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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"I dislike those." Z spoke after a moment in time before she was cooing, "Don't worry about me too much love." After that she was walking off although was commenting that she needed to go and grab her clothes, otherwise they were going to end up getting picked up by the police if she was walking around in just a robe. Hopefully Blake would notice that the phone was still sitting next to him, and Amie still happened to be on the line, even if she was currently preoccupied.
Blake had seen it and while he didn't like that she was going with them he wasn't going to stop her since it was her choice and trying to stop a stubborn female was asking for a death wish
"Let me guess.... She actually went with them." a feminine voice spoke through the phone after a brief moment in time, seemingly randomly as well. If Blake was confirming that fact, then Amie would be letting somebody know that they were going to need a clean up, already having an idea of where they were going to be headed.
Blake picked the phone up "yep but she had an evil look on her face so I pity them right now" Blake then headed to the locker rooms so that he could get dressed and then head out to make sure she didn't get hurt and if so then he would be there to help
"I would pity them right now." Amie was commenting before she was getting up from where she was sitting. "Especially if it was anybody she knew. Oh where the fuck did he disappear to now?" she mumbled. Okay Jason had been around but now he wasn't. Whatever she was going to brush it off for the time being, as she was talking to a couple of the people that had come up, and was giving them some specific instructions.
"if the boss man is missing try looking for coffee he loves coffee" Blake then set the phone down long enough to get dressed before he picked it back up and then headed out so he could find her
"You know... You would think that I would have remembered that he loves coffee." Amie was commenting before she was letting him know that he would probably find them out in the alleyway, knowing Z's tendencies. "So I hope she wasn't to hard on you today." she was commenting as she took the elevator down to the main floor.
"pregnancy brain miss otherwise you would have" Blake chuckled when she mentioned Z being hard on her "no we had fun and she mentioned kidnapping me"
Amie was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "Valid point there. And why does that not shock me that she would want to kidnap somebody." With that she was prancing up behind Jason and wrapping one arm around him from behind. "Babe. Just to let you know. Z is going to kidnap Blake later today, after she gets done beating somebody's ass." she spoke to Jason after a moment in time.
"let Blake know he will get paid time off if Z does kidnap him I just need proof she doesn't accidentally kill him" Jason then chuckled and turned showing his wife the coffee drink she loved and was allowed to have while pregnant
"So if you get kidnapped by Z, you'll get paid time off. There will just need to be proof that she didn't kill you." Amie spoke although was giving a happy coo when he was showing her the coffee in his hand. This had her taking it from him happily to take a sip.
Sure enough Amie had been correct when she had said that she would probably find them outside in the alleyway. And somehow Z was able to hold her own against the men, even if they had a good foot on her, and a good one hundred pounds. "Oh hi Blake." Z smiled when she spotted him before she was dancing away, giving a fake tone of sympathy when one of them, who had tried to charge at her, rammed straight into the wall. "I would say I feel bad but.... I really don't. The fact that it took you guys weeks to realize who I was it even more entertaining, and you still thought I would be an easy target." she was commenting with a sigh, flipping some of her hair out of her face.
Blake smiled as he watched her and simply chuckled "oh by the way I was told to inform you that if you decide to kidnap me you have to provide the boss man with proof that you didn't manage to kill me. he said if you do that I get paid time off" Blake knew she had contemplated kidnapping him so he had no issues telling her that information.
Z looked over for a moment in time before she questioned "What is with everybody and thinking I'm going to kill somebody?" She was mumbling a bit annoyed and was then looking at the man that was going to grab for the knife he had dropped earlier, which had her stepping on his wrist with her heel.
"probably because if provoked enough you would kill someone" Blake smiled "but also think of the content of your conversation and then apply it to what the boss man said" Blake figured the male was worried she would kill him from too much sex and not enough rest and sleep
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "Nah you are safe enough. I'm rarely at home as it is. The nap earlier was nice, much needed." Nope she wasn't going to mention she had been crazy busy the last few days and nights. She was however stepping away from the man on the ground before she was kneeling down and cooing, "Be a dear and pass on a message to your boss. Fuck with my family again, either of my families, and I'll make him regret the day that he was ever born." After that she was getting to her feet once again and walking towards Blake, examining a small cut that was on her arm.
"lets go get that cleaned and bandaged"Blake smiled at her lightly and then handed her the phone which had a plethora of texts from Jason most were along the line of making sure stayed healthy and not to wear the poor male out
Z just looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Minor cut. Not overly worried about it." She was just looking at the phone for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I could totally be a bitc…. and oh...." She was reading a message from somebody else about something. Somebody had gotten her information that she had wanted about something. And it seemed like Rafe was going to be able to head back sooner than expected.
"he is only harassing you because he cares and please tell me your not going to do something crazy" Blake watched her carefully as he didn't quite know what was going through her head
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "I'm not that reckless.... not all the time anyways." With that she was giving a small shrug before she was messaging Amie back to let her know that everything was good. "Well since that is done.... I'm starving and food sounds really good right now." she was commenting as she was sliding her brass knuckles off and dropping them into her bag.
Z was giving a nod of her head before she was walking out of the alleyway, her heels faintly clicking on the ground and she was pulling her bag up onto her shoulder a bit more.
Z just thought for a moment before she spoke, "Honestly I have no idea at this point in time." She wasn't overly picky whatsoever, not about what she wanted to eat anyways.
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