Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"that maybe but from what I was told she is expecting and Jason isn't having any of it now" Blake did send the pictures he had been sent to the spa staff so they knew who not to let in
Z just looked over before she spoke, "Yes she is and that stays between us." With that she was just looking around the cabin for a moment in time before she inquired, "And how exactly are you going to get me to stay?" Her voice was slightly playful at that point in time and honestly.... what sounded good right now was having a few drinks.
"well first I figured a nice dinner and a bottle of wine and see where things go from there" Blake smiled and then ushered her in to the kitchen
Z just studied him for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Not really feeling hungry at this point in time."
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "I will eat, just not right now. I ate not long ago anyways. Whenever somebody calls and orders food but never shows up to pick it up, then we get the food."
Z was just taking the drink from him after a moment in time, and just sloshed the drink back and forth in the glass, not enough to spill it.
Z just looked towards him before she spoke, "It isn't. I will admit I do stupid shit when I'm drunk." Hell she had gotten drunk at work one night, well on her day off, and had started strip dancing on the counter. Good thing they had dancers there anyways, so it wasn't overly strange.
Z just looked at him before she was commenting, "I know I'm safe." The question was, was he going to be safe with her.
Z was taking a sip of the wine, although did glance at her phone when it buzzed. Although she was coughing at bit on the drink that she had just taken when she saw the message from Aaron about something. Guess Stephen had actually shown up at the house, good thing Amie wasn't there. A very good thing. But that is where she was staying with Jason so she was messaging Aaron that Amie and Jason could stay at her place for a bit. Not like Stephen knew where she lived at all.
"Stephen showed up at the mansion demanding to see his niece and nephew. Aaron and Amie. I was just letting Aaron know to let Amie and Jason know they can crash at my place. Stephen doesn't know where I live, and knowing him he'll camp out at the house to watch. He knows Amie is terrified of him. Don't blame her." Z spoke after a moment in time before she was reading the message from the doctor as well, which had stated that Maggie had been transferred safely to the new hospital and was asleep currently.
"Jason told me that the house he bought for them is finished and furnished he may take her there to keep him from being able to speak with her and make her unable to do her job" Blake knew that they would have to deal with the male soon
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