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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"Hmmm." Z cooked after after a moment in time before she was looking at him. There was a faint smile on her lips.
"Hmmm I am enjoying this. And if I could take you home with me... I would. " Z cooed after a moment in time before she was gently drawing her nails down his back.
"So I could steal you away from here. " Z was commenting before she was tilting her head slightly when he kissed her neck.
Z just looked at him for a moment in time before she was drawing him down towards her again, to press her lips against his.
Z just looked at him for a moment in time before she was mumbling, "By the way... No need to worry about pulling out or anything."
Z was just giving a playful and before he knew it, sh e was actually leaving a small hickey on him. Hey nobody said that she wasn't allowed to do that.
"Nothing in the rulebook that said I couldn't do that." Z spoke with a saucy grin before she was wrapping her legs around his waist.
Z was giggling although she was tilting her head a bit when he was nipping at her neck, as though bearing her neck for a vampire.
He was most certainly doing his job at driving her crazy, and getting her to arch up into him slightly as well. Z was giving a soft groan although there was something that told her that things weren't even close to being done though. Hell he was even getting her to moan his name softly.
(small time skip)

Blake spent the next couple hours throughly wearing Z out and when it was time for her to head to the next stage they would find the two curled up on the lounger together. during that time Diana and Aaron had arrived home and Diana had gone tot he hospital and was sitting in Maggies room
In the end, Blake had gotten Z to pass out, which probably wasn't the worst thing to ever happen to her. Probably a healthy thing even, considering sleep hadn't been much of a thing the last couple of days. Amie had actually gone with the staff, considering she needed to talk to Z about something, only to find them both fast asleep. "Oh cute. June, when Z does wake up, let her know I went back to the mansion. Diana and Aaron just got back." Amie spoke in a low voice before she was turning to head out, a faint smile on her lips.
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