Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

it was Artemis who spoke this time "its one of the bad men daddy gotin trouble with him because he lost out on the first girl he bought from daddy" Artemis was bright like Maggie was but the girl she was referring to had to be Diana since she was the only other female in the family
Amie was looking over for a brief moment in time and just following the child's eyes for a moment in time. Wasn't that just absolutely interesting.
When everybody was done they were all getting to their feet so that they could get out of there, and head back to the mansion.
Amie was looking over at the man before she was shooing off the others, before gesturing for him to follow after her. Nope the others weren't to get involved in this. Once they were in her office she was actually offering him a drink before she was asking what he had learned.
"no thank you firstly I did the digging into your background as you asked me and I did find some things but with some help from a trusted hacker we got it so better buried no one will find it if they dont have a skilled hacker who can beat the best hacker in the world. and secondly this is what I found I also did some digging into your brother's girlfriend and she lucked out" he handed her everything he had
Amie was just tilting her head for a moment in time before she was taking the file and was looking over everything. Man Diana had lucked out it seemed, and from what she was reading, things were going to be a lot more complicated than she thought. "Somebody just shoot me now....." she was mumbling and was putting the file down with a faint sigh. "Thanks for the hard work." she was commenting.
"Diana lucked out yes but I am wondering who dropped her off at the hospital did so after she had been badly beaten I don't know why and I don't know how she recovered from her injuries but she was lucky to escape" the male then went in to detail of her injuries
Amie just shook her head and was putting up her hands, in a sign that stated that she really didn't want to know anymore. Nope she understood. She knew how that went. "But what happened to her in the past.... it cannot be used now. There is no proof that it ever happened. Medical records but since it happened so long ago.... it means nothing. So.... my focus will have to be on the children. And.... looking into my own past once again.... and figure out what Randy meant."
"true but her injuries and past will help as you can say her family has a history of abusing their children from a young age. but now I would strongly advise you to make sure those kids don't leave your custody ever again and I say just ask him and assure him that he is safe here he may feel safer at this house" the PI then got up and headed out
"I don't plan on allowing those people to get ahold of those children, ever." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was watching as the man left the room, and she was resting her head on her crossed arms.
Amie just looked up for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Yes I am. Diana.... You should have mentioned that you had been beaten as well." With that she was just showing her the information that she had been given and was leaning back in her chair although there was a faint look of pain on her features.
Diana looked at the records "I honestly didn't know I don't remember being beaten" Diana then sat down and looked at her "how can I not remember something like this happening to me"
"If it is serious even.... you block it from your own subconscious. Your force yourself to forget. I did the same thing. I forced myself to forget." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was brushing some hair from her face.
Amie just looked for a moment then spoke, "I don't suggest it. We don't want to draw anybody else into this situation. I want more information but I don't want anybody to get hurt. And right now... I feel overwhelmed with all of the information that is being piled up in front of me."
"at least let me call one of my dads he would be hard to hurt let alone track down besides he can take some of this off your plate for a bit" Diana was going to call the one who as an assassin
Amie just looked towards her before she spoke, "Okay fine but I want him to come here, and I want all information relayed to me in person. I don't want to get you drawn into this any more than what you have been." She was however looking at her phone when it buzzed, and was just reading the message. Oh something from her uncle.... something that had her going slightly pale. He somehow knew about the baby, despite how she had been keeping it hidden.
Diana nodded her head and then called him "dad can you come to the house please we need your help" Diana listened for a moment and then hung up "he will be here in the next few minutes"
Amie was giving a nod before she was just resting her head in her hands, just mumbling something into her hands. After that she was just sighing before looking at her phone once again, before she was reading the new message that she was getting. A picture actually. A picture of himself and somebody.... wait she knew that person. That was Maggie. What the hell?
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