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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"One of the reasons I insisted she take a day at the spa." Amie spoke before she was commentong, with a rather sneaky grin. "I could invite her over tomorrow night. We could drug her drink, I can call into work for her. Her boss will understand, that I know."
"Don't let her know that you had any idea about it. She'll actually try and hit you. Me... Well at worst she'll not talk to me for a day, but that is about it." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was actually calling Z's boss to talk to her, let her know what was going on. Give him a good days notice to figure out somebody else to come in for her tomorrow night.
Amie was just looking towards Jason before she was questioning, "So I have to wonder.... why did Blake agree to let Z kidnap him? And maybe... we wouldn't even have to do anything. Perhaps we can see if he will kidnap her for a bit."
"I can ask and I think he agreed because he is infatuated with her most females avoid him because he is so big not only his hands but his height as well so they tend ti run but he is probably one of the gentlest men around unless you piss him off" Jason then filled her in on what he knew of Blakes background "i think if spencer had found him before I had he would have killed his own mother"
Amie was giving a faint chuckle before she was speaking, "And Z is difficult to manage at times. Her past was rather secretive as well, now I'm about the only one that knows. Rafe doesn't even know. She use to work as... well a mercenary for lack of better terms." With that she was humming softly before looking at the phone that was in her hand.
"Rafe probably does know but never said anything simply because he didn't want his sister to know but you would have to ask him" Jason pulled in to the parking lot and parked the car before getting out
"I mean it isn't like she hides it at all, for the most part anyways." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was pointing to the store.
"no she doesn't" Jason then walked around and pulled her door open "come on we have shopping to do and then we have to drop Z's drinks off to her"
Amie was chuckling before she was climbing out of the car then commented "I need to start investing in maternity clothes."
"we can get some while we are here is you want" Jason smiled "so are you going to give your brother a hard time about becoming a father?"
Amie chuckled then spoke "I mean I don't need them right this very minute." After that she was giving a shrug then spoke "More than likely. Oh hey... Rafe is calling."
"well answer and have fun explaining why you have his sisters phone" jason smiled and then walked with her while she talked to the male
Amie was sighing before she was answering the phone. "Hello Rafe. Good to hear from you for the first time in a while." She spoke after a moment in time as she followed after Jason.
Rafe blinked and then came to a stop in the air port "why do you have my sisters phone" while he was calm he was also annoyed that he was having to leave what he was doing
"Because she has to go to work, and I know more about what is all going on right now." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was speaking, "Maggie did wake up briefly but.... she has amnesia. She doesn't remember who I am. The only person she recalls right now is Jason. And we found Spencer's twin brother, who is currently sitting with her."
"wait since when did Spence have a brother let alone a twin" Rafe was more than a little confused as to what was going on at the moment
Amie was chuckling before she spoke, "Since forever. They were separated when they were seven after their parents got divorced. And then Blake was in an accident and lost those memories. Oh and you may not hear from Z tomorrow. She has been working way to much so we are going to see if Blake will kidnap her for the night. If not I'm drugging her and making her sleep." With that she was looking around before cooing over something that she had spotted.
Rage nodded “ ok that makes sense and please don’t piss my sister off now what all is going on with Maggie and no hiding shit from me”
Amie just gave a small sigh before she spoke, "See that is why I'm going to be the one doing all of this. Z can't stay mad at me, and if it were anybody else she would probably hit them. She wouldn't do that to me. And when they were doing tests and what on Mags they did learn that....." She was hesitating for a moment before she was letting out a small breath of air before she was commenting, "They learned that Maggie is pregnant." Her attention was turning towards a few of the people that were walking towards them and she was just looking towards Jason a bit wary. They just so happened to be a few of the people that had been let off the hook during the court stuff. And they were giving the pair of them, more specially Amie, some rather dark looks.
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