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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

the doctor moved back when one of the security guards started to break the door down so that they could get her out of the room and quickly. Rafe got behind the wheel and once Aaron was buckled in he floored it and pushed his car to the max. thankfully the traffic was light and he was able to weave through traffic "your gonna need to calm her when we get there if she reacted so badly that she locked herself in the room then she is truly freaked out and will not handle things very well"
Maggie just listened to Rafe for a moment in time and watched as the door was broken down which had her moving into the room, past the security guards. Although seeing what was in the box actually had her putting a hand to her mouth, holding back that urge to throw up. "Oh my god....." she whispered before she was spotting Diana and going over to her, just setting her phone down next to her for the time being. "Diana, it is Maggie. Come on sweetheart. Lets get out of here, away from that. It isn't safe here. We need to get going." Maggie spoke in a soft voice as she knelt down next to her before she was looking over towards the security guards then spoke, "Please leave us. I'll take care of it from here.""
the male nodded his head and then moved out of the room so she could get her friend out.

Diana would feel cold to the touch but she was also shaking. looking at her Maggie would see that Diana's eyes were wide and glassed over and while she would listen to her since she knew the voice they wouldn't get much out of her other than that." Diana moved slowly staying low and as far away from the box and the bed as she could get without going in to the next room
Maggie was continued to speak softly to Diana before she was getting up so that she could close the box, although this is when she noticed what else was in the box. An explosive it seemed. And there was a timer, which had her looking over towards Diana and moving over to her quickly. "Diana. Down." She spoke in a sharp voice and was pulling the couch that was in the room away from the wall and pulling Diana behind it with her. They didn't have time to get out of the room before it went off, and this was more protection then just being in the open. Maggie was grabbing a hold of Diana gently and making her put her hands over to her ears before pushing her down flat on the ground, kneeling over her a bit.
this action would cause Diana to instantly panic even though she knew that Maggie was trying to keep her safe.

Rafe pulled up just as the bomb went off and caused the window of the room to blow out "shit lets get in there" Rafe had broken several traffic laws to get there there that fast but he didn't care all he cared about was making sure Maggie and Diana were safe and if not get to them as fast as possible
Maggie was holding back the shriek of fright when the bomb went off and she could hear the couch pelted by stuff. The glass from the window rained down on them, and she found herself cut by a number of the shards, but she didn't care. For the most part Diana would be kept safe from any harm. Physical harm anyways, who knew about mental harm at that point in time. Maggie was breathing slowly before she spoke in a soft voice, "Diana. Don't move. Stay there. Stay until I tell you it is safe."
Maggie would hear her speak for the first time "I want Aaron" Diana was terrified and wanted Aaron as she felt safe with him even after everything that had happened she still felt safe with him and wanted him there. Diana was back to crying and shaking at that point in time.
Maggie just looked towards her then she spoke in a soft voice, "It is safe to sit up. And Aaron will be here soon." With that she was going back over to her and actually got her to sit up, before she was wrapping her arms around her before she was getting her to her feet, so that they could leave the room. Soon after Maggie got Diana out of the room it seemed like the guys had arrived and Aaron was hurrying over to them, and gently embracing them both. "You guys okay?" Aaron questioned and Maggie nodded as she explained what had happened before she was turning to leave, before Rafe showed up. For once, it was her that was ignoring him.
Diana grabbed on to Aaron but also had a death grip on Maggie's shirt not allowing the female to leave. Aaron would feel her shaking in his arms but it would seem that she was keeping herself under control for the moment but the moment Rafe walked in it would seem a small amount of Anger flashed through her "that's it no more" Diana then shoved them both into a closet and locked the door until they made up. it was then that she finally broke down as the anger keeping everything at bay had been spent
Maggie wasn't happy at all about not being able to get away, and she was definitely not happy at all to be locked in a closet. Although in the end, this wasn't going to encourage her to speak to him whatsoever. Nope she was just continue to give him the cold shoulder, just like he had done to her for the last week. But she was going to take the opportunity to pick glass off of herself, and examine the few cuts that were on her exposed arms. There was one on her cheek as well, but none of it actually bothered her. Aaron was just holding Diana gently before he spoke, "Diana. I know this isn't the time, but I need to know. Did you, and those four, know about the raid prior to it happening?"
Diana shook her head "no we all got the call to come in that morning but we didn't know why we were called in" Diana curled into him as much as possible without crawling in to his clothes. "not letting them out till they make up" Diana was just informing him so that he was aware of what she was doing even in her fear she wanted her friend to be happy once mre
Aaron just gave a nod of his head before he spoke, "That is all I need to know. Amie learned some more, and this just confirms what she learned." With that he was messaging Amie back and just held Diana gently before he was speaking, "I don't think they will. Rafe has ignored her for the last week without any explanation. She has become withdrawn from everybody because of that. He doesn't want her to get hurt again, like what had happened, but in doing this.... he is pushing her away. I know you want them to be happy again, but forcing them to be together isn't going to help at all. Especially not with what just happened."
"he cares her being hurt will force him to act at the least" Diana then rested her head against his shoulder and just tried to calm down.

Diana was right Rafe couldn't stand by and see her injured and not do anything. with a small growl he picked her up and set her on a nearby stool and then grabbed what he needed to tend to her wounds
Aaron spoke in a soft voice, "But she will react like you did when we first started dating and I had ignored you. You refused to accept my help for a while. Even after I apologized." That was something he remembered fondly, and now that he thought about it, he didn't blame her for doing that. He had deserved it. He should have told her what was going on, he should have talked to her, instead of ignoring her.

Maggie was actually hitting his hand away before she spoke, "Don't touch me." She was getting up and moving away from him, thankful that it was one of the larger medical closets, so that she could actually move away from him. "Do you really think that you being nice now all of a sudden is going to make up for ignoring me for a week without an explanation!" Maggie spoke in a sharp voice. "I'm fine. I don't need your help."
"you know Rafe's temper while he won't strike her he will act stupid" Diana smiled at the memory he brought up and then gently kissed him "thank you for coming" while she was calming down she had a feeling that days events would haunt her for a while.

Rafe growled and then snagged her and put her back on the seat "just stay the fuck still and let me tend to these and then I'll get us the fuck out of here" Rafe's voice held anger and pain but his face would say not to fuck with him at that point either
"And that will be a stupid move with how afraid she still is. With what happened." Aaron commented after a moment in time before he was giving her a light kiss back. And there was that startled shriek from Maggie that he had been waiting for, an indication that Rafe had in fact done something, and said something.

Well this definitely wasn't going to help the male at all, not with Maggie withdrawing even more than she had. In a way she had turned into how Diana had been in the room, quivering in fear. Her eyes were on the ground at that point in time, and tears were forming in her eyes.
Diana sighed and then shook her head "yep told you stupid" Diana leaned her head back against the door and felt herself dozing off only to yelp when the doctor pinched her.

Rafe sighed and then rubbed his face to calm himself down "sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just want to tend to your wounds you don't have to talk to me as I know I have been an ass but I don't want to see them get infected either
Aaron just looked towards her for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "And due to that.... she isn't going to really speak to anybody. Really in the last week, she has only really spoken to you and Amie. Sometimes her father and I, but really nobody else. Which is strange for her. She is Miss Chatty." With that he was looking towards the doctor when he was pinching her before he questioned, "What was that for?"

Maggie didn't say anything at all, in fact she didn't even look up at all, just mutely held out an arm so that he could tend to it.
"she possibly has a concussion from the blast so no sleeping just yet" the doctor then held out her discharge papers "keep her up for a bit and if she doesn't show signs of being overly tired then come this evening she should be good to go to sleep"

Rafe tended to her wounds in silence and once he was done he looked at her "I am sorry Maggie I didn't mean to scare you but I also can't be what you want I lost someone close to me and after your kidnapping I can't seem to get my temper under control and I don't want to hurt you"
"If you could run a head CT on her then, just to make sure that there is no other damage." Aaron spoke after a moment in time, as he took the papers. Perhaps it wasn't need but he wanted to be safe than sorry, and money wasn't going to be an issue at all.

Maggie actually looked at him at the mention of not hurting her before she finally spoke, "You don't want to hurt me.... yet you ignoring me for a damn week with no explanation for a week hurt me! Maybe not physically but it most definitely did mentally and emotionally." After that she was tearing away from him and getting to her feet, going to the door. "Aaron, unlock the door." was all she said after a moment in time.
"I know it did and for that, I am sorry Maggie but I would rather lose you because of what I did then have you taken from me forever" If Maggie asked Jason he would tell her what had happened to the person close to him and who it was if she wanted to know.

the doctor nodded his head "if you wish we can do that just to be certain"
Maggie just looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Well congratulations then for being an asshole, and pushing me away." Thankfully Aaron was unlocking the door soon after that, and Maggie was pushing past him, tears in her eyes. "Mags, you should get a CT as well." Aaron spoke in a gentle voice and she just spoke, "Who cares. I'm going home." With that she was just walking down the hallway, and the guys that her father had sent with her were falling in next to her so that they could leave.
Diana muttered under her breath about them both being a stubborn pain in the ass before she followed a nurse to have her CT done so she could leave the hospital and go somewhere where no one could get to her without some drastic issues
Aaron just looked towards Diana for a moment in time before he spoke, "You my dear have no room to speak, just as I have no room to talk. I did the same thing he did, and you gave me the cold shoulder for a week. I deserved it. That I can admit. I deserved the cold shoulder. I should have talked to you, should have told you what was wrong."
"true but at least when you said sorry and I listened we worked things out but if he doesn't tell her what is wrong they won't make up" Diana then let them put her through the test all over and once she was given the all clear she was ready to leave
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