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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

“All in the thumb drive I gave you and I’ll be there to pick you up soon as court gets out” Jason groaned as he rolled out of the bed and headed for a shower to ease some of the pain
Amie just listened to him and then Aaron looked over for a brief moment, since she had put him on speaker phone. "If you aren't able to get her, you had been be calling me." he spoke in a sharp voice.
“I will don’t worry I am taking my mothers car so no one will know it’s me” Jason kept his parents cars in storage so unless you knew where they were following him or finding the car was close to impossible
"Considering somebody just tried to kill my sister.... I'm not taking any chances." Aaron mumbled which had her just hissing at him to shut up. She hadn't mentioned anything for a reason. She was loading up her laptop though and putting the thumbdrive in there so that she could look at information.
Aaron was pulling up to the courthouse and walking inside with his sister. She was heading off straight towards the judge's office and was putting the laptop down to show him the video. And it so happened that the guy who had caused the accident was going to be there testifying. The judge was forming before he questioned, "Are you sure you'll be okay to do this?" "Yes I'll be fine. Let me finish my job." Amie spoke and he was giving a nod then added that if needed they could postpone the trial. She was walking out before she spoke, "No. No postponing. I want to show him that.... I don't fall easily. I want to see his shocked looke."
Aaron sat at the back of the courtroom and just looked towards the cops that had been apart of the raid. They had smug looks on their faces as if they had one. There was a faint smirk on his lips as the doors opened and his sister was striding in, looking as though nothing had happened. "Sorry I am late your honor. I had to collect a few items, and I actually have some new evidence to submit to the court. Evidence that proves that former officer Diana was attacked intentionally due to her testimony in court, and the fact that my own life was put in jeopardy on my way here to the courthouse." she spoke before she was handing over the flashdrive. Well one of them anyways. Aaron had the real one on him, that was a different one that she had uploaded everything onto, just in case.
Amie knew that the judge wouldn't care. He always had the theory that the police force was abusing their power.
"please feel free to show the video miss I would very much like to see this so-called evidence you claim to have" the lawyer who was representing the cops looked just as smug but when would shock everyone including Aaron and Amie was Diana walking in to the courtroom with help while holding her side where it was clear she was badly hurt and the doctor who was with her looked annoyed "would someone like to tell me why my patient was summoned to the court again"
Amie was looking over before she spoke, "Considering the car that I was in has a camera and caught the entire accident in action, then there is that proof. I also have Diana who originally testified, and then that same night was shot. No doubt a coincidence." She was then explaining that evidence had come back with the bullet that had been in her wound still, and it had come back to match one of the guns, owned by a cop. After that she was going over and playing the video from the camera in the car before she was speaking, "On top of.... I still have the evidence of a number of your cops sexually harassing a number of those within the mansion, including myself when I was there visiting my brother. That was also recorded on video. But I suppose... groping a random woman's breast is considered appropriate in your eyes. Despite the fact that when police officials are doing a search it is male searching male and female searching female. As for why Miss Diana is here, she called me late last night and informed me that she had some information to tell the court. Information about the night that she was attacked."
Diana groaned as the doctor helped her to her seat and then he looked at Aaron "I have others to tend to you bring her back once she is done testifying once more" the male then left since his other patients were the victims of the bombing and they really couldn't have spared even him to drive her there but he knew if it was important then they would get her there but he didn't know how long it would be till she was done and he was needed back at their clinic
Aaron was just looking over for a moment before he spoke, "Sure I guess I'll do that. Despite the fact that you probably should have kept her at the clinic. The court wouldn't have been mad at her for not showing up given the circumstances." He was looking back over towards his sister and could tell that her head was bothering her, but she stood tall still and was telling them about the new evidence. Explaining everything, and he could see the jury mumbling to each other. Even the judge was giving a small frown, but Aaron knew she still had them pinned at that point in time.
Diana was breathing heavily and moved slowly when she was called to the stand to testify about her shooting. Diana was dreading when they asked her who she called for help since she had called Aaron and it had been his home they had raided
Amie was just watching for a moment before she was walking forward then spoke, "If you would please tell that court what happened that night? "
"of course" Diana took a deep breath to try and ease the pain and then she started "after my initial testimony I headed home to eat and relax for the day. I was expecting a friend to jpoin be for a girls night in and when I hear a knock on my door I went and answered it only to find a male standing there at first I thought he was looking for someone but then he pulled out a gun and I went for my own weapon when I heard the gun go off. a few seconds later I felt a piercing heat in my side before I passed out I called for some help"
Amie looked towards Diana for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "Did you recognize this man at all?"
"it took a moment for me to realize who it was because I had not told any of my coworkers where I lived so to see one of them at my door had confused me which is what allowed for him to get the drop on me like that" Diana was starting to feel light headed at that moment but she would do this she would see it through
Amie was just watching for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "And is that man here is this courtroom? If not, if I were to show you some pictures, would you be able to point him out?" Aaron sat back and watched, although he had a very bad feeling that something was going to happen. A small frown was on his lips at that point in time, but he didn't get up.
Diana looked around the room her eyes landing on the male and while she wanted to run from the room she held it together. Amie and Aaron would be able to tell simply by looking at her that she had spotted him and was scared "yes I do see him in the courtroom" Diana was holding Amies gaze simply to remain as calm as possible
Amie looked towards Diana for a moment and followed her gaze before she was turning around fully and walking towards one of the men. "You confirm that this is the man that showed up at your home? No need to fear, he cannot touch you at all now. And if that is in fact your confirmation, then if your honor will look at the notes and video of the raid, it will be confirmed that he was in fact one of them there as well."
Diana nodded her head and then spoke "yes he is the one who shot me in my own home and if not for some friends acting fast I would be dead" Diana was keeping the fact that she had called them a secret as she didn't want to get in trouble at all.
Amie just gave a nod of her head before she spoke, "Thank you, Diana. Now when you called me last night, you informed me that there was something else you remembered the night you were attacked? You didn't tell me what, just that you wished to speak about it at court." Even if they had talked about it, Amie found that she really didn't remember at that point in time. She was in as much pain was as Diana was at that point in time. Her head felt like it was going to explode, although only Aaron seemed to see this. Thank god for learning to hide when one was in pain.
Diana took a deep breath and nodded her head "yes ma'am during the time I have been recovering I have received numerous death threats via email and phone form my former coworkers some more detailed then others but someone also sent me a file that I did not feel safe opening I do have that with me today as well" Diana took her phone and the file out and offered them to her
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