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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Diana leaned against him and then smiled “let’s do Chinese” Diana smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder

Andrew just followed her directions to her home so that they could get her things
"Sounds good to me." Aaron spoke and was going to the usual app that he used to have delivery, and was picking their usual Chinese place.

When they arrived, Addison was pointing out the house, although the car that was in the driveway had her frowning. "What the fuck are you doing here?" was all she could question the elderly man as she got out of the car, and folded her arms across her chest. "Addie, please... be reasonable. And talk to your brother, tell him to let me see him." the man spoke to her. This had her looking over before she spoke with a hiss, "No! Stay the fuck away from Devin. You already got me dragged into your fucking mess, I'm not letting you drag Devin into it." Not that she could personally do anything to stop him from going to visit his son, but it was also Devin's wish.
Andrew walked up and wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her from attacking the male “easy now love” Andrew was still acting like he was her boyfriend to keep the male from starting shit.

Diana smiled at him and then rested against him
"And who the hell is this guy?" Her father questioned which had Addisin rolling her eyes before she spoke "Boyfriend obviously." After that she was headed towards the house so that she could go inside.
Addison just unlocked the house and walked inside, before she was going off towards her room. A black cat came streaking out of nowhere and brushed against Addison, before going over to see the newcomer in the house. "That is Shadow." Addison commented after a moment in time.
Andrew scooped the cat up and then scratched the cats head "cute cat" Andrew had closed the door behind him so if her father followed them he would hear the door open
Shadow just meowed at the man and purred a bit, rubbing her face against his face. It wasn't long before Addison was coming out with a backpack over her shoulder. She had more just grabbed important stuff that she wanted to make sure was with her at the time. Stuff that she was worried about being stolen if her house was broken into. Otherwise she wasn't overly worried about her clothes, other than the outfit that she had grabbed for court tomorrow.
Andrew looked at her "you ready to head out and do you have when you need for Shadow as well?" Andrew didn't want to leave the cat there either
Addison looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "I have to get more cat food for her. The person that has been taking care of her, just gave her the last of it this morning when she came to feed her. But that isn't a big deal at all. Other wise I have her food dish and water dish." She would have to get some litter and a litter box, since she wasn't dragging that with her at all. But she wasn't leaving her furbaby there either.
Andrew nodded his head "then lets head out so we can get you both settled in fro the night" Andrew then motioned for her to head out first so that they could head out
"Before we get to the motel though, I have to stop by the store to get a few things. If you don't mind." Addison spoke after a moment in time. Kitty litter being one of them, and there were a couple of other things she needed. Feminine hygiene products for example. Much to her dismay.
Addison was giving a nod of her head before she was rifling around in her purse and digging out what cash she had in there. There was one thing that she hadn't mentioned to Amie yet, something she had discovered when she had checked her account earlier. It seemed like somebody had hacked her back account and cleaned out her account. Which is what had prompted her to get that card deactivated. A small message was all it had taken. But this definitely made things more difficult. And stressful.
Addison looked over for a moment before she spoke, "Oh yeah I'm fine. I threw cash in my purse earlier and just don't know which pocket. I seriously have to clean my purse out." Hey that was part of the truth, there were three pockets and there was a bunch of stuff in there. Oh hey there were the few twenties that she had shoved in there earlier that day.
It didn't take them long to get to the store, and Addison was hopping out of the car, heading off inside. Nope there were only a few things that she needed at that point in time.
Andrew texted Amie that she seemed off and had been since she checked her bank but also informed her of what all had been done for her brother
Amie did see the message, since she had gotten up to use the bathroom before going back to bed. ~I'll look into it... in a bit.~ was the response before she was going back to curl up with Jason, passing out again almost instantly. That exhausted.
Addison found what she needed. A cat box and litter, which she was putting in the cart. Oh and cat food. Maybe she would just get Shadow a couple of cans. Be cheaper at that point. Yeah that worked. Few cans of wet food, and off to the health and beauty area of store.
Andrew sat and watched her from the car as the whole front of the store was glass this allowed him to see into the building. Andrew looked at his phone and texted a few others keeping people informed of what they needed to do while he wasn't there. Andrew headed a small unit in the group and they were tasked with protection most of the time
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Addison got what she needed and went up to pay, talking with the clerk lightly. She did snicker about something before she was heading off outside with the stuff.
While Andrew was waiting on her to come out of the store he had started to play with her cat and had the little thing going.

While they were waiting on their food Diana had dozed off next to Aaron her head resting on his shoulder
Addison came outside and was dropping her change into her purse, and setting the stuff into the backseat before she was climbing into the passenger seat.
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