Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Z had just been sitting in the hot tub with her head resting on the ledge and her eyes closed, although she was definitely opening her eyes when she felt the shift in water. No it didn't really freak her out to see the man in the room with her, if anything it more confused her. At first anyways. And then it dawned on her. Man she was so going to kill Amie and Jason, they had totally set her up. Nope ignore it for the time being. At least he was good looking, and she was grateful that she was use to being around men. "I'm guessing there is a whole lot more than what I was being told about this day." she was mumbling before she was standing up in the water, to sit on the edge of the tub. Nope needed a break from the hot water for a bit, and wasn't overly bothered by sitting there naked either.
Blake chuckled at that "yep there is the package your friend set up for you is the master package and for non members is rather expensive but is also includes time alone with your choice of male or female partner to have sex with you friend chose me for you" Blake smiled at her but made no move to get closer to her
"Remind me to find a way to get revenge on her when I see her next." Z mumbled after a moment in time before she was telling herself that she should have expected it, and it made sense as to why the pair had given her a time limit. "Name's Z." she spoke after a moment in time. Funny how that is the only thing she ever refered to herself as, never as her real name. Not anymore.
"Blake and don't give her to hard a time she was with Jason the first time she came here and got the same service" Blake smiled at her and figured it would ease her mind if she knew her friend had found a good relationship simply because she had been a=in the right place at the right time
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "Yeah but she kind of did that voluntarily. And Amie has had a crush on Jason for a while, they knew each other prior to coming here." With that she was leaning back on her hands, just stretching a bit.
"that may be but even she was nervous and not Jason didn't tell us it was easy to see when she walked to the room she used that she was nervous about it" Blake smiled even more at her and then chuckled
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "Amie has never been overly confident. Not when it comes to stuff like this. Not you throw her into the world of law, and that is where she excels." She on the other hand, she was confident around men... not as much now with being scarred, but she was still confident. There were secrets about herself that she would never tell Rafe either. With that she was hopping back into the water and wading over to him, just leaning towards him before she questioned with a coo, "So I have to wonder.... why Amie picked you?"
"you would have to ask her that one we are not told why we're picked but I am known to be the more gentle of the men here but I have the most stamina and can go for a while" Blake smiled at her lightly and leaned in to her "why do you want to try me out?"
Z just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Gentle huh.... Well that sounds rather boring." With that she was straightening up once again before she was just looking towards him. "And what if I do, hmm?"
"I am only gentle if that is what you want and if you do then lets have some fun" Blake stood up as well and stood over her by a good five to six inches and just smiled at her
Z just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I don't know about that...." There was a slight smirk on her lips though as she waded away from him so that she could climb out of the hot tub, and grab her robe. It was almost as though she was challenging him.
Z found herself being pulled back into him and his lips were pressing against hers. Well while she had been expecting something, she was definitely thrown off a bit. Yet again this was probably the first time she had been with a guy in a number of years. Far too busy with everything else, avoiding relationships as much as possible.
Z found herself being drawn back into the water, and soon enough she was sitting on this man's lap. Uh he had quite the abs that was for sure.
Blake pulled back a bit and then chuckled "so do you want to keep going" Already he was begin gin to feel aroused and it wouldn't take much to get him fully erect
Z just looked over her shoulder at him before she was cooing, "Well I can't just leave you with a boner now can I. But.... I must say... gentle isn't really my forte."
Blake chuckled and then shifted her before with out warning he shoved in to her pushing all the way in till he was balls deep "how is that for not gentle"
Z definitely hadn't been expecting him to just all of a sudden shove himself deep inside of her. That had her giving a startled gasp, and a moan all at once. Definitely not gentle, but strangely enjoyable.
Z took to moving her own hips after she had taken a few moment to adjust to him being inside of her. "Happens when you go without sex for a few years. Was being doing everything else." she spoke after a moment in time.
"And what is that suppose to mean?" Z questioned, just leaning back so that her back was against his chest. Well this was probably the first time that she had had sex in a hot tub.
"you'll just have to wait and see" Blake then shifted them a bit so that he had better leverage and a better grip on her before he started to pound in to her
Z spoke, "I really dislike surprises." She was, however, giving a slight gasp when the tempo changed a bit, and a soft moan fell from her lips as well. For some reason she had the feeling that this man was going to drive her crazy.
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