Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Amie was standing outside of the hospital, having gone outside to get a breath of fresh air. "Oh hey Diana." she spoke when she saw that she was being called and was explaining what had happened. Although she was about dropping her phone at a familiar voice behind her, which had her grateful that she had her ear piece in and her phone was in the pocket. "Hello Amie. I've missed you." the familiar voice of her uncle spoke and soon enough he was wrapping an arm around her waist, just telling her that it would be wise for her to do as he said. "Tell me. Where are the kids?" he questioned. "They are at this hospital. Aren't they." Amie was just shaking her head before she spoke, "No they aren't here, dunno which hospital they are at. They weren't my responsibility. Last I checked they were with their sister and the CPS lady at the mansion." Actually from where they were at, if Randy were to look out the window at all he would see the pair of them. In particular the man leading Amie over to a car, and shoving her into the backseat. Funny how he hadn't even bothered to check her for a phone. But that was thanks to the fact that she had two phones, and had handed over her personal phone. She was talking to Diana on her work phone currently.
Diana was speaking softly to her while she walked into Aarons office and using his word processor she told him what was going on. what the male didn't know and neither did Amie was Randy had spotted them and after telling Maggie that he would be back he headed after them so that he could get her away from him
Maggie had actually come in to speak to the doctor about something, and saw the boy, which had her chatting with him. "I am not sure who you are exactly but I can tell you that is a very bad idea. Stay here where it is safe. Amie..... I think that was her name.... she'll be safe." she spoke as she stopped the boy from getting to far, her touch gentle as well. After that her eyes were flickering towards the few people that were there with her before she spoke, "The Black Queen has a rescue mission." With that she was explaining the situation and they were heading off to get stuff done. Maggie was however putting a hand on the wall for support. Stupid weak feeling, and she really shouldn't be on her feet. "And you said you had a sister.... you need to stay here. What will happen if she gets done with surgery, and you aren't here?"
Randy looked at her "I have Artemis and Diana as sisters, Diana said Aaron, Rafe and Jason were our big brothers as they would protect us as well" Randy wanted to protect his sisters and he counted Amie as one even if he hadn't said her name.
Maggie just looked at him before she spoke, "Right now your safety is our priority as well. Amie will be safe. Something tells me that she is strong." There was a small look of confusion that crossed her features but she was shaking it aside, and was looking at the doctor who came over and was scolding her for being out of bed. Especially since she had just woken up from her own surgery not too long ago. "Gio.... Will you call Aaron.... I want big brother." she spoke to the doctor, who was nodding his head before he was commenting that she needed to go lie down before she collapsed. Thank god she hadn't seemed to be paying attention to the names that Randy had said.
Randy watched then all his eyes wide. he seemed more calm around females and elderly males if they were young or old enough to be a threat to him he became on edge so Gio had him on edge and he was already edging away to be able to run off
"Kid. You are safe. This is Giovanni. He is my doctor." Maggie spoke after a moment in time but the other male was just raising his hands before he spoke in a gentle voice, "I'm not going to hurt you kiddo. If you two want to keep talking you can, but I want to help Miss Maggie back to her room, before she collapses."
Randy's eyes were wide like a deer even though he was assuring him that he wouldn't hurt him that wasn't Randy's experience. Randy's doctor looked at him "doctor Gio I know you wish to get miss Maggie back to her room but may I speak with you in the hall for a moment"
Giovanni just looked over towards the doctor for a moment in time before he spoke, "It will have to wait so that I can at least get my patient sitting down before she collapses. Technically she should still be in bed, she just got done with surgery herself." "Go. I'm fine." Maggie spoke and was shooing him away, and just taking to sinking down to sit on the floor in Randy's room. A lot safer.
once the two were out Randy walked over and urged her up and got her settled in the wheelchair in his room. his voice was soft and almost inaudible "where is your room"

Cathrine moved down the hall and then spoke "the little girl is currently in surgery to rebreak her arm and properly reset it, she is severely malnourished and abused but her brother is another thing all together while he shares similarities with his sister health-wise I know you noticed and so have I that he is extremely jumpy around males, I want to do a rape test on him but in order to do so and not have him flip I need to sedate him with Amie not being here I dont know how to reach his older sisters number and was wondering ig not only could I get your help with the test but in getting in touch with her" Cathrine then handed the medical file on Randy
Giovanni looked towards Catherine for a brief moment in time before he spoke "I do not know his sister's number at all, but I have to call Aaron as it is for Maggie. So I can get him to speak to her." Otherwise he personally didn't even know Diana all that well and was actually taking out his phone to give Aaron a call, although was listening as the male was mentioning something else, which had him frowning a bit. After that he was explaining why he was calling, both reasons behind why he was calling actually.

Maggie was getting to her feet at his urging, for once not really fighting it and he was asking where her room was. This had her speaking, "Up a level. I heard whispers that somebody I guess I knew was here, so I came to talk to her. But turns out she had left before I got down here."
Randy nodded his head and then pushed her to the elevator so they could go up and get her settled her. Randy watched everyone as they moved keeping an eye every single move they made
Maggie just watched the boy for a moment before she spoke, "You must have gone through something traumatic as well."
Maggie was just tilting her head for a moment before she spoke, "If you need somebody to talk to about it, I'm here to listen." There was a soft smile on her lips although she was putting a gentle hand to her forehead, which was beginning to ache a bit.
Maggie was telling him the room number before she spoke, "You know the doctors are going to want to do a rape kit on you. It seems scary but it will help lock those people away, the ones that hurt you. If you want, if your sister can't make it here, I can stay with you. I'll hold your hand through it."
Maggie looked at him before she was just gently urging him to come stand in front of her. After that she was speaking, "I was the same way as you. I was terrified to let anybody touch me, and do a test like that. I was in denial that it happened. But.... allowing them to do that.... it helped make sure that the person could never do it to anybody else. Letting them do this, is going to help make sure that these men, these women, can never hurt another child again. You, your sister, anybody else in general. And if it makes you feel more comfortable they can sedate you, and I will stay with you. I will make sure that they don't try anything they shouldn't. I cross my heart and swear on...…" She found herself cutting off for a moment in time and was just holding her head. Fucking memory flashes and she actually found that a few tears were falling down her cheeks. Oh yeah.... Spencer.... had been murdered. She kind of remembered, seeing the flashes of the picture that had been taken.
Randy reached out and rubbed her arm lightly "its fine you don't have too" Randy was just like his sister still getting use having people care for him and take care of him
Maggie was shaking her head before she spoke, "No I want to....You said your sister's name was Diana. I.... Her name is familiar..... Her face was familiar but.... I can't place it. But something tells me that.... I should do this.... since she isn't here."
"Diana is.... a friend.... maybe.... I think.... I don't remember." Maggie spoke although she had a confused look on her features before she was just closing her eyes for a moment in thought. "You know we are both afraid of something right now. You are scared of what happened, and of people touching you. I'm scared because.... I don't know what is going on. I don't remember all of these people that I should remember. I don't even know.... how I got there. Or when. But sometimes you have to take a breath and reign in your fear, conquer it."
"maybe" Randy then helped her to her bed so she could rest "you just sleep" Randy wanted to be sure that she was ok and that she rested up
Maggie was just giving a small smile before she spoke, "In a way.... You remind me of my "brother", Spencer. It isn't a bad thing either. You are a lot stronger than you think, but the fear holds you back." She was curling up on her side on the bed, although was watching the kid for a moment. Although it wasn't long before a female nurse came in and was letting out a breath of relief when she saw that Randy was there. "Oh thank goodness you are safe. Aaron and Diana just arrived at your room, and nearly panicked you weren't there. Thankfully Doctor Giovanni had seen you leave with Maggie." the nurse spoke before she was paging down to Giovanni and letting him know to let Aaron and Diana know that he was safe, that he was up in Maggie's room. After that she was scolding Maggie a bit for getting up out of bed before the young woman was commenting that she was fine.
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