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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Amie was walking over and taking the phone from her and then the file, before she was looking at the emails that had been sent to her. After that she was handing the phone over to the judge after he stated that he wanted to see it. After that Amie was actually taking the file and opening it up to see what was in there. Aaron was just watching at that point in time, a small frown decorating his lips. What the hell could they have sent her? His sister was brave to open it, yet again... he swore lawyers never showed fear.
the file showed pictures of everyone important in her life with targets on them and over her own picture, it said she would either shut up or they would succeed the next time they went after her but she would be last as her family would be first. Diana at this point was deathly pale and wanted to leave to get away from everyone there
Amie was just handing the file over to the judge when he was gesturing for them, wanting to see them. The frown on his lips was definitely deepening, and Amie was stating that she had no other questions. She was going over to sit down, just closing her eyes briefly and letting out a slow breath. Okay light headed, sick feeling, seriously head pain, definitely a concussion. But she had this. Now to see if the other lawyer would ask questions.
while one didn't the other did and while he tried to tear Diana's story apart he couldn't so he started to attack her background including her family and the fact that she had been dating Aaron when the raid happened
"Objection. Irrelevant." Amie spoke as she was rising to her feet, which seeming to have the judge just speculating that there could be relevance. "Your honor. Diana already stated in her last testimony that she had no idea about the raid until that day, and she had no idea where they were going. So there is no way that she could have warned Aaron, not to mention, he was with me all morning until he got a call that police were at his home. I just returned home from overseas a few days ago, and he spend the evening with me." Amie spoke, her hands on the table in front of her.
Diana looked at Amie and mouthed that she felt like she was gonna pass out and hoped Amie would do something about it so she could get out of there before she did pass out. knowing she would be called Diana hadn't had pain meds in 48hrs and then pain was at a near-unbearable level for her at that point
Amie saw the mouthed message before she spoke, "Your honor I request a recess until tomorrow. Diana should really be getting back to the clinic." Yeah she knew how Diana felt, she was about in the same boat at that point in time. This had the judge looking towards the other lawyer to see if he had any problem with that.
the male didn't since he needed time to come up with something to save them all. after she was dismissed Diana carefully got off the stand and headed to leave stumbling a bit as she did. waiting outside the courtroom was Jason and he would take Amie somewhere she could relax while Aaron returned Diana to the clinic
Aaron was going over to help Diana, although Amie didn't leave the courtroom right away, nope she was waiting at that point in time, and getting her stuff put together in a bag. That and sitting down was a safe thing at that point in time, although she could hear one of the others speaking to her at that point in time.
Diana spoke softly to him "please get me out of here" Diana was feeling like crap and she wanted to rest as soon as possible.

Jason soon joined her in the courtroom and grabbed her things before gently helping her up even though he was hurting as well
Amie was a bit startled when he came in before she was taking her bag from him and was stating that she could carry her stuff, that she was fine. No shock that there were a couple of verbal threats directed towards Diana and even herself as they were leaving, although Amie just ignored those threats. They went in one ear and out the other. "Aaron." she called out and he looked over his shoulder before he spoke, "I'll text, you do the same." After that he was heading outside with Diana and helped her into his car.

"You didn't need to come you know. And you should probably go and get your ribs looked at." Amie commented after a moment in time.
Jason looked at her "yes I did and I'll be fine I have had worse than this" Jason then got her settled into the car once they were there.
Amie snickered then spoke "Good to hear." She sat in the car and just lay her head against the window damn it this day was just turning out to be a pain.
Jason nodded his head and then headed to the main house

Diana winced as she moved to sit in Aaron’s car wishing she had just done the testimony via Skype then leave her hospital room
Amie just leaned against the window and was watching out, just looking to see what was around them at that point in time.
Jason looked at her while they were stopped "you know this isn't going to end until they either kill you both or they all go away for life" Jason was worried about her safety since someone had already tried to kill her once.

while they were driving Diana jumped when her phone started to blow up with more then one type of threat coming at her from all the members as they tried to get her to back out of the trial
Aaron was looking st the phone before he was calling somebody. "Hey do me a favor. I want all messages sent to Diana's phone saved externally and all numbers traced. The more information Amie has the better." He spoke and was getting a confirmation.

"I know this. But if they see me looking weak, then they will think they have the upper hand. The exact reason I forced myself to push through court." Amie spoke after a moment in time.
Diana looked at him and smiled lightly "you don't have to do that but thank you hopefully with this she can get them all for good and they will soon leave me alone and thanks for taking me back to the clinic" Diana may have been pissed at him but she had been raised better and had manners even when she wasn't happy about something.

Jason looked at her "I know but Amie if you don't take care of your health you can't beat them"
Aaron looked over before he spoke, "This affects myself and my sister as well. My sister was attacked earlier today, although she did an amazing job at hiding the fact that she was hurt. More evidence to indicate that, they know what they did was illegal. So they are trying to get rid of those that know the truth." With that he was heading off towards the clinic once again.

Amie looked at him before she spoke, "I know this. But I had to be there today."
"I know but still thank you" Diana was worried that she wouldn't be able to stay at the clinic because of the threats but she figured if they didn't know they couldn't and wouldn't
kick her out.

"stubborn girl" Jason then turned up in to the drive of the main house
Amie just looked towards him before she spoke, "I'm not being stubborn at all. I never said I wasn't going to take care of myself. I planned on it, I just had to get through court today before I could. I couldn't miss it, otherwise... there was a chance they would get off."

Aaron looked towards her before he spoke, "I'm not taking you back to the clinic. I'm going to take you to a private hospital owned by a friend." After that he was actually calling his sister, who just threw him on speaker phone. "Amie, you had better be going to the hospital." he commented which had him just listen to her mumble something, almost incoherent as though she was falling asleep. Bad when one had a concussion.
he would soon hear a yelp as Jason had reached over and pinched her "we're at the main house I called the doc and he is meeting us here and will tell me if she needs hospital observation or if we can deal with it here" Jason then looked at Amie and smiled at her lightly.

Diana looked at him "but I can't afford a private hospital the surgery and short stay at the clinic is going to wipe out my saving as well as my next few paychecks" Diana was already considering leaving the force since she didn't feel safe there anymore
Yeah there was definitely a yelp from Amie when she had been pinched, and she was just mumbling a bit under her breath. There was a confirmation from Aaron before he was hanging up and turning his attention towards that of Diana. "No need to worry about it. As for the other hospital bills, in the end, you won't have to pay those either. Especially when this case is won."
"Aaron even if the case is won I am not one of the victims of the initial crime that the case was founded on me being shot just gave her more leverage to go after them with" Diana could already feel herself getting stressed out and while she to cry and throw a fit like many would she kept herself pulled together
Aaron just looked at her before he spoke, "Don't worry about it. Trust me when I say everything will work out in the end."
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