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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Aaron was giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "Yeah lets get going." After that he was heading off out to the garage, and was calling for the children.
Aaron was helping Randy into the car before she was climbing into the driver's seat. "Alright kiddos. Where we are going, you are going to have a lot of fun. All I ask is that you not run away from Diana or I. Naturally we don't care if you explore, but all I ask is that you remain in our sight at all times. Or if you lose us, you two remain together and give us a call." he spoke in a gentle voice before he was handing over a disposable phone to Randy then spoke that his number was in the phone, as was Diana's number. "If you get separated from us. Stay together, stay where you are, and call either of us."
Once everybody was in the car and buckled up, Aaron was driving off so that they could get to their destination. About an hour later they were arriving, and Aaron was parking the car before stepping out and opening up the doors. This allowed the kids to see the fair. All the rides, the games, the food.

As this was happening, Maggie had finished the food that she had been brought but she hadn't left the room at all. No in fact she hadn't even locked the door behind Diana, and was currently laying with her head resting on her arms. She was fast asleep, although she still had headphones in. Despite being asleep, she still heard the conversations, and this one in particular was rather interesting.
Rafe had gone up to check on her and spotted her sleeping. seeing her would Rafe grabbed a blanket and then gently laid it over her so that she didnt get cold and then he turned and left the room knowing that he would lock the door behind her.
Maggie didn't even seem to register him coming in at all, although it was actually the vibrating of her phone that had her waking up, and rubbing her eyes a bit. She was putting a light hand to her head, which was aching quite a bit at that point in time.
Maggie was just looking around for a moment in time before she was just taking the headphones out, then was just resting her head back on her arms.
Maggie was a bit startled to hear the knock and then the voice. "Y....Yeah...." she spoke after a moment in time, finding her voice before she was getting up to go unlock the door. Wait she didn't even remember locking the door, nor was she sure where the blanket had come from. But she was still safe, so she wasn't going to dwell on it. Granted her head hurt like no other, and she felt sick to her stomach.
"My head really hurts and I think I'm going to be sick. I just want to go home..... Please.... Just want to go home...." Maggie whispered as she walked over to him. She was still on her feet at least but she was seeming to have a random breakdown, although it didn't help that she had commented that she just want to go home to her father. No she couldn't do that. He had passed away.
Maggie was giving a nod of her head before she was getting to her feet once again. "One of those recordings.... It was an old one..... Spencer was talking with somebody else... talking to them about the man he loved." she spoke after a moment in time.
Maggie was just giving a small nod of her head, and was just resting her head against his shoulder. "You are a lot like Spence...." she mumbled.
"I know Maggie but dont worry you have those who love you and will care for you" Blake smiled at her and headed to the manor that he was given directions
Maggie was just giving a slow nod before she questioned "Will you stay with me for a little bit? " If he couldn't then that wasn't a big deal.
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