Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"yep he asked some of us to paint the rooms so that whent he furniture arrived the walls would be dry" Blake had been the guard at the house that day to keep the girls safe
Z just watched him for a moment in time before she was just holding out her glass. Okay maybe getting her drunk would keep her there.
Z just looked at him for a moment before she was taking another drink of wine. "So I still don't get why they asked you to kidnap me."
"Even I don't know but I guess they figure I have the strength to keep you where I want you " Blake honestly didn't know why they had had him kidnap her
Z looked towards him before she spoke, "If you are wanting to hold me hostage, then we need drinks." With that she was getting to her feet then made a comment that they were going to go get some then. And if he had a few drinks with her that night, she would stay with him. "Drinks, movies."
Z was getting up to her feet although she was looking at the message that she had gotten from Amie, which had her calling her. "Hey babes. What's going on?" Z questioned as she walked into the kitchen, and just listened to what Amie had to say. "First off deep breath before you go back into the room with the kid, or you are going to have him worrying about you as well. And secondly, just block that dumbasses number." she spoke as she leaned against the counter, just watching Blake for a moment in time, although there was a faint smirk on her lips.

Amie was just standing outside the room that Randy was in at the time, speaking with Z. It seemed like Artemis had been taken in for surgery. Although it was for an issue that had been completely unrelated to what had been going on. She had broken an arm a while back after falling off the playground, and her parents hadn't taken her in to get it taken care of properly. So it hadn't healed up properly. "Z those kids.... their injuries are extensive but.... it was Randy that took the brunt of it. More than likely protecting Artemis. Right now... he is being very brave and strong. Anyways, love you lots. Have fun on your date." With that she was blowing a kiss and hanging up, before she was turning to walk back into the room to go sit next to Randy once again, holding his hand as the doctor drew his blood.
Randy looked at her "did you call my big brother and sister about Artemis?" that had been the only way to convince Randy to let Artemis out of his site around all the strangers as he had gone in to over protective big brother mode when they had mentioned his sister needing surgery. Randy was also watching the nurse who was drawing his blood like a hawk . if they moved to fast the kids was gonna bolt out of his chair
Amie was giving a soft smile before she spoke, "I did give them a call, they didn't answer but I left them a voicemail. She will be safe with the doctors, they are all very nice. Everybody that works here either works for my brother, or works for our friend Maggie." She was actually looking at the nurse who was commenting that Maggie was actually awake, and it seemed like her amnesia was clearing up slightly. They had been showing her pictures earlier, of certain people, and she seemed to be recalling names with faces.
Randy nodded his head "I want to see my sister" Randy needed to be sure that she was safe and that none of those men were gonna have a chance to get to her
"but why" Randy looked at her and then jumped when one of the female doctors came in "because hun the room is kept sterile so that your sister's arm doesn't get infected"
Amie just looked over before she spoke, "Artemis is in safe hands though. This lady here is one of the few doctors that I trust, she was one of my best friends growing up. And she is one of the few in this hospital that even knows that I'm pregnant. She will keep us up to date about your sister."
Amie just looked at him before she spoke in a gentle voice, "Randy, you are safe." With that she was just gently explaining that the woman was just going to exam him, and finish looking to see what was all going on. See what injuries he all had.
Amie just watched for a moment in time although it wasn't long before she was looking at her phone, then made a comment that she was going to step out for a brief moment in time.
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