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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Maggie giggle before she spoke "Truth me told, I'm the daughter of the notorious Black King. I'm the girl who remembers e everything she hears."
Diana looked around and when she spotted a computer she hit a few keys and then handed her the computer "hit f,m,y,3 at the same time and it will give you a live feed int he unit sound included"
Maggie raised an eyebrow and questioned "Why would you help us like this?" Although she was hitting the buttons and letting the stuff play, while she chatted with Diana, listening ing to the conversations as well.
"because the bastards tried to kill me and are threatening the family I made since I don't have my own" Diana hated that she didn't have a true family but things happened and she had made one all her own
"I have said what I remember the docs say it will be a bit before the full memories return to me" Diana rubbed her side lightly before truly looking around the hospital room
Maggie was nodding and spoke "I know. Call me if you remember anything more. I have to get going though."
Maggie was nodding before she was heading off with a way, heading off towards where her father was at.
Amie was just looking at the doctor before she spoke "No fussing. Just take care of the problem, prescribe meds or whatever, give instruction so we can go home."
"you are not allowed to go to sleep for a minimum of 12 hours and as for your man well he needs to be laying down so if you two can figure out how to do that then all the more luck to you both" the doctor then frowned at them both as well
"Not sleeping wont be difficult. I've got some stuff to get done anyways." Amie mumbled after a mome t.
"you need to rest as well so unless you plan on staying up but resting not working then I will have to insist that you both got the hospital for observation" the doctor wasn't saying she couldn't have fun or do physical activities he was however saying that she couldn't work
"I'm not staying here. And my work is mostly reading. But I suppose I can do a movie marathon." Amie spoke.
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