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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Diana knocked on the door lightly "hey Maggie its Diana I brought you something to help you know who to trust and who not to you made this yourself and I designed the lock for you so only you can open it I also brought your favorite food"
Maggie had taken one headphone out to listen before she was getting to her feet and unlocking the door, allowing the woman into the room.
Diana walked in to the room and then handed her the food and the book that she was holding "the lock uses your fingerprint and retnal scan to open"
Maggie just looked at the woman for a moment before she was just looking at the book, but she didn't open it. She didn't want to at that point in time.
Diana set the book down and then started to pull out food "is there anything you want to know before I head out I know it is overwhelming right now so I am not trying to get you to trust us or trust me but just answer any questions you have"
Maggie just shook her head then spoke, "Tell that man that brought me here to leave. Rafe. I don't want to be around him right now. He is rude." After that she was just looking at the food that was laid in front of her.
"yea he can be but I will tell you this when it comes to the one he cares for there is no one better to guard you till Blake gets in then him if you want him not to be rude you set some ground rules but I can tell you this he wont lie to you about how you know him or any of us" Diana checked and saw that Blake was an hour out
Maggie just looked at her before she spoke, "Either way. You get amnesia and have no idea what the fuck is going on then have somebody all of a sudden tell you that he was a boyfriend. Or in the case of the doctor that your brother is dead, and you didn't remember it all. Not like I tried to forget, yet I feel like.... nobody realizes that one has to have patience with a person who has amnesia. Our memories don't just come back at a snap of the fingers, or because we saw something familiar. Sometimes they never come back." After that she was just shaking her head then spoke that she didn't want that man anywhere near her at that point in time and was then putting the headphones back in.
Diana stopped her before she got the second one in with a gentle hand "he is not lying to you the proof is in there when your ready, I didn't bring it here to try and make you remember faster but i thought you would like to read some key events from your life in your own words and handwriting, but I also wanted to make sure that you are doing ok" Diana gave her a gentle hug and then spoke softly "please text when Blake picks you up so I know that you are safe. your like a sister to me and I don't want to see you get hurt again"
Maggie was just looking over before she spoke, "Yes I know that." With that she was giving a nod about letting her know about when Blake picked her up.
Maggie was giving a nod before she was taking a bite from the food. While she was eating, Aaron was giving Diana a call and staring that he wanted to do something with the kids. Take them to a nearby fair. About an hour drive but still decently close.
Aaron was chukcking then spoke "Then that is what we will do then." After that she would hear him telling the kids to go and change into something different, that as soon as Diana got back they were going to go somewhere fun.
Diana laughed hearing their excited screams "I should be home in a few minutes" Diana walked over to her car and then got in and started her car
“Upset with Rafe he was an ass but other wise she is just listening to some conversations. Blake is gonna pick her up and she agreed to let Rafe guard her until he gets there” Diana gave him a light kiss and then smiled at him
"What did Rafe do? " Aaron questioned but was looking at a message from somebody when his phone vibrated. Seemed like somebody had popped in to check on Amie. "Amie had gone back to doing work... And is now fast asleep on the floor." He spoke and showed the picture. Papers everywhere and she was just laying on the floor.
Aaron was chuckling before he was sending a message to Jason to ker him know about the war zone of a bedroom.
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