food are you hungry thirsty? "
"why would they kill his wife to begin with?" lily questioned softly. She took a seat waiting for the answer "no all i need is my husband back" even though she turned down his offer for food lily was very hungry.
"Namir has always been a very charismatic man even as a young man he courted the most beautiful women in the land. And he took an exceedingly lovely bride. The man he killed wanted her for himself when Namir took her he was bitter. And eventually... He attacked her and had his evil way with her. Namir walked in on this before the night could finish in anger the knight stabbed her in the stomach. Namir attacked enraged the knight killed her in anger and then attacked Namir. He got in one lucky blow and killed the the knight but not before the that scared him and killed her. " He took a deep breath the sadness of the story pained him greatly he lowed his head taking a deep breath.
Lily hung her head down she felt bad for making him tell the story "I am sorry, i didn't mean to make you upset, you must have really cared about his wife." she bit her lip alittle
" I never met her I met Namir when he staggered into the small border town i lived in. We had been friends ever sense he carried her death with him for a very long time. I was relieved to see he had finally put her to rest. " He spoke softly putting his hand on her knee hoping she knew that she was what brought out his good side.
Lily looked down for a moment before clearing her throat a little and tried to think of a way to change the subject "so umm what is the plan to get namir out if the king fails."
"Lets just allow the king to do what he can I don't dare risk making a plan right now if he does fail. If anyone ask you about Namir he was born in that town where his theater is. He served in the army that is where he got that scar. " He gave her hand a squeeze standing up looking at her. "I am going to get you some food. If you write down your clothing sizes i can go buy you some. "
Lily nodded her head. She knew it was important to keep up appearances so telling the truth would probably not help Namir until the king had a chance to speak. "thank you, but i think i am to worried about Namir to eat right now." she explained softly "and you do not have to go through the trouble of buying me clothes. there are bigger things to worry about."
"It is important that we keep up appearances that we are not worried. That this is just a case of mistaken identity. If you seem terrified that your husband is going to be killed then they might see a weakness in our story. Please just allow me to buy you some food and cloths. Relax Namir has many powerful friends he will be safe. "
"after this week i don't think i will ever be able to relax again." she stood slowly and paced the room a little her arms crossed over her chest. "i can't stop thinking docis. I mean what hell is he going through right now? will he still be the same when this is through? will he even want to come home afterwords? If he does come home will i be able to let him out of my sight for fear someone or something might take him away again?" Lily sighed as she paced
"Namir will be fine the king demanded to have a guard placed with him so that he would not be harmed. Namir can take care of himself when he is alone. Don't fear what happens to him the only reason they where able to take him this time is they ambushed him in that carriage. He wont be the same after this ordeal is over and he is given his new life officially he will be better than ever free to live with out fear. With out a dagger under his pillow for the first time in his life. "
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