Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Amie wasn't ashamed of really having a break down at that point in time, especially since it was only Rafe that was with her. Although once they were pulling into the parking lot she was wiping away the tears. No she didn't want anybody else to see that she had been upset at all.
"But not all that are here are a friend." Amie was pointing out before she was drawing her jacket around herself more tightly. Try and hide the fact that her shirt was ripped.
Rafe got out and walked around to the door and then knelt in front of her "I am taking you right to an exam room where the others are waiting the door will be closed at all times unless our doctor is coming in or going"
Amie was just looking at him before she was giving a nod of her head, and was climbing out of the car. "Is Jason here.....?" she questioned after a moment in time. No she wanted her husband, especially if there turned out to be something wrong with the baby. God she hoped that that wasn't the case, but that was her fear at that point.
Amie was just following after him although once they were in the room, she was just sitting down in one of the chairs and drawing her knees up to her chest. Her head was being buried into her knees.
Amie was looking up as she heard the door open, and she was uncoiling to run over to him, just wrapping her arms around him.
Amie was just staying close to him and mumbling that she was sorry, a few times actually. There were actually tears falling down her cheeks and she was shaking her head. "I can't.... I can't do it...." she whispered and just quivered in his arms. The whole court thing, especially since she knew her uncle would be there.
Jason picked her up and then set her on the exam table and lifted her face to his "you can do it Amie just think about how good it will feel to put his ass in jail for the rest of his fucking life to make him pay for what he did to you and to that boy"
Amie was just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke in a gentle voice, "Yeah I suppose you are right but.... I.... I'm going to break in court.... And I can't do that...."
"Amie I will be there every step of the way for you if you feel like your going to break all you have to do is look at me" Jason then tipped her face up more and kissed her lightly "plus if you can face your abuser after all this it will show Randy he can do the same and face his"
Amie just looked towards him before she spoke, "I can try." She was giving him a soft kiss back though gently before she was looking as the door opened. Oh it was Giovanni. That was okay by her. One of the few doctors that she trusted, and she knew he wouldn't say anything about it.
Jason smiled at him "thanks for doing this for us in quite doctor. Rafe said she fell can you please make sure both she and the baby are ok"
Giovanni was just looking over before he was looking towards Jason then spoke, "Gio, not doctor. And yes I can make sure they are both alright." After that he was directing Amie over to where the table was at, and just telling her to relax. He was joking with her about something and she was just mumbling a bit under her breath.
Giovanni just did his examine and was stating that everything was fine. Some bruising but that was about it. They were both alright.
Jason let out a small breath but then jumped when he heard Randy scream. the boy had been waiting for Diana to come back after checking on his sister when one of the male nurses tried to get him to strip for the rape test
Before either Jason or Giovanni could even react, Amie was on her feet and heading out of the room, and going straight to where he was at. She was actually gently pushing the nurse out of the room, and closing the door. "Randy, take a breath. You are safe." she spoke in a gentle voice, just kneeling down on the ground in front of him.
Randy wrapped his arms around her and just shook in her arms and cried in to her chest. Randy wanted his other sisters including her he didnt want to be alone in that room
Amie was just wrapping her arms around him in a hug before she was speaking in a soft voice. "Randy. Take a breath. We need to do that rape test though. It will help me be able to put the bad people away." She was however looking over towards the door at the knock and she heard Giovanni on the other side of the door, telling her to come back when she was done comforting Randy.
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