Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"Amie.... " The doctor started and the other female was just peering out from under her arm before sitting up. "If you don't want to relive that. Talk to Z. Remember she was at your side from the moment you got back until now. You refused to speak to anybody else. Plus she got herself into quite a bit of trouble after that point." Amie was just commenting that Z was a trouble maker in general, which reminded her that Randy bad yet to meet the other woman.
Amie was just tilting her head back a bit although was looking at the doctor who was commenting "Or talk to Maggie. I am certain she knows more about this situation. This whole situation is why she was involved to begin with."
The doctor was giving a shrug before pointing to Amie who was commenting that lunch sounded amazing. Oh hey and there was Z calling her, which had her answering. "You my love are drunk." Amie was commenting as the doctor was leaving, leaving the pair in the room alone. Amie was cringing a bit when Z mentioned what had happened earlier and attempted to try and talk her out of finding her uncle and killing him. But that didn't go over well, and she actually got hung up on, which had her blinking a bit. "Man I hope Blake can handle her." Amie was mumbling before she was getting up and holding out a hand to Randy. "I hope.... you will explain your comment from earlier at some point.... I want to know what you meant." Especially if all of this was leading to something more dangerous, she wanted to be fully prepared.
Randy just shook his head and then raced off to find his sister so he could see about them getting lunch.

Blake had no porblem keeping her from escaping and going to hunt for her uncle
Amie jaut watched him run off to go find Diana, before she was just wrapping arms around herself. "Amie... " Aaron spoke and was coming over to her, just wrapping his arms around her. "I'm here baby sister. You are safe." He spoke and could feel when trembling from head to toe. "Black markets. There is one run by the Reapers actually. The one that Amie was taken to... That one was run by the samean. Before he decided to start up a gang. And for a while there was a story about a young girl who manages to escape. No names were given, but Randy's comment... It all makes sense. It adda up. Her disappearing at a young age then seeming to reappear a few years later." Came the voice of Maggie, who was at least sitting in a wheelchair being pushed by Giovanni, who looked a bit unsure when he spotted Rafe. No Maggie still had no idea who most people were, Rafe being one of them. "Hey Rafe." Aaron greeted.
Rafe waved lightly but simply watched Maggie to see if she knew him or not.

Diana came out of the room with the kids a few moments later and walked over and just wrapped her arms around Amie as well and hugged her close "I was told you are both hungry and want lunch?"
Maggie was in fact studying Rafe but nothing seemed to ring any bells, not truly anyways. A few image flashes but they didn't really add up. Giovanni was just kneeling next to her and explains softly who it was. He was however looking towards the others when she was questioning why he was familiar. Now that is for somebody else to try and explain.

"He is a close friend of ours. He works with my brother, and you use to work with Aaron as well." Amie was commenting which Maggie mumbling that she had known that. Amie however was making a comment that food sounded good at that point in time.
Diana smiled and then ushered the five of them to the car since Jason had been called away for a moment but she would text him where they went so he could join them.

Rafe stayed and would explain how she knew him and why he was familiar to her since it was their private buisness
"Watch what you decide to say." Was the only warning that Rafe got from Giovanni, and Maggie was just looking at them confused.

Amie was following after them although she was looking at a very drunken message from Z.
"I know Gio I know" Rafe rubbed his neck lightly and wondered how to explain everything

Diana kept pace with Amie and then looked at her when her phone pinged
Maggie was just looking at Rafe for a moment before she was making a comment to Giovanni about something. How she was wanting food.. And made a comment about wanting to see Spencer but she was shaking her head when she recalled.
Rafe touched her shoulder lightly "grieve as you need no one here will blame you" he knew that she would be feeling the gerif all over again
Maggie just gave a small shake of her head before she spoke, "No... I already cried. I cried when I talked to Blake. I cried as I talked to him about his twin."
Maggie was just drawing her hands away from him, giving a startled gasp. No she really didn't want to be touched by anybody at that point in time. Giovanni was just rubbing her shoulder gently to reassure her that it was alright.
Giovanni just looked over before he spoke, "It may take a bit. She doesn't really remember that of the others. The only one that she knows is Jason, considering he use to work with her father. And she recalls her father's death, but otherwise the last few months in general are spotty."
Giovanni was giving a small nod of his head before he spoke, "Mags, we should get back to your room." "No.... You said I could return home if I rested. I wish to return home."
Rafe turned and looked at her and then spoke softly “ you will have to go to Aaron’s one of your men was doing some repairs and they discovered some mold while it is being taken care of it will be a couple days before you can go home”
"Aaron....." Maggie spoke before she was inquiring who that was again. This had Giovanni gently describing Aaron which had her giving a small "oh" as it came to find again.
Giovanni was giving a nod before he spoke, "I cleared her to leave, on the solemn promise that the next few days she takes it easy. Which means the only time I want her out of bed is to use the restroom."
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