Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"I don't want to know anything more about this relationship....." Maggie just shook her head, tears falling and she was actually hanging up on him, just tossing the phone onto the table and putting her head in her arms. No she didn't want to talk to anybody else at that point in time. At that point there was nobody that she felt that she could trust.
Maggie was locking herself in the office that she was in, and was just putting on some headphones to listen to some of the recordings that were there. There were a few different interesting conversations. Conversations that people would be very annoyed if they discovered were being recorded. Oh hey there was word about the black market, although something being said had her breath catching for a moment in time. This had her grabbing her phone and dialing Amie's number, not knowing that at the time Randy happened to be playing a game on her phone.
Randy looked at the phone when he name popped up and then he answered her phone "hello" Randy had seen the number come up as Mags so he figured it was Maggie
"Umm.... Hi... You aren't Amie.... Randy. Your voice sounds like him. Anywho, is Amie there right now? I need to talk to her about something." Maggie spoke and she was just looking at one of the screens before making it larger, and listening in on that conversation. Although there was a faint smirk on her lips before she spoke, "It seems like.... this situation... is far more dire than we thought."
"yes she is she is getting some food but she will be back soon" Randy and his sister had talked them in to going to a buffet for lunch. Randy spotted her and then waved at her holding her phone up
Maggie was speaking, "Sounds good." After a moment in time she was pushing some of her hair out of her face. It wasn't long before Amie was walking over and taking the phone from Randy, rubbing his hair gently.
Randy giggled and then went back to eating his lunch. while they were with them the kids were more like kids unless a male got too close then they flinched away from them and cowered behind their sister
Amie had walked away a bit to speak to Maggie, although there was a deep frown on her lips and she was actually biting her lip for a moment in time. Yeah this was worse than she had thought. "Lets keep this between us for now. The less that know, the fewer targets they will have." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was brushing her hair out of her face. No this was all causing more stress than what she was really wanting do deal with. And she was heavily fearful about everything that was going on as well, her grip tight on her phone.
Diana noticed the change in her stance and she got up from the table and walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her but said nothing else so that she could give her some comfort
Amie was just listening to everything that Maggie had to say before she was hanging up, although she had a rather lifeless look in her eyes. She was giving a small shake of her head before she was letting out a slow breath of air. "It would appear that this goes deeper than we thought. This isn't the Reapers behind this but.... another group. A group that strongly rivals the Black King, which explains why Maggie was targeted. The Soul Stealers. They are the only ones that would dare set up a black market....." Amie spoke in a low voice.
"we will get them Amie they messed with the wrong family this time" Diana hugged her close and then walked her back to the others so they could finish lunch and head home
Amie was giving a slow nod of her head before she spoke, "I want you to stay out of this though.... Don't make yourself a target."
Amie was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Diana.... I am going to try and push court to happen as soon as I can." The sooner it all got started, the better, at least she hoped.
Amie was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "Unfortunately when it comes to court.... the children are going to have to testify. But since they are only children, they will only be speaking in front of myself, the judge, and the other lawyer who is representing their parents, and all of those involved in this."
"thats a lot of people" Diana was worried that the other lawyer would try and bait the kids in to doing or saying something that would get them all in to trouble
Amie was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "But have faith in me. I have this under control. Especially now that I know my uncle is apart of it. He is the one I'm going after. I will show him.... that I am not afraid of him."
Amie was giving a nod of her head before she was going over to sit at the table, so that they could eat.
Amie was eating happily, and was just having an ideal conversation with one of the others about something.
Amie looked over for a moment in time before she was inquiring, "What is wrong?" She was going over to kneel next to them and was looking in the general direction that they were looking in.
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