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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Z just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Kindly don't do that. I enjoy being taken care of as much as the next person, but I don't all at once."
Blake laughed "come on let me have little fun would you" Blake closed the door and then went around to the drivers seat so they could head out
Z just looked over before she spoke, "I am a highly independent woman. You'll just have to get use to that."
Z just looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Same here." With that she was glancing at her phone before she was tucking her phone away once again.
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "You know... You would have to pay for me anyways. Because my wallet is in Amie's bag. I really don't care where we go. I'm not picky at all."
Z was chuckling before she spoke, "Well it did just open up yesterday. I don't think many people have been there."
Z was chuckling before she spoke, "Day jobs.... Don't miss them at all." She usually worked overnights at a nightclub working as a bartender and bouncer, occasionally she worked as a dancer. And then during the day she was usually running around doing errands for either one of the gangs, not like it bothered her. She was use to running on very little sleep.
"hey my day jobs pays well and I don't have to do what we did if I don't want to and it is rare that I do" Blake had had only to customers in his time there one had been Z and one female when he first started
Z chuckled for a moment in time before she spoke, "My day job sometimes pays well. Depends on what I'm doing." Although she wasn't going into to much detail, just because she wasn't sure how involved he was with the gang world. Which could mean that if he only knew about it, but wasn't involved directly, then it would be dangerous for him to be around her.
"if your able to beat four Reapers then I figure you make some decent money" Blake was well aquatinted with the world as his sister was married to a leader
Z was giggling before she spoke, "At night I'm a bartender and a bouncer at a popular nightclub, sometimes a dancer. During the day... I'm the one that is keeping people safe. I usually act as a guard if somebody needs it, or I go and collect stuff." She was taking out her phone when it went off with a call from one of the others. Somebody from the hospital who was letting her know that Maggie had woken up, which definitely had her sitting up a bit more in the seat. "Thanks for letting me know. Call Jason and Amie, let them know. Do not call Diana and Aaron, leave that to the other two." she spoke after a moment in time before she was hanging up.

Amie was just sitting down in the cafeteria with Jason, considering the pair hadn't left the hospital. She was resting her head on her folded arms on the table, her eyes closed. At least they were until she felt her phone vibrate which had her grabbing it and answering it. Although the news definitely had her sitting up rather quickly and she was speaking, "We'll be right there."
Blake nodded his head "hell if you want to do security at the spa you would be paid rather well"

Jason looked at her and then stood "well lets get going and see how she is doing" Jason knew that both females were worried about their friend and wanted to make sure that she was safe
Z just looked for a moment before she spoke "I could but half the time I don't so much during the day. Not with working usually 12 hour shifts overnight. 7 to 7." With that was giving a small shrug.

Amie was nodding and heading up to the room. Maggie could be heard speaking in a low voice to sebody, although there was confusion in her voice. Seems like the doctor bad bee right about the amnesia. Amie was walking into the room and watched the person leave before she was giving a gentle smile. "Glad to see you are awake." She spoke, although didn't seen to terribly hurt that the female didn't seem to remember her. But Maggie knew Jason, but the pair had known each other longer. "I am Amie, Jason's wife. He told me what happened and I came with him, since he wanted to check on you. "
Jason walked in behind her a few minutes and noticed what she seemed confused and then he looked this wife and nodded understanding instantly that she was missing time "Hey Mags you had to give me a scare didn't you" Jason then walked over and kissed her head lightly smiling at her when he moved back "do you have any questions that I can answer for you?"
Maggie just looked at Jason for a moment in time before she questioned, "What happened? When did I get here? I had been running an errand and then...." "You were in an accident sweetheart." Amie spoke after a moment in time, which had Maggie giving a slow nod of her head. Well it seemed like she really didn't remember much about the last few months. Unless it was her direct blood related family, otherwise, anything having to do with Aaron's gang she didn't really recall. Thankfully she seemed to remember that her father had passed away, but she didn't recall that Spencer had been killed. "Where is Spencer? I want to see him." she spoke after a moment in time, which just had Amie glancing at Jason for a moment in time. How were they going to explain that? They couldn't just tell her that he was dead.... not in the condition that she was in already. Although Z giving her a call had her getting a small idea and she was stepping out of the room, after telling Jason in a low voice to come up with some fib, making it seem like he was fine.

"Z. I need a huge favor." Amie spoke which had Z raising an eyebrow as she walked inside the buffet with Blake. "What kind of favor?" she questioned. "I need you to send a message to Jason from Spencer's number. Make it seem like he is on vacation or something, and wishes Mags well." Amie spoke. Z was giving a small frown before she spoke, "Yeah I can do that. Give me a bit. Harder to do on a phone but I can do it." "Thanks. Have fun on your date, sorry to have bothered you." Amie cooed into the phone and Z was chuckling before she spoke, "I shall." After that she was hanging up her phone and just giving a small sigh. Well that told her that Maggie had no idea that Spencer was dead, which meant that trying to cover that up, at least until she remembered on her own, was going to be a bit difficult.
"ok Mags we have some filling in to do your missing a couple of months" Jason wasn't going to tell her about her brother as he didn't need her to know that given her current state. Jason did how ever take her over everyone she had met and and who they were. Jason had avoided Rafe for the time being since he didn't know how to bring that subject along with her being pregnant but he figured he would leave that to Amie since it wasn't something he wanted to do
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