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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"I'll call and have her come here sis you just rest" Blake knew Diana because Aaron had brought her into the spa before and he had been tasked with guarding her. Blake made two calls one to the director of the hospital demanding a new doctor for his sister using code words to alert him that she was a VIP and then to Diana who had answered the phone but sounded groggy
Aaron was just looking over towards Diana, having been woken up by her phone as well. "Who is it?" he questioned in a sleepy voice, just rubbing some sleep out of his eyes, as he was sitting up. Oh a number of hours had already passed, and when he was looking at his phone he saw he had a message from Z... oh wait Amie as the message said... that Rafe was on his way back.
"blake he says Diana asked for me and he is requesting a new doctor for her" Diana leaned over and then kissed him "lets go and see her and make sure Blake doesnt kill the fucker as I want a shot at him"
Aaron was giving a nod of his head before he was getting to his feet, so that they could get going. Yeah that sounded good to him. It was good to hear that Maggie seemed to remember Diana though, if she had asked for the other woman in person.
Diana got dressed and then headed out with him knowing full well that if she was asking for her then she was starting to remember even if it was only a person here and there
Aaron was getting up so that he could get dressed as well. It didn't take either of them long to get dressed and soon enough they were headed on their way. Getting to the hospital didn't take long at all, and Aaron was heading inside just meeting up with Blake. He was also introducing himself.
Diana went right into the room and hugged Maggie who was still awake but barely "this isn't right you shouldn't be this out of it" Diana had been in this hospital before and she was never this groggy. "AARON GET OUT DOCTOR IN HERE NOW" Diana then tossed the doctor out of the room
Maggie was slightly awake but she was barely awake. She just mumbling the woman's name before she was ended up passing out completely. At least her breathing was calm and she didn't seem to be in any danger. Aaron was doing as Diana said and was placing a call to their doctor right away, that and speaking to the director, who had come to see what was going on.
Diana stepped out after the doctor was out and then spoke “he drugged her to the point that she passed out again” Diana was fuming mad and the males would be able to see it
Aaron was just looking for a moment before he spoke "Our doctor is on the way. And I talked to the director. We are moving her to a different floor. Also Blake, thank you for staying with her. She's been though a lot the past few months. Her brother being killed, then her father passing away, becoming the Black Queen."
“It’s fine I got to know my brother because of her” Blake gave then a sad smile knowing that he would never see his brother again.
Diana nodded her head and then wrapped her arms about Aaron
Aaron was looking over before he spoke "I have a number of videos of him if you want to watch them. Pictures as well."
Aaron smiled then spoke "Ill give Amie a call to have her swing by Maggie's place to grab stuff. Best to get that stuff now."
Aaron was giving a nod then spoke "Our doctor will make arrangements. He just needs to make sure there isn't anything life threatening going on. Especially since that doctor is now under investigation."
Aaron was just taking his fingers through his hair then looked at his phone as he got a message. "Why the hell is Z messaging me. She should be at work... ' he mumbled. Nope he didn't know about the phone switching.
Aaron was just sighing before he spoke, "And it gives my sister the chance to fuck with me." With that he was giving a slight chuckle and racked his fingers through his hair. Well it wasn't long before he phone was actually buzzing with a call from 'Amie'. "Yo Z, what's u..... What did you do?" Aaron spoke before he was shaking his head a bit, and was just chuckling a bit. It had only been a couple of hours, and already she had been being forced to toss somebody out, and she was currently taking a small break.
Diana looked at him and then chuckled a bit. when she spotted their doctor Diana left him and then went to speak to the doctor filling him in on what she knew about including Maggies pregnancy so he was aware of what all was going on and could make a treatment plan that was safe for both mother and child
The doctor was listening to what Diana had to say before he was giving a nod then spoke, "Yes I know. I've read through all of the files, I know everything that there is to know."
"ok I just wanted to be sure she is like Aaron and Amie are the only family I have" Diana smiled at him and then he would see her next week for a check up and to go over her prenatal care
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