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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Maggie was giving a nod of her head, just listening to everything that he was saying. It wasn't long before Amie was coming back into the room, and just listened to what Jason was telling Maggie. As he was speaking, he would find that his phone was vibrating with a message from "Spencer" basically stating that he had just arrived. More or less Z had made it sound as though he had left for vacation.
Jason showed her the phone "he was getting edgy so we sent him on vacation he wasn't pleased but he agreed to go" Jason then started showing her the pictures of everyone he had told her about so she knew their faces
Maggie just looked at the message for a moment before she questioned, "Where did he even end up going?" Although after a little bit of looking through the pictures, it was definitely obviously that she was getting a bit tired. "Get some sleep sweetheart. We can talk more later. You need your rest." Amie spoke in a gentle voice and was actually gently touching Maggie's hand, reassuring her that they would be there when she woke up again. Although she was glancing towards Jason when the fading to sleep female was mumbling something about wanting to actually talk to Spencer.
once she was out and they had left the room Jason looked at Amie "we are screwed we would have been better off telling her the truth rather then lying to her like we did" Jason didn't like that they had lied but he also knew that there wasn't much of an option
"No. We aren't telling her. Not now. It would be safer to wait until her memories start coming back on their own. Telling her that kind of news while she is already suffering from shock, could make everything worse." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was commenting that they would figure something out. She was thinking for a moment then spoke, "Wait.... Now that I think about it.... Blake has a similar voice to Spencer, and vaguely similar features. Taller and different hair color, but if they are video chatting, there is no seeing the height. As for the hair, he decided to dye it." Merely a suggestion. And Maggie was still pretty heavily drugged up on pain killers, which may result in her not even noticing the difference.
"yea good luck convincing him of that he wasn't too keen the last time I asked that of him but I do find it odd that they look so much alike" Jason frowned and then tried to figure out if everything was ok or not
"Then you tell her that her brother is dead. That could send her into more shock, and cause her to go comatose, and this time there is no promise that she will wake up anytime soon." Amie was pointing out after a moment in time before she was just running her fingers through her hair and was just speaking that she would get it figured out. She didn't want to see that happen, not yet anyways. The moment that Maggie herself had the inkling that they were lying about Spencer, and questioned about it, then she would tell the truth. "If you don't want to be apart of this lying to her, then don't. I will continue to do that, but I'm not going to tell her the truth. Not yet."
"love I don't want that either but I am worried on how pissed she will be when she finds out we lied unless we decide to distract her with the news of her pregnancy" Jason wondered what that would do to her mind but he doubted that she would go back under
"Then I will be the consequence of lying to her on my own." Amie spoke although her attention was turning back towards the room actually when a couple of alarms had seemed to go off. Oh something had happened, although she wasn't quite sure what, which had her looking at one of the doctors. Evidently she had ended up having a minor seizure.
Amie just looked towards him before she spoke, "She didn't know who I was.... she isn't going to know Diana or Aaron either. We will have to approach slowly, one at a time."
"I know but the were the first I spoke of and whose picture I showed her as well" Jason then looked around and wondered how they would explain everything
"It is amnesia. People who suffer from that don't pick and chose who they can remember, and who they can't. We just need to be patient with her, and help her step by step." Amie spoke after a moment in time.
"I know this but they can help as well because we can't be here all the time" Jason knew they both had work to do and needed to be able to come and go from the hospital
"I know. But I'm not just going to leave them with her alone, especially if it is evident that she isn't comfortable. She was uncomfortable with me being in the room, but the moment I left, she untensed some, and seemed to relax." Amie was pointing out. Yeah she had been watching for the doorway and was looking at the message from Z, who had commented that they were just finishing up eating, and they would come out. At least Z would for a couple of hours before she headed to the club.
"I know Amie but we will just have to see how it all goes" Jason then turned and looked at Maggie and frowned he was worried about her but with out someone who can stay there 24/7 there was nothing he could do
Amie just spoke, "Amnesia isn't something to mess with. It is terrifying to deal with." She was looking at her phone though for a brief moment when she got a message from Z about something. Oh they had just gotten there, and good timing too. Maggie had woken up again and had told her a doctor that she wanted to call her brother. Stupid doctor had told her that he was dead, which caused the panic and denial. Which had the doctor more or less just walking on her when she was having a breakdown. Not the best idea to have done that on the doctor's part though, especially if it got bad enough and she decided that she wanted to leave. There would have been nothing stopping her from pulling out those IVs. Good thing that wasn't something that she had done, but it was a chance.
Blake walked up while Jason was in the room with her trying to calm her down "whats going on I thought she was resting?" Blake was a little annoyed to hear her screaming and crying like she was which seemed odd since according to Z she had been calm the last time she had spoken to Amie. Blake then noticed one of the doctors talking to some nurses and keeping them from coming to see if she was ok or not
"One of the doctors told her that her "brother" was dead when she asked for him." Amie spoke before she was commenting that so far only Jason seemed to be effective at trying to calm her down. Z was looking over before she spoke "None of ours so I cant actually yell at them." She was hiking her bag up onto her shoulder before she was looking at Blake then spoke "You know.... Now that I think about it... He does look like Spencer."
Blake blinked and then looked at her “I am not pretending to be someone’s dead brother” Blake would do a lot to help out but that was something he wouldn’t do as that crossed the line
Amie was rather quiet at that point in time just studying Blake for a moment. It wasn't long before she was taking out her phone. "Hey Derek... You knew Spencer better... did he ever have a sibling? " She spoke into the phone. After all the man had known Spencer when he was little. And this is when she discovered that he had in fact had a twin but they had been separated when they were five. Parents had divorced. "Was said twins name Blake?" She questioned before she was looking at Z, who had come up from nowhere again with coffee, which was being offered to Amie, who mouthed a thanks.
Blake watched them both and then frowned a little trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Blake had been in an accident when he was little and from the age of seven and younger he didn't remember a thing it swans amnesia but a complete loss of memories.
Amie just listened to what she was being told before she spoke "Understood. Makes sense as to why he doesn't recall." She remembered Spencer mentioning a Blake but she had never put two and two together. She was however catching Z's hand before the other female could go off and do anything, already seeking to know her intention. "Don't." Was all she said before hanging up and looking at Blake. "I know you have no memories from before you were seven due to a car accident. But you had a twin brother named Spencer, her brother that was killed. Just go in there and sit with her, or something. She should calm down, hopefully. It isn't pretending to be a dead guy. Just go in and tell her you are his twin, that you understand, something." Amie spoke after a moment in time but she seriously looked ready to cry as well. Pregnancy hormones at its finest.
Blake sighed and then nodded his head and headed in. Blake took over Jason’s spot and held her close “ hi my name is Blake I was told you could tell my about my twin?” Seeing as he didn’t remember him he figured that was the best option
Amie and Z just watched from the doorway although it did seem like Maggie did seem to calm down a bit. Currently she was just studying Blake before she was making a comment that he did look like him. "Different hair colors.... And I think you are a bit taller." She was mumbling.
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