Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Randy looked at her and raised an eye brow at her lightly. Randy then spotted his sister in to door and shot off in ot her arms. Diana pullede Randy close to her and muttered at him to never scare her like that again. Diana then looked at Maggie and smiled "hey Mags how are you feeling?" Diana scooped her brother up and then walked over to her
Maggie was looking over for a moment in time before she was just studying Diana for a moment, although she didn't say anything. No this woman she knew her. Diana was her name but.... she didn't quite know how she knew her. "You are.... Diana...." she mumbled after a moment in time before she was just commenting that she was alright, her head hurt and maybe running through the hospital hadn't been a good idea. "What made you even decide to do that?" Aaron questioned with a small sigh. "Giovanni mentioned Amie was here. I needed to talk to her about something." Maggie was speaking and he just about face palmed and was questioning if it could have been something that could have waited. This had her shaking her head before she was sitting up and was just pointing at the boy for a moment in time. "I figured it out..... Why he seems familiar. I remember seeing him that day.... getting pushed into the back of a car. He was crying, and trying to push them away but couldn't." Maggie spoke after a moment in time which had Aaron looking over and realizing that perhaps her accident, hadn't been an accident. "And I say you hear too much." he commented when she was stating that she remembered following the car, and was even describing the car, but after that.... she didn't remember anything much. Darkness but she did hear some of the men mention that the boy would be a good sell at the black market.
Diana held him close and assured him he was safe as he started to shake in her arms. Diana walked over and gently touched Maggies head "thank you for tell us" Diana then turned and mouthed that she was going to take him and check on Artemis and then have the rest of his tests done.

while she was headed down Aaron would be getting a call from Rafe
Maggie just looked towards her for a moment in time before she spoke, "Tell Amie..... that I'll help with this court stuff." Aaron was stepping out of the room so that he could answer the phone.
"so you have three choices I kill your uncle and the bastards currently holding Amie, i leave them alive and tied to a post with no injuries, or I can beath them with in an inch of their life and leave them tied to a poll for you" rafe was watching them like a hawk and if they hurt her they would die
"I didn't even realize that you were back in town. And it seems Mags is getting memories back.... I believe I may know why she was targeted." Aaron spoke before he was explaining what she had told him then thought about the options that Rafe had given him. He was letting out a breath of air before he spoke, "No lets see what his next move is going to be. See this works against him. Kidnapping a lawyer, especially since this had been turned into a case. It proves him even more guilty. What is her condition currently?"
"currently she is freaked out and pissed but mostly freaked out" Rafe then described everything he had seen "want me to call the cops in, get in touch with Diana's friends"
"Yeah call in the cops. Lets not get ourselves involved, otherwise if could be more trouble for Amie in the long run." Aaron spoke before he was looking back over at Maggie, to see that he was passed out.
"i'll make the call but stay here that way I can bring her back to the hospital" Rafe then hung up and called in Diana's friends on the force and then mobilized fast knowing who Amie was
"Sounds good." Aaron spoke and was hanging up. God he hoped that his sister was alright. Thankfully while she was freaked out, she was doing a rather good job at not showing that.
Rafe moved where she would be able to see him and he could see more of what was going on. with a wave he caught he attention and then carefully using his arms explained what was going to happen
Amie spotted him in the distance although she didn't say anything at all, was just leaning back when one of the guys seemed to get right up in her face. "Your breath smells terrible." was all she could comment, and the man was just grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, actually tearing her shirt a bit. "Now now, lets not be to rough with her." Stephen spoke as he came back, and she was so glad that she was able to hid her quivering.... at least for the moment. Man was Rafe probably going to want to murder the man even more when he was slapping Amie across the face.
Amie would be right with her thought but once the cops arrived her gave her the signal that they would be entering soon. Rafe then went and joined them and expalied what he hwas seeing and what he had witnessed. with in moments the cops were busting in a tazing everyone but Amie
Amie was just holding her cheek for a moment in time and was wrapping her other arm around her midsection in a protective manner, especially when her uncle made a comment. Although she was noticing the signal from Rafe and soon enough the cops were coming in, and she was just giving a startled shriek, especially when her uncle was grabbing a hold of her hair and pulling her to him. "I'll shoot her if you come any closer." he spoke, and Amie was giving a pained hiss when he was pulling her hair even more, his gun pressed against her temple.
Rafe had gone around the back after offering the cops his aid and walked up behind the male "I suggest you let my friend go or I will put a pullet in you head granted I was asked nicely by someone not too and too let the cops have you" Rafe had a dark tone to his voice and his own gun was drawn as well
Stephen was tensing up although he was shoving Amie away from him, the woman falling onto the ground roughly. There was a all whimper of pain that came from her, and she was just watching. "You are going to regret this, you fucking bitch." He snarled at the woman. This is probably the first time many would actually see Amie so afraid, literally trembling.
"no she wont you come near my family again and the cops wont keep me from ending your life" Rafe then walked over and helped Amie up off the ground "come on I'll take you back to the hospital"
Amie was just looking at Rafe before she was getting to her feet with his help. "Let's see what you can do when this goes to court then.... Amie. If you freeze here and now... " Stephen was speaking with a grin. Amie was just quivering a bit before she spoke "I have friends and family who stand at my side."
Rafe had his arm around her giving her strength "last warning stay away from my family " Rafe got her well away from him and then spoke softly "come one we can have the doctor look you over and check on your baby ok and I do believe the young boy staying with us will be pleased to see you"
Amie was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Just.... get me away from him....." Her voice was slightly hollow and obviously afraid, but somehow for the most part she was standing tall.
“That’s the plan hun” Rafe got her to his car and then settled in before he rounded the hood and got in. The officers knew where to find them and he wanted to get her any good friends
Amie just climbed into the car and was just buckling up, but she had her arms wrapped around herself slightly. Damn it.... this wasn't suppose to happen. That had been forever ago.... she had dealt with those memories. She had come to terms with it, yet again since then.... she had never expected that she would run into him again.
Amie was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I thought I had overcome that fear but..... I never expected to run into him again....." There were actually tears falling down her cheeks and she was just covering her face with her hands. No she hated that she was in this vulnerable state, but it was only Rafe that was there. He wasn't going to judge.
“Hun your pregnant and the man who made your life hell just showed back up you have every right to be upset” Rafe drove carefully and then pulled in to the parking lot
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