Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

“Can do if you have some discharge papers for me I’ll take responsibility for her” Rafe knew he needed a shower but getting her settled cane first
Giovanni was giving a nod of his head then spoke, "Yes let me just go and get everything together." After that he was turning and walking over to the computer that was nearby so that he could get stuff printed off.
Maggie was just gazing around as she was pushed along although after a bit she was putting her head in her hands. How it ached, and she was exhausted all over again.
Rafe stepped out of the room while she changed to give her some privacy. once she was done and back in the wheelchair Rafe headed for the door as he had her discharge papers in his hands
One of the nurses had been helping Maggie get changed. Once they were done the woman was allowing Rafe back into the room.
Rafe walked over and gently took the handles of the wheelchair from the nurse and then headed out to his car talking gently to her explaining where they were going and how they were going to get there so she knew that he wasn't lying to her.
Maggie just listened before she was speaking, "I don't want to go back right away. I want to stop by somewhere first." But she wasn't sure where it was, just knew she needed to stop there. A place that Jason had taken her, to watch cameras. She was supposed to pick up recordinga of conversations, which she was making a comment about.
Rafe growled a little but understood where she wanted to go "sorry about the growl Jason likes to stick his nose where it doesn't belong sometimes but his center has helped a lot in the past."
"He isn't sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. I am. There are some conversationa, I want to hear. There is information that I want." Maggie spoke, indifferent to the growl at that point in time.
Rafe laughed a little "I was talking in general we didnt agree on setting that office up and while i still don't agree with it, it has come in handy more often than not"
Maggie shrugged before she spoke "I go there often. I don't even have to ask for stuff, they just know. But now... The information I want... Is about the black market."
Maggie just looked towards him before she spoke, "And the point in the water. I've already been thrown into the water, mind as well continue on."
Maggie was just leaning her head back against the seat before she was speaking, "Besides.... I'm the Black Queen. I shall not bow down to them, nor allow them to scare me. They will learn to be afraid of me, just like they were." There was a rather deadly smirk on her lips. Definitely not the Maggie that he had known prior. There was something more deadly about her.
"you need to rest doctors orders" Rafe had been told if she didn't rest to return her to the hospital and he didnt want to make her made but he would take her back if she didnt rest
"I will be resting. But to be honest I don't know who the hell you think you are to be able to tell me what I can and cannot do. I know my limits." Maggie spoke in a sharp voice, folding her arms across her chest. "Now either you will take me, or I will have one of my boys take me. "
Rafe pulled the car over and looked at her "try and I take you back to the hospital and for as who I think I am I am Aarons second in command and until a fight with you ended it I was your boyfriend and lover. now I have no problem taking you to the office to look at what you want to look at but until you are cleared by the doctor to do more than read a damn book you are gonna rest, your brain has already been badly rattled once and you don't need to do any more damage or add in any more stress" Rafe then carefully pulled the car back out in to traffic and headed for the office where Jason kept his camera's
"And what does you being Aaron's second job command have to do with anything. Aaron holds no power over me, never has, and never shall. And I doubt we dated, I think I would remember something like that." Maggie spoke and was just folding her arms over her chest, and mumbling something under her breath. Thankfully she had her phone on her, and Blake had given her his number. She was messaging him... Telling him that she wanted her big brother, if he was free.
"Maggie you dont even remember your friends you had to be told who Amie was and when Diana showed up the first time you were confused but if you dont belive me ask Diana when she gets home" Rafe soon pulled up to the office and parked the car.

Blake looked at his phone when it vibrated and saw the message and then sent back that he would be there as soon as he could. Blake had drugged Z to knock her out till the next morning and figured being out of her reach for a few hours would save his ass
"Stop talking to me right now. I don't even know you." Maggie spoke after a moment in time and was grateful that Blake got back to her. The moment they were out of the car she was out of the car and heading inside. No she didn't want to be around this man at all, and was giving Blake the address of the office, asking him to come get her.
Blake saw her message and then called her while writing a note to Z "Hey what's going on?" Blake had left and she was in a good mood and seemed to be fine but now she was wanting him to come and get her so he was worried
Maggie just answered the phone when he was calling before she spoke, "Just come get me. This guy claims that he was my boyfriend and lover in the past but..... I can't see myself dating somebody like him. He is kind of an ass. And..... I don't know him..... I..... please.... I just need familiarity....." She was holding the phone tightly in her hand at the time before sitting in a chair in the office.
"ok take a deep breath for me if you need to verify his story call Diana or Amie they knew more about your private life then I do I am out of town but I should be leaving to get back in the next few minutes and it will take me about two hours to get there but I will be there as soon as I can" Blake spoke a bit more and urging her to call Diana or Amie to speak with them about her and Rafes relationship
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