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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Amie was exactly expecting him to come up behind her and do that, which had her giving slight shudder. Neck kisses were one of her weaknesses.
Amie looked towards him before she spoke, "You have all of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings movies."
“Yep love those movies plus it makes for great binge watching when hurt or sick” Jason had a lot of sets that were complete
Amie cooed, "Not to mention they are the best ever." After that she was setting them by the DVD player and putting in the first Hobbit before going over to sit on the bed next to him.
"true do we want to start the movie or wait for the pizza to arrive" Jason looked at her lightly and smiled it was nice having her there with him and he liked that they could keep an eye on each other at the same time
Amie looked towards him before she spoke, "We can start it now." With that she was just gently pushing him on the shoulder and was telling him to just relax.
"fine by me I don't mind" Jason had a smile on his face and just chuckled before he hit the play button on the remote to start the movie
Amie just sat next to him although within the next half an hour there was a knock on the door which had her getting up to go get the pizza, and give the guy some cash.
Amie came back to the room and was setting the pizza on the nightstand next to him, and was sitting next to him again.
Jason pulled her closer to him once she settled in and then pulled a blanket over them bout so that they didn't get cold while they ate their dinner
Jason didn't try anything while they ate but once they were both done eating and the box was set aside Jason started to mass with her
Amie had finished eating what she wanted to eat and was looking towards Jason when he started to get handsy it seemed. This had her batting his hands away with a giggle.
A week had passed since the accident and trial and since then things had been on hold as the judge was out with a case of the flu which had hit the entire courthouse. while everyone was waiting to see when the court would resume it was easy to tell that everyone was on edge starting with the fact that Jason could always be found close to Amie. meanwhile, Diana had agreed to try again with Aaron and had been going on overly protected and private dates as well as meeting with the black king discussing her employment with him as a private investigator after she had talked to Aaron about it and if he trusted the male. during this time it was also obvious that Rafe was actively avoiding MAggir and Amie and Diana had a plan to make them talk to each other to help the other female out.

While Aaron and Rafer were working Aaron would receive a call from the hospital she was in saying that they had heard a scream from her room but couldn't get in as she had locked the door and barricaded it and refused to open it even for Maggie who had come to see her
A week had gone by since everything had gone down, and for some reason Diana was still in the hospital, despite the fact that that she was fine. The wound was healing up nicely, and there didn't seem to be any other internal injuries that the doctors had been aware of. So even Aaron was a bit confused when he got the phone call from the hospital about Diana. "Umm.... Not sure what to tell you guys actually. I'm not even sure why you still have her at the hospital." Aaron spoke when he got the phone call, and was looking over a few of the notes that were sitting in front of him. Yet again, Diana wasn't one of his gang members who if they got shot they allowed themselves to get patched up, before they ended up just leaving, with or without the doctor's approval. They usually paid the price in the end, but it happened anyways, and there wasn't a whole lot that Aaron could do about it. Sure he didn't agree with what they do, but they were adults, they make their own decisions.

"Why are you even avoiding Maggie right now?" Aaron questioned after a moment in time, just leaning back in his seat. Yeah everybody knew about that, and everybody was majorly confused by what was going on. Hell even Maggie was confused about it. Aaron had been talking to her earlier that day before she had left, and she was under the impression that he was mad at her or something. "You need to talk to her. She feels like you are mad at her for some reason. And has more or less withdrawn herself. The typical cheerful and bubbly Maggie has kind of vanished, even has the Black King worried." Aaron spoke after a moment in time.

While they spoke, Maggie was standing outside the room that Diana was in and knocking on the door, pleading with her to just open the door. "If you aren't going to let me in or tell me what is going on, I'm just going to leave. I'm not going to stick around. I already feel unwanted by Rafe, and now I'm hurt that you wouldn't even let me in. I.... I had been under the impression that we were friends...." Maggie spoke as she leaned against the door, her ear pressed to it to try and listen. The last week, Maggie had most definitely fallen into a depression, and that was very obvious to those that were around her and knew her. Usually she was bubbly and cheerful, ready for an adventure, but lately.... she had been solemn and withdrawn. And that was even after what had happened with that vile man. Sure she was a little jumpy still but she had come to terms with what had happened, with the help of the others. But having Rafe ignoring her... that pain was a whole lot worse.

"Mags.... We can break the door in if needed." one of the guys spoke as he came up towards her, and she was just taking a couple of steps away before she spoke in a soft voice, "If she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to talk. Maybe the scream was nothing. Maybe it was just a scream out of frustration. She has still been getting those messages." Perhaps it was nothing major, but nobody knew since she wasn't saying anything. And the doctors couldn't see what was happening in the room on the camera because it had been disabled, so that the cops couldn't figure out that she was in that room as easily.


Amie was sitting at her apartment going over everything from the current case, and brushing some of her hair out of her face. The judge being out with the flu had everybody on edge, although Amie was keeping herself calm and continuing to go over everything. But there was something that was bothering her, something that had been bothering her. At first she had been concerned about the judge, but she had already asked a couple of the guys to keep an eye on him, just to be safe. Her nails clicked on the desk as she leaned back in her chair before she was taking out her phone and dialing a number. "Hey Maggie. You were at the start of the trial, the day that Diana testified. What were the names of the other officers that had stated as well that the raid was done illegally?" she spoke into the phone and there was silence on the other end of the phone for a brief moment before a few names were rattled off, and Amie was jotting them down quickly.

"Thanks love." she spoke into the phone before stating something else before she was hanging up then getting to her feet. Perhaps this is what was bugging her. These officers, now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen them around recently. She was heading off into her bedroom so that she could grab her wallet and her keys. Already she was sending Jason a message, considering he wasn't there at the time, stating that she was going to head out to investigate something. What had happened to those other four officers that had testified that first day, but hadn't been seen since then.

There was something about this particular police headquarters in the city that bothered her in general. They knew far too much about the gang activity, and they got involved far too much. Even the other departments left them alone, especially if they knew that they weren't doing anything illegal. And when she had spoken to another captain, even he had stated that had he brought in a raid team he would have stated on what grounds they were there, why exactly they were raiding the place. Not just bursting in and telling everybody to get down, but not stating why exactly they were there.

"Aaron, I think I know what is happening. The captain of the headquarters in this part of town, the one we are dealing with currently, he is being paid off by another gang. Probably the new gang that just started to appear. This would explain why Diana and four others stated that they thought it was done illegally, they didn't know, because they were just transferred over not long ago. And the captain had stated that the raid on your home had been being planned for a the last month, but those five when they testified they stated that they had been told the day of the raid to gear up and be ready. They had no idea, but all of the others knew." Amie spoke into her phone after she had called Aaron, and was heading out of her apartment, locking her door behind her.
the doctor standing there shook his head when they mentioned breaking the door down "we kept her here because of her mental status she was just getting to the point where we felt safe releasing her in to either her boyfriends care or yours miss but now this has us worried" both Maggie and the doctor would hear crying and if they used the camera's they would see that she was curled in a corner with the windows blocked and the curtains closed. the doc then suggested that Aaron might need to come and see if he can get her to open up if not then he would consent to have the door broken down "I don't like this she was fine before her final scan to make sure everything healed right and was laughing with us and even talked about her new job"sitting on Diana's bed would be a large box holding the four heads of the missing cops and a clear note saying that she was next.

Rafe looked at Aaron I'm not mad at her but it isn't safe for her to be around me" Rafe knew that Aaron would have heard about what happened and would know where his head was and if he couldn't get out of it they would lose him for some time
Maggie just looked towards the doctor for a moment before she questioned, "Has anything changed recently?" With that she was tapping her fingers together for a moment in time before she was looking towards the door. No there was definitely something that had scared her, which had her thinking of the phone call with Amie. "Diana! Let me in. Right now. Or I am going to have somebody break the door down." she called out after a moment in time, a whole lot more assertive at that point in time. She was reading the message from Amie, about how the bodies of those four had been found although they were all missing their heads. Next to the bodies were numbers four of them were crossed out, but the fifth number wasn't. This had her looking at the doctor before she spoke, "Go and look at the cameras. See if anybody brought something to her room, anything unusual. Have somebody do it. Now." After that she was going over and knocking on the door before she spoke, "Let me in. Diana. Let me in. I know the problem. Amie just told me what she discovered. I can't help you, if you don't let me in. And I can help you."

Aaron looked at him before he questioned, "And you really think that avoiding her is going to help anything? She is overly depressed, which is actually concerned her father." With that he was looking at the message that he had received from Amie which had him sucking in a breath of air before he was getting up. This actually had him striding over to his computer and imputing something so that he could turn on the cameras in the hospital and look into the room. It was only a brief thing before the system would learn of his intrusion and boot him out, but it was enough that he saw the box.

"Call Maggie. Tell her to try and get into the room. Tell her that we are on our way there now. I don't care what she has to do, if they need to break down the door tell them to do it. Have Maggie get Diana and herself the hell out of there." Aaron ordered before he was hurrying out of the room after calling Amie back, telling her to keep an eye on her surroundings as well.
Rafe nodded his head and called Maggie knowing if Aaron was reacting this way then they needed to get the girls out of there quickly. Rafe grabbed his keys and then headed out with Aaron "lets hope she answers" Rafe knew that if they decided to break the door down there all hell was going to break loose.

Diana was literally frozen in fear at the point after the shock and initial need to protect herself she had curled up and just shook. Diana could hear them and could hear that they were talking about breaking the door down to get to her but the doctor was strongly against that that it could do more damage to her mind but he had the video they had asked for and it showed the box being dropped off but not what was in it
Maggie was answering her phone, not even looking at the number. "Maggie speaking." she spoke after a moment in time before she was watching the video, a small frown on her lips. After that she questioned, "Aren't boxes checked by personnel before they are brought up to patients, to be sure that it isn't anything harmful?" Especially in a hospital run by a gang, who had to worry about everything being a threat. She was looking over towards the door for a moment in time before she spoke, "If you can, have somebody, who isn't busy, get a good shot of the person with the box if they are able."

"It is still going to take us about an hour to get there." Aaron spoke with a small sigh before he was speaking to his sister swiftly, asking her how close she was to the hospital where the other two were at. Nowhere close. She was on the opposite side of town by the warehouses.
"listen Aaron looked at the feed into her room and while he didn't say what was in it he said to do whatever you need to to get her out of that room" Rafe then looked at Aaron
'not if I drive and I am not worried about the cops either" Rafe was determined to get to the hospital and make sure that she was all right and then get her the hell out of the hospital and somewhere safe and sound
Maggie listened to what he had to say before she was looking at the doctor then spoke, "Break the door down. Now. Aaron said to get her out of there by any means necessary." With that she was fidgeting a bit then looked towards a couple of her father's men that were hovering around and ordered them, "Track down the person that delivered that box." Now that they had an image, it wouldn't be difficult at all.
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