Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Jason walked her to the car and after shooting Aaron a text about where his sister would be he got her settled in to the car and the headed off
Amie just watched out the window as they drove before she was looking at her phone, just reading a few messages from Maggie and the Black King.
Amie got out of the car after she was able to and was just stretching lightly before looking around. She was letting out a small breath of air before grabbing her laptop bag from the backseat where she had put it.
Amie headed off inside the building and was making a comment that she was ordering pizza. Pizza sounded really good at that point in time.
“Works for me the menus are in the drawer on the left of the fridge” Jason walked in to his room and changed in to a loose pair of sweats and no shirt. His chest was colorful and different shades of blue and purple
"Hey.... Think I could borrow a tshirt for the night?" Amie questioned after a moment in time. Something to change into other than what she was wearing at that point in time. She was taking the pain medication that had been prescribed for him out of her bag and was handing it over, before she was going to take out the menus and look at them.
Jason nodded his head and then grabbed one out of his dresser and then offered it to her after taking the pills from her “ here you go”
"Thanks." Amie spoke as she was placing the menu on the table before taking off her suit jacket at that point in time, revealing the spaghetti strap on underneath it. She was examining her neck and chest a bit from where she had the seatbelt burn. Painful but at least she had been wearing her seatbelt. "What kind of pizza do you want?" she questioned and was pulling the shirt on over her top, before sliding off her suit pants.
“I’ll eat anything on my pizza just no fish of any kind sorry but that doesn’t belong on pizza” Jason wasn’t a fan of fish in general
"And now I hope you realize how much of a bad idea it was to box with Rafe." Amie pointed out before she was studying the menus, figuring out which pizza place she wanted to order from.
“Not the first time I have done it won’t be the last time either I am the only one who can keep par with him and this is mild compared to what some would have gotten” Jason watched her as she ordered food
Amie just looked over for a moment before she commented, "I suppose so." With that she was ordering them some pizza before she was walking over to him, and gently kissing him on the lips.
Jason smiled at her and then showed her the theater room after kissing her back “ feel free to choose what ever you would like to watch” Jason motioned to the wall of movies
Amie spoke in a soft voice, "Shame you are hurt. We could finish what we started earlier." With that she was looking at all of the movies to find something that she wanted.
“We still could you would just be on top” Jason moved and got everything settled on the truck bed that had a mattress in it along with large fluffy pillows and some blankets
Amie looked at him before she cooed, "We could but.... I would still be worried about hurting you." Yet again there was something else that she could do.
“You wouldn’t hurt me Amie while I am sore and it hurts to move too much as long as you don’t press on my lower ribs we would be fine” Jason finished what her was doing and then got the controls for the system out
Amie just looked towards him before she spoke, "I'm not going to chance it." With that she was picking out a couple of movies and setting them aside.
Jason walked over and wrapped his arms around her and then kissed her neck “ I promise the pleasure would out weigh the pain”
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