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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"oh calm down you know I never use thread stitches so if one goes missing it won't tear your skin" the nurse then went to work cleaning and disinfecting the wound before closing it up for her so that she didn't keep bleeding
"I'm in pain, and tired. Getting cut then narrowly blown up will do that. And you've got more serious injuries to deal with." Amie commented as she was allowing the woman access to her arm. She had a few small cuts on her arms, midsection, and back but nothing serious. The guy who had knocked her down had taken to trying to shield her. Considering her sweater had been given to Maggie, and all she had was her sports bra.
“I was assigned to tend to those with minor wounds as I can keep them in line better” the female smiled at her and then at Jason in a way that said she was trying to flirt but since he had slept with Amie to a point he only had eyes for her but not in a creepy stalkerish way
Amie looked before she spoke "Any other day I would say I'm fine. Today... isnt one of those days." She was pushing her hair out of her face before giving a small sigh.
Amie was taking the papers before she was giving a nod of her head. After that she was getting to her feet.
Amie looked at him before she spoke, "The safehouse that I was suppose to head to tonight to check in at. Otherwise the boss will worry, especially with everything going on."
"would you rather head to my home its closer and we can text and let your brother know your safe" Jason figured she would probably want to rest up sooner but he could also tell that seeing Rafe as she had had probably upset her some
Amie looked over before she spoke, "No it is fine. I think seeing him in person would be a better idea." No she was certain that Aaron was more than likely pacing and worrying at that point in time. And given what today was, she really didn't want to worry him anymore. Hell had their roles been reversed, she would have wanted to see him in person before anything. That and texting him wasn't going to work well considering her phone had died.
"I know but I'll survive." Amie spoke after a moment in time, before a gentle smile formed on her lips.
"i know you will" Jason soon pulled up at the apartment and got out to let her out of the car so she could head in before heading home
The apartment complex that also acted as a safehouse for the members of the Black King's group. And Aaron just happened to be there at the time, it was far closer to where he had been dragged off to by Rafe to begin with. As soon as she was walking inside, a couple of the others were greeting her, and Aaron was rushing over to give her a gentle hug. "Oh thank god.... I was worried..." Aaron spoke in a soft voice.
once he was certain she was safe in the building Jason headed out so that he could get some rest as well.

while everyone was doing that Rafe bundled a now clean and dressed Maggie into the car and headed to the black kings home she was thankfully still sleeping so he wasn't worried about her freaking out. after he finished Rafe would go and find somewhere to work on calming down. when his phone pinged he saw that Jason had messaged him with a location which was a local boxing club and he couldn't help but smile since he knew what Jason was doing
Maggie was fast asleep still, or at least she was for a little bit. She did end up rousing a little and was just looking around a bit. Oh the area around her was familiar. They were pulling up in front of her father's house, which definitely had her calming quite a bit. And it seemed like her father was actually waiting outside at that point in time, and was striding towards the car as they pulled up.

"You know. You could stay here as well if you like." one of the guys told Jason, just looking over his shoulder towards where Amie and Aaron were at, the pair of them talking. Although Aaron seemed like he was quite worried about something, and by her expression she was reassuring in that everything was alright.
Jason shook his head "I have a meeting in a little bit but I may be back" Jason knew they needed time to themselves.

Rafe pulled up and parked the car so that she could safely get out and go to her father without him getting lectured about dangerous driving
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