Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Amie was just showing Diana the picture that she had just been sent then set her phone down before she was getting up. Nope she was just staying away from her phone a bit. She was going over to open the window, wanting some fresh air.
Amie just looked over for a moment in time before she spoke, "The fact that he knew her when she was younger... worries me now. My family was close with the Black King, but neither Aaron or I really got to meet her until just a few years ago. My uncle was one of the Black King's closest friends. Diana.... my uncle may be one of those people she recognizes. Which means.... she may end up going with him willingly." She was looking out the window when she heard the car door slam although didn't pay much attention to it.
"Rafe is with her and Blake texted and said he was going to go and pick her up" Diana then got up and went and stood and when he walked in Diana hugged the older male "Amie this is my well for a better word adoptive father well one of them"
"At this point.... Maggie isn't comfortable around Rafe at all. And we both know that Rafe tends to speak before he thinks." Amie spoke after a moment in time as she folded her arms over her chest, and just shook her head for a moment. Soon enough the door was opening and one of the others that lived there was commenting that she had a guest. "Thanks Alex." she spoke and was dismissing them before she was looking at the man that had come into the room. She was inclining her head slightly before she was commenting, "Pleased to meet you, I am Amie."
"true" Diana chuckled when he looked at her for a bit before he spoke " I was wondering when Diana was going to find you and your brother" the male then walked over to the table and sat down and looked at her
Amie was just blinking for a moment in time before she questioned, "What on earth is that suppose to mean? We never met each other until recently." Well more so for Amie considering she had been studying abroad the last few years. She was leaning against the edge of her desk.
"that is true but around fifteen years ago someone had tried to hire to kill your brother and kidnap you, but I am more than a little picky when it comes to my clients. I dig into them and their background and the person who tried to hire me, well their story just didn't add up." he then looked at Diana"you have all crossed paths before but you don't remember meeting since you were all quite young at the time. nowdoyou have any questions for me?"
"Why would somebody want to kill my brother and take me? " Amie mused before she was looking at her phone as it vibrated again but she was actually reading the message.
"from what I gathered when I dug you were very valuable to them and your brother posed a threat if you went missing he would look for you and cause problems" Diana's dad looked at her lightly
"Well that is wonderful to know. No wonder my life has gotten so hectic since I came back to the states." Amie was mumbled before she was perching on the desk.
Amie just looked towards him before she spoke, "I'm half tempted but.... I want more information from him first. I feel like he is the only one who will break easily enough. I want to know where this market is." But she was tilting her head before she was commenting that he could kill the man on the condition that information was obtained first. Otherwise she didn't care.
Diana groaned "you shouldn't have said that " Diana then watched as the male smiled and then nodded his head "will do keep a watch on your email in the next few days I will get you what you want"
Amie looked over then spoke "I don't want this to be possible to connect back to us. And Diana... If I have to deal with him in court, even with friends and family around... I won't be able to do that. I won't be able to keep myself together. I will break right there in front of everybody. If that happens it will be decided I will not be fit to be apart of this trial and a new lawyer will be assigned. And who knows how well they will do."
Diana's father stood up and walked over "no one knows of my connection to Diana or to anyone else here he won't make it to the trial to keep those kids safe" Diana's father then turned and headed off
Amie just watched for a moment before she was commenting that she was ready for a nap at that point in time.
"She is at the office listening to recordings and waiting for Blake." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was heading off towards her bedroom.
Amie was giving a nod before she was heading off towards the bedroom that she was staying in, and laying down.
Maggie had kept herself locked in the room, refusing to let anybody in. But at least she was still safe, and had submerged herself into recordings.
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