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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"if he needs us he will let us know Z" Jason looked at then Botha nd then handed Amie his keys "take my car I'll stay till Diana and Aaron get her and go have some time to relax"
Amie just looked towards Jason before she spoke, "I'm paying them to give me a back massage, and a foot massage. Just so you know." And she knew the schedule, she knew that Jason hadn't had anybody booked for the day, well at least not until later in the day anyways. But that was only a couple of people, nothing that the large staff couldn't handle. With that she was taking the car keys then spoke, "Let me know if anything changes please." With that she was giving Jason a kiss on the lips before she was grabbing Z's arm to draw her off with her so that they could get going.
"will do" Jason kissed her back and then smiled while she had been occupied he had managed to slip her rings in to her bag with out her seeing so when she went in to her back to get his pass she would find them
After that the two ladies were setting out to the spa, and Amie was just chuckling a bit as Z mumbled and complained. It didn't take them long to arrive at all, and Amie was parking in Jason's usual spot before climbing out of the car, and dragging Z in with her. "Hello ladies!" she cooed as she walked into the building, and was waving. She rifled through her bag and was pulling out the card, although was pausing a bit when she spotted the ring box, which had her taking it out and just opening it. This had her giving a soft smile and she was just shaking her head a bit, before she was taking the rings out of the box, and putting them on. Z was looking over for a moment before she questioned, "Oh my god? Did you guys seriously...?" This had Amie giving a smile before she was looking towards the lady behind the counter and she spoke, "Good evening Lilian, if I can get the full package for my friend here. And then if you are available, I want to just get a massage for myself." After that she was handing over the card, before taking out her phone to show Lilian the list of guys that Jason had suggested before she spoke, "Any one of these five. Not sure who is working, but actually looking into them, any of them will work. It is a surprise."
Lilian smiled "welcome back ma'am congratulations and I am working tonight so if there is anything I need to know about your health let me know when we get in to the room and of course I'll get her all set up" Lilian typed on her computer and made the booking it would tell the staff what all she was getting "if you ladies will follow me I'll take you to the locker room so you can get changed"
"Oh I absolutely love you. You are the absolute greatest." Amie spoke with a smile before she was following after her once she was done putting stuff into the computer, and soon enough they were in the locker room. This is where they would change into the robes that were provided and putting their clothing into the lockers. Amie was changing without hesitation and Z was commenting that the baby bump could actually be seen a bit, which had Amie just looking in the mirror. Honestly she had never even noticed that before. Slight but it was there if one knew that she was actually pregnant, which just had her smiling. "Z.... This is the first time, in so long.... That I've been happy. Despite this being a non-planned pregnancy, while I'm scared.... I cannot wait. He is the first guy where, the thought of being a mother isn't terrifying." Amie spoke in a soft voice which had Z giving a faint smile as she was reluctantly changing out of her clothes, considering she knew that Amie would help her if it came to that. After that she was wrapping the robe around herself, not quite as confident in her figure as Amie was. Perhaps it was because of the fresh scar that she had on her side from that asshole that had shot her. "That is healing nicely, even after only a few weeks." Amie was commenting as she spotted it which had Z commenting that it still hurt at times, and was then stating that she planned on eventually getting a tattoo to hide it, front and back.
Lilian walked back in to the room to check on them "are you ladies ready to go?" Lilian smiled at them both and then looked at Amie and gave her a bright smile letting her know everything for her friend was ready to go and she would get the same treatment
"Yes I am ready to get going." Amie spoke with a grin before she was looking towards Z, who just seemed less than pleased. For the most part they pretty much had the same treatment going on, just minus the very last part for Amie considering she already had somebody. Nope lounging in a hot tub sounded far better to her, at least for a little bit.
Lilian smiled and then lead them to two separate rooms and when the reached the first she motioned for Z to go in so that she could get started while Lilian covered some medical information from Amie
Z was just walking into the room and just looked around for a brief moment in time. Nope she wanted to leave already.
Amie was letting Lilian know that there weren't any medical concerns, just the minor morning sickness. "Otherwise we are both healthy." She spoke with a gentle smile.
"glad to hear that you massage will be a little different because you are pregnant as we can his some pressure point to help relieve the morning sickness it won't cure it but it will help" Lilian smiled at her and then motioned for her to go a head and get on the table.

a few moments later a you man walked in to Z's room and smiled "hello I am June and I'll be taking care of you today"
Z just looked over for a moment in time before she spoke, "Umm.... Yeah, hello. You can call me Z." Nope she seriously wasn't overly enthused about being there but she was going to push it aside. Actually enjoy the break away from everything at that point in time.

"No worries. I trust you when it comes to this. Actually I've had a few others recommend you for this." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was walking into the room.
June smiled at her "don't worry this will help you relax and unwind plus you will feel better then ever when your done" Jun then motioned to the table behind her "if you would please"

Lilian smiled at her and once she was settled on the table got to work
Z was just watching for a moment before she was going over to the table and laying down on it. At that point she was laying down on her stomach.

Amie was laying on her stomach, just laying with her head sideways, and just staring at the wall. "Hey Lilian.... Jason's birthday is coming up here soon and I am wanting to plan a surprise party for him. Everybody that works here is close with him. I would love if you guys would attend, and perhaps you.... as one of his manager when he isn't here, would perhaps help me plan it?" she spoke after a moment in time.
once she was Settled June walked over and started to work on Z making sure that she worked all the knots out.

Lilian smiled "I can do that we will have to make sure to keep it quite but I think I can help you plan it"
"So what does this all entail anyways?" Z questioned after a moment in time, her voice a slight murmur.

"I trust you ladies to keep it quiet." Amie spoke after a moment in time.
"of course" Lilian smiled at her and then went silent while she worked

"its starts with a deep tissue massage and then we go to a scrub to remove all the dead skin and then you get a soak in the hot tub and a few hours in a room to calmly relax are a few this normally takes around five to six hours before we are done but once we are you will be relaxed and have baby smooth skin" June smiled at her lightly
Z just listened to what she had to say before she spoke, "I suppose that doesn't sound too bad. Amie made it sound as though something more was going to happen." If June was smart, she wouldn't say anything more, least Amie find out that the surprise was ruined. But knowing Lilian and the fact that Amie had mentioned it was a surprise, she probably made a note about it as well.

Amie was giving a faint smile before she spoke, "Oh and Jason and I had been discussing something as well. We are wanting to name you as one of the godmothers of the baby, when he or she is born. If you accept."
June chuckled and just continued to work since she knew better then to say anything the female was in for one hell of a surprise when she went to her room to relax and was joined by Blake as he would keep her rather busy for a while.

Lilian smiled "I would be honored to be one of the babies godmothers"
Amie giggled and spoke, "Jason said that he was certain that you would say that. Also I know he hates when I actually give you guys tips, since he usually takes care of it himself. But I'm going to anyways. So if you could just not mention it to him."

Z was just giving a sigh before she was mumbling that she really hated secrets, but she was going to let it slide at that point in time. Nope she was just going to enjoy the massage, since it actually felt quite good. And it was getting the kinks out of her back and shoulders.
"of course we never mention it to him we all know better" Lilian smiled at her and then she started to tell her about when her daughter had done recently
Amie just listened to what she was being told, before she was just cooing a bit. Man she couldn't wait to have the baby, but she was also nervous about it as well.

A few hours had gone by, and the two woman were actually standing in the locker room talking briefly. The pair were off to the hot tubs, although separate rooms considering Z was going to be doing something a bit different. And they had wanted to see what was going on with everything. Seemed like Maggie had gotten back from tests and what not, but she was still unconscious. "Aaron and Diana will be back home in like thirty minutes. Their plane just landed." Amie was commenting before she was heading off, leaving Z to stand there alone. After a moment Z was just shaking her head before leaving the locker room to follow after June to the next room.
June walked her to the room she would be using and opened the door "enjoy your soak I will be back in a while to check on you" June knew it would be a long while before she checked on the female but she didn't want it to seem odd and the girl get suspicious about what was about to happen
Z was just looking at her for a moment in time before she spoke, "Sounds good." Good thing she had thought to bring her phone for some music. Although she wasn't sure how she felt about soaking in a hot tub completely naked, but there wasn't anybody else around, so whatever. The robe was being discarded after the door was closed and she was stepping into the hot water, slowly. Okay that hot water made the scar hurt briefly but then it faded away.
After a while once Z had had time to relax and soak Blake walked in to the room and join her in the tub not even bothered by the fact that it would probably freak her out seeing a naked male in the room with her
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