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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"its possible I never got to meet my brother so I was hoping you could tell me about him" Blake felt bad it was easy to see she had been hit and was probably still really sore and out of it as well at least a little bit from the pain meds they would have her on
Maggie thought for a moment in time before she spoke, "Spencer was an amazing person... my partner in crime. We were always together, always getting into trouble." With that she was just telling Blake about Spencer, more or less giving him a good image of the man if he were still alive at that point in time. Although then it came to talking about how he actually passed away and she was going silent. She didn't remember. Had he actually passed away? Maybe they had just been lying.... but she felt like that was true. That he was gone, but she wasn't sure how.
Blake touched her hand lightly "you don't have to tell me how he died I don't need that i am just glad that he was a good man" Blake was sad he didn't get to meet his brother but he was glad someone had been there to be a sibling for him so he wasn't always alone
"Now that I think about it. He did mention a brother, who went off to live with his mom after parents divorced." Maggie was commenting in a soft voice before she was smiling slightly and commenting that she was sure that Spencer would have loved to have met him again. "He is watching us now." She spoke before just reaching her hand up, as if reaching out to touch something before letting her hand drop.
Blake wrapped his arm around her and hugged her lightly “my brother may be gone but you can always come to me” Blake smiled at her and then just held her close
Maggie just looked at him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small smile, although was mumbling something under her breath. Oh pain killers were kicking in again and her head was aching.
Blake laid her back and then covered her up before stepping out of the room “ she is back asleep her pain killers were kicking in”
Maggie had fallen asleep and was perfectly calm at that point in time, probably a good thing. Z was giving a nod of her head although she was watching Amie, who had taken to scolding the doctors. There was a slightly amused look on her features before she spoke, "Pregnant woman are terrifying. And that is good to hear." After that she was looking at Amie as she walked back over and Amie was commenting, "I'll calling Giovanni here. That doctor is an imbecile. And a complete fucking dumbass. How he got his job is beyond me. And evidently I need to go and start working out at a gym. It looks like I'm an unhealthy weight for my size." This had Z chuckling before she was commenting that that explained the looks that he had gotten from the other nurses that were around, especially the females.
"please tell me he didn't say that in front of Jason or where Jason could hear him" Blake winced when there was a thud "never mind that answered that" Blake turned to look as Jason was lecturng the male about calling a pregnant woman fat he even mentioned that if he spoke to his wife that way again he would end him
Amie was just looking over, not even having to say anything. She was giving a small pout and Z was just wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You my love are gorgeous, and you know it. Nothing has ever stopped you from believing it before." After that she was looking at her phone and was mumbling that she loved them but she had to get going. "I'll swing by later to bring you some energy drinks." Amie promised and Z was commenting that they were going to be needed.
Jason walked over to Amie muttering "damn fucking doctor has a death wish" Jason glared back at the male who cringed away from him when he looked back at her
Amie was just looking towards Jason before she spoke, "You reacted more than I did. I just told him to the shut the hell up." She was however looking towards Blake for a moment in time before she spoke, "You have a rather thoughtful look on your face." However when she was going to dig out her phone she was realizing what Z had done, and that was switch their phones. Yet again Amie knew more about what was going on, so it would be easier for her to explain to Rafe when he called.
"tempted to kill him for upsetting her my brother treated her like a sister so i'll do the same and if he upsets her once again I will kill him" Blake then wished them luck and then walked back in to the room to sit with her and keep her company
Amie was just giggling softly before she was hitting down Z's number. "Since she has my phone and vise versa. Give me a call if you need anything. Or call Jason but he only sometimes answers."
Jason shook his head and then looked at her "we may end up with another Spencer at this rate" Jason was impressed that he was willing to stay with her even though he didnt know her nor his brother but he was still doing something that Spencer would have done
"Not necessarily a bad thing. At this point, Mags needs somebody else other than you she actually trusts." Amie was pointing out. At least until all of the memories came back but that could take a while. Nobody actually knew.
Amie was following after him so that they could get going. "We need to stop by the nightclub so that we can drop off some energy drinks for Z."
"i think maybe she needs to stop working so much all together I think between Blake and you can't tell me there is not something there and her becoming an aunt she will need all the free time she can get" Jason leaned back and rolled his neck a little
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