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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

this news had Rafe freezing in place "wait run that by me again" Rafe suspected that the child was his but he couldn't wrap his head around it at all.

Jason glared at the males in return as if daring them to say something as he wasn't in the mood
"Mags is pregnant." Amie commented once again as she moving closer to Jason, before she was just retreating with him into the nearest store. Nope she didn't want anything to do with those guys at that point in time.
Amie was just brushing some of her hair out of her face before she spoke, "No need to rush it. And you know that Z was going to find a way to come out to take over for you, so that you could come home. Then I kind of sent her to the spa, and needless to say she got laid for the first time in a while."
"Amie not something I needed to know about my sister" Rafe then looked over when his flight was called "look my flight is boarding I'll be home soon"
Amie was giving a faint chuckle before she spoke, "Well I mean you are in for a surprise then when you get back. There are a number of things that you've missed.... and oh Jason! I like this crib."
Rafe wished her luck and then hung up and turned his phone off and boarded the plane.

Jason walked over and looked at the crib "its well made and looks sturdy"
Amie was tucking the phone into her pocket before she was just examining it for a brief moment, and just reading the information about it.
Amie was giving a soft giggle before she spoke, "Yeah we probably should get started on it." At least at that point in time she could help with stuff, at least for now. After that she was commenting that she had liked the house that they had looked at. It had been a nice two bedroom house. Rather large, nice backyard, and quite private. And it wasn't as though money was an issue for either of them. And the person selling the house had said that he would keep it off the market for them to decide after they had toured it a few days ago.
Amie was just looking at him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "This crib is nice as well, it seems a lot more sturdy than the other one."
Amie was giving a nod before she spoke, "Yes and the set is cute. I adore the bassinet as well." There was a faint smile on her lips before she was wrapping her arms around him gently, just resting her forehead on his chest.
Amie was just watching for a moment in time before she was looking at phone for a brief moment in time before she was looking up at Jason. "When we get home.... a bubble bath sounds super good." she was commenting.
Amie was following after him before she was looking at some groceries that were around them. Oh she was thinking about making some chicken alfredo for dinner.
"I was hoping just the two of us. I know we just got back from vacation, but we didn't really get to spend time alone." Amie spoke in a soft voice before she was grabbing the energy drinks that Z preferred. She was also snagging Jason's phone and messaging Blake.
'Hey it is Amie, wondering if you would be willing to help me out with something tomorrow night.' She messaged. Mind as well ask now.
"of course" Jason then kissed the top of ehr head and then moved them along so they could get home and settle in.

Blake looked at his phone when it went off and messaged back asking her with what
Amie was giving a small smile before she was following after him, but was looking at the phone when Blake messaged back. "How do I explain what I want his help with? Or do I just blatantly tell him that I want him to kidnap Z because she is a workaholic and needs a break." she spoke after a moment in time.
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