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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Diana sighed and nodded her head "alright you never lied to me so I'll trust you on this" and it was the truth he had never truly lied to her when they were together as neither had pressed the other about what they did for a living
Aaron just chuckled then spoke, "And even if that doesn't work out. This is no charge on you, this new hospital. It will be taken care of, no need to worry at all."
Diana nodded her head "ok I just want this over so I can take something for the pain"so long as she had to testify she couldn't take any pain meds and she hated it
Aaron chuckled then spoke, "There is a first aid kit in the glove box, I've got some hospital prescribed pain killers in there."
"can't take them as much as I would love to I can't my mind has to be drug-free and if they test me it has to show that no drugs have been in my system since I started giving testimony again or that was what I was told" for all she knew it was a ploy to get her not to take them and for the pain to muddle her mind
Aaron spoke, "That only counts if you are taking drugs for recreational use. If you are prescribed something by a doctor, and you have doctor's instructions to take these medications every so many hours, then that is how it is. And pain is going to muddle one's mind more than pain killers were. Pain is going to cause everything to become a lot worse than taking pain killers."
Diana nodded her head "ok" she knew that she would be given more pain meds and antibiotics when they reached the hospital so for the time being she wasn't going to take any
"We'll just have a doctor write up a note, and if anything I'll call and speak to the judge himself about it." Aaron spoke after a moment in time as he was pulling up to the hospital.
Diana nodded her head and once he was parked she moved to slowly get out of the car so that she could head into the hospital. Diana did let put a hiss when she felt a stitch tug and then rip
Aaron was getting her inside and was speaking to the doctor that was there, who was giving a nod and getting Diana to a room.
Diana had, until they got her settled on a bed, had a death grip on his hand since the last time she had been one place she had woken up somewhere else.
"No need to worry, you are safe here. But I am going to leave for a bit. I have some phone calls to make. Also, consider starting over with me." Aaron spoke after a moment in time and soon enough a couple of people came into the room, some doctors, and it seemed like Maggie was there as well, offering to sit with her. "Mags, I have some stuff for you to read though. Just in case." Aaron spoke and was handing over the messages that Diana had received, along with all of the numbers that were associated with them. "Got it." Maggie hummed and was looking at Diana with a bright smile.

"Hi I'm Maggie, and I'm a friend of Aaron's. I was across the hall when I saw him come up and decided to come what is going on until my father comes to get me." she smiled gently.
Diana nodded her head lightly and smiled at the girl "I remember you it's nice to officially meet you" Diana was more stunned that he had asked to start over since they knew what the other did now it wouldn't cause problems in the future for either of them
Maggie smiled before she spoke, "I'm helping Aaron and Amie with this case, kind of anyways. But Aaron trusts you, so I'll trust you when I tell you that I'm... their back up flash drive in a way." She was looking over towards the door when one of the male doctors came in, although it was quite obvious that she was skiddish, although only around men. Men other than her father, Rafe, Aaron, and certain men in her father's home.
Diana gently touched her "I may be wounded but know your safe with me so no one will hurt you while I am here and Aaron trusts me because even with threats I haven't backed down from my story on the events involved in this case"
"I know the whole story. I have it memorized. Your whole testimony, word for word. I was also there listening to all of the interrogations with the rest of the officers and none of their stories match. None at all." Maggie spoke as she was watching the doctor get Diana set up with an iv for pain killers, and soon enough the man was leaving. "I'm sorry... I just had something happen and.... men.... make me nervous." Maggie spoke in a low voice.
"its understandable I started out in the sex crimes unit so I saw my fair share of attempted rape and rape victims so long as you have some men you feel safe with you will do just fine" Diana shifted a little and let the meds do their job
Maggie gave a small smile before she spoke "Diana I have seen your record and I've come to extend an invite. Your cases, you more a detective if anything. The Black King wishes to have you as his own personal detective. You will get paid very handsomely, and you'll have protection as needed."
Diana looked at her "I would have to meet him and speak with him first before I would agree to anything" Diana would also ask Aaron what he thought of the male since he had met someone she worked with and hadn't liked them from the start so she was relying on him a little at that point
Maggie looked towards him before she giggled and spoke, "I shall speak to him and see if we can set up a mee...." She was trailing off though when a guy popped his head in and was giving a sigh of relief before stating that she really shouldn't wonder off. This had her snickering before she spoke, "This is my father's hospital, other than home this is a safe place." "Well the Black King arrived and wants to see you when you are free. You kind of left in a hurry this morning." the man spoke before he was looking towards Diana, and Maggie was getting to her feet.

"Perhaps my father will meet with you, maybe not. It depends on the mood that he is in. He has been quite pissed off since what happened. My assault, his lawyer being threatened, and a new gang causing issues." Maggie spoke before she was smiling then was placing a card next to Diana. "If there is anything you want to state, give me a call. Whatever you tell me, I'll remember."
Diana nodded her head “ok and I understand him being mad” Diana didn’t blame her father for being ticked off at what happened
"Thank you I know it can't be easy for you to have to speak with a cop" Diana hated that people would all of a sudden shut down on her when they found out that she was a cop simply because they felt that she would tell someone what they had said to her and if they got arrested that it would be used against them
Maggie looked towards her before she spoke "I'm not overly scared of you saying anything. Because right now, Um one of the few people who can help ypu."
"true sand but true I never thought my life would go this way but then again I never thought I would fall for a gang leader either" Diana shifted slightly to get comfortable while she was resting so that she didn't hurt as bad
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