Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Randy had a death grip on her shirt and it didn't seem like she would be getting free any time soon. while she was on that side she would be able to hear Jason lecturing the male nurse over his stupid act after finding out he had tried to force the boy to take his clothes off
"We'll have a female nurse do it and I'll stay with you the whole time." Amie spoke in a gentle voice before she spoke "We can be brave... Together."
Amie spoke "I wish you would.... To help us lock them away but I guess.... We'll find a way.... Without that being done." She was however looking at her phone when it vibrated. Seems like her uncle was as slippery as usual and had managed to slip away from custody. Didn't shock her at all.
"I will not leave you. I promise I won't. I have to have a doctor examine me as it is." Amie spoke in a soft voice. Giovanni had just felt around but he had ordered an ultrasound just to be safe, especially after it seemed like Rafe had mentioned her worry from the car.
"She is with Artemis right now. Your sister was afraid when she woke up, but she cannot leave her room for a few hours. So you'll have to bear with me." Amie spoke I'm a gentle voice before she was reaching back to open the door. There was Giovanni, speaking with a few female nurses.
Amie was just humming softly then looked at his doctor as she came into the room. "No men though, just you and I in here with him." Amie spoke and the woman was nodding, closing the door behind her before she was kneeling down and explaining to Randy what they were going to do. Help him understand.
"I'll tell you everything before I do it. But it'll be over before you know it. And after.... Perhaps you can help me do an ultrasound on Amie. Look at the baby with me." The woman spoke in a gentle voice, a smile on her lips.
"I hate you at times." Amie was mumbling to the nurse who was just grinning a bit. Nope it really didn't take her long at all, and it helped that Randy was calm. Well more calm than had a male been there. "See not that bad." The woman spoke before she was explaining what was going to happen now that they had the samples, the tests that the lab would run. "Now you Missy. How about your first tell me what happened? Gio wasn't very helpful. Yet again Rafe didn't tell him mich either." The warm spoke as she looked at Amie, who was just mumblinng she would rather not talk about it. "You know.... This kiddo here was worried for you as well. saw you get shoved into the car. Thank God Maggie convinced him that going after would be reckless." The doctor spoke.
Amie just looked over before she spoke "Okay fine. To start off.... One of the men who hurt you is my uncle, somebody who put me through that as well. Also the one I had to deal with today."
Randy dropped his head and then shook it violently to the point the doctor had to stop him or he would have given himself a concussion or a neck injury
"You have a thoughtful look." The woman was commenting to Amie after she had stopped the boy. "I may have to do digging.... I may have to dig through my own mind and recall what happened those years." Amie was commenting although gave a startled help at the cold goop being out on her stomach for the ultrasound. "Randy, come watch this screen. Move this around slowly." The woman spoke and offered him the instrument.
"This is cold. " Amie mumbled and just watched the screen and the woman was pointing out something to Randy. The baby's head.
Randy was in aww at seeing the babies head but they would both be able to see that he wasn't losing interest and after a few minutes seemed to be a pro when it came to using the wand
The woman was chuckling a bit and Amie was mumbling something under her breath but she had a arm over her eyes. "Amie. Everything is fine. The baby is fine. You on the other hand are going to have quite the bruise." The woman spoke and could actually hear the slight sob fro. the woman, a noise of relief.
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