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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"of course we can do that" June smiled at her and then ushered her out of the room so that she could get going to go and visit with family
Amie was giving a soft smile before she was leaving the building and going to Jason's car, so that she could head to the hospital. Maggie was still unconscious but the doctor was going over stuff with Diana and Jason. There wasn't any internal bleeding or anything like that, which was a good thing. Some fractures and broken bones, but no surgery was needed.
"that is great new and while I don't like that she has some broken bones that fact that surgery isn't needed is great" Diana smiled at the doctor happy for the new she was also thanking him. while she was speaking with the doctor Jason walked over to Aaron "is it just me or is Diana really pale"
Aaron was looking at Jason before he spoke, "She wasn't feeling the best on the plane, but perhaps it was just sickness from flying." That wasn't uncommon for people to feel sick from flying. "We are probably going to head home soon and get something to eat, and some sleep." It had been a rather long day prior to the flight, and they had been a bit giddy about everything to sleep on the plane. Mind as well get some sleep now, while they could. It wasn't long before Amie was walking in, and Aaron was wrapping his arms around his sister in a hug. "Jason... Z is passed the fuck out in a lounger with a guy." Amie was commenting which had Aaron chuckling a bit.
Jason chuckled "who did you pick" Jason had a feeling that if she picked a certain person Z wouldn't be single for long as he had a tendency to get attached if he really liked someone
Amie looked over for a moment before she spoke, "Blake." At least she was pretty sure that was who she picked, which had her looking at her phone for a brief moment in time. Yeah that was who she had picked.
Jason nodded his head "yea she will be well cared for by him so don't worry" Jason looked over when Diana stood up and looking positively green headed for the bathroom so that she could be sick again. "maybe have the doc look over her first before you go home"
Amie was just looking towards her brother for a moment in time, although it was pretty evident that he hadn't heard what Jason had said, only because he had wandered off to speak on the phone when somebody had called. "I'll go and talk to her. I am having a woman's intuition that I know what the problem is." she spoke before she was heading off to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Diana, it is Amie." she spoke in a gentle voice.
"just a minute Amie" Diana was then getting sick once more. it was a few minutes before she came out wiping her mouth. Diana didn't speak until she had rinsed her mouth out "sorry about that I have been feeling a little off today"
Amie just looked at her for a moment in time before she spoke, "I think you should go talk to a doctor and get a pregnancy test. That is what my intuition is telling me right now." After that she was looking at her phone to see that she had a message from somebody about something, and she was actually brushing some of her hair out of her face. Man this was annoying. This had her looking towards Diana for a moment in time before she spoke, "Ginger ale and crackers. They are a godsend." With that she was heading off over to Jason and handing him her phone so that he could see the message that she had gotten. A message from one of their spies within the Reapers. They knew about Mags being in the hospital but they weren't aware of Diana and Aaron being back yet. Which meant that they didn't have people watching the hospital, at that point in time. "They knew that Z and I had been together earlier, our spy got the pictures they had taken of us. And they know that I left. I suggest just giving your staff a call, to be safe that they could potential have unwanted visitors." Amie spoke. It had been quiet for a few months, but that only lasted for so long.
Jason nodded his head and then called the spa telling them to activate a code five. Jason knew that would shut the whole spa down and lock it up tight so that no one could get in to the building. "so what is up with Diana" seeing as she was part of the group he worried about her as well and he knew Amie was close to her.

Diana chewed on her lip and then went and hunted down a doctor and asked for the test since she wanted to be sure. Diana then turned and waited for the test results to come back before she went to hunt Aaron down and tell him what happened
Amie just looked towards Jason before she spoke, "No clue but if my intuition is correct, then she is pregnant." With that she was just deleting the message from her phone and turning towards him fully, resting her head on his shoulder, letting out a small breath of air. Aaron had actually gone outside so that he could continue his phone call without disturbing anybody at all, and it was a little more quiet outside, at least at that point in time. He was looking over though as the doors opened and he spotted Diana heading outside. "Alright, thanks for the information. Look into it more, and have some of the guys head to the hospital. I want somebody with Mags at all times." he was speaking into the phone before hanging up. He had been speaking with Maggie's second in command actually, sharing information.

Z had been curled up with Blake although she was opening her eyes at all of the noise. She was getting up from the chair and going over to grab the robe that she been wearing earlier. That and she was grabbing her phone, which had been brought with her, and was just sitting on the edge of the lounger, looking through her messages. A couple from Amie and then there was one from an unknown number. Oh it was a picture of herself and Amie walking into the spa together. Well that wasn't good news at all.... and she couldn't back hack it either, since she didn't have her laptop.
Diana held the test results in her hands and gave him a small and shaky smile and then held the paper out "so the doctor found out why I have been sick" Diana was still trying to wrap her mind around new of her being pregnant while she had brushed Amie's suggestion off she wanted to be sure so she had asked for the test but for her to be right it upset her a little as their world wasn't a safe one for a child to grow up in.
Aaron looked towards her for a moment in time before he was looking towards the piece of paper. Well that would definitely make sense as to why she had been sick recently. "Well you aren't the only female that is pregnant right now. The only one who isn't currently, is Z." he spoke after a moment in time. Accidents happened now and again, even if they had tried to be safe about it, to avoid this happening. "You decide what you want to do then. And I'll respect it. Do we keep it or do we terminate it." he spoke after a moment in time.

Z was looking over at Blake for a moment in time before she was dialing Amie's number and was grateful when the other female was answering her phone. "I'm praying you are with Jason right now." There was a moment of silence before she spoke, "Yeah good. Nope I'm good. Annoyed. Unknown number sent me a picture of us, and I don't have my laptop so I can't trace it back. Although.... yeah no I figured that that was who it was." A faint sigh was escaping her lips before she was commenting that she would have to call Rafe and let him know everything that was going on. And the fact that the Reapers were just now finally realizing who exactly she was was rather entertaining. Only took them a couple of weeks. Sadly for the spa though, a couple of them had managed to get in under the guise of being customers. Although they weren't acting strange or anything at that point in time, so no wonder nobody had figured it out.
"thats just it I don't want to decide alone Aaron its our baby not just mine" Diana looked at him and and then wrapped her arms around her middle and she just waited to see what he would say while yes it was her body it was their child and she didn't want to make a decision that would change their lives with out his input in it.
Aaron just looked at her before he spoke, "I am unsure. Yes I want a child, I don't want to raise a child in this world that we live in. Not with how chaotic it is, and not with the fact that you have a hit on your head." With that he was giving a small breath of air, and was racking his fingers through his hair.

Z was hanging up her phone before she was looking over at Blake and was just poking him in the chest.
Diana nodded her head "I know but at the same time I want to be the parent my never were Aaron even if our world is dangerous it is still a loving one and those around us would never let something happen to our child" Diana walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him before she rested her head on his shoulder.

Blake grunted a little and then looked at her "what do you want to have another round"
Z just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Actually I think our fun is coming to an end."

Aaron spoke, "Then we keep the baby."
"we only tell those we trust Aaron no one else I don't want anyone to know and use this against us" Diana took a deep and steadying breath knowing that things were going to at least for a bit be ok so long as they were all careful

"so what is up that is ending our fun" Blake then sat up and stretched a little wondering what was happening
Aaron was giving a nod of his head then spoke, "Yes I agree with this. Now how about we head home and get some sleep. We are both exhausted."

Z just looked at him before she was folding her arms behind her head before she spoke, "Long story short, stupid people." With that she was actually gesturing towards the door at the couple of customers that came walking in. Well people who had been pretending to be customers anyways.
Diana nodded her head "that sounds good I could use some sleep" Diana then walked with him to the car so that they could go home and get some sleep.

Blake looked over at them and frowned
"Man and my brass knuckles are with my clothes." Z pouted although she was pretty calm and relaxed otherwise as she was just watching the pair. Then there was a slight smile on her lips before she chimed, "Oh hey I remember you two. You were two of the idiots at court that were actually stupid enough to threaten Amie in front of the judge... and then took off running." She was going over next to Blake, not even phased that she was closer to the people, after all.... scanning them over showed her that they didn't have any weapons on them either.
Blake watched her but for the time being he didn't move to get involved since he figured it was something between them and unless he needed to he wouldn't get involved
Z was just looking towards Blake for a moment before she spoke, "Tell you boys what. I really don't feel like picking a fight inside and knowing how you people like to drag people into the mess, I'll go with you. No fight on my part. Not yet anyways." With that she was looking over at Blake and giving him a kiss on the cheek, and was placing her phone next to him, which happened to still be on call with Amie at the time.
Blake wrapped his arm around her and then whispered "my locker is next to the one where your clothes are the code is 4482 I have gun in there use it" Blake had kept his voice low so only she could hear him
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