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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

"I know both actually, Jason is my husband." Amie spoke with a faint chuckle before she was explaining what was going on, and what Blake had told her. "I want to know, what you can find out about me." she was commenting before she was shooing a couple of people away.
Amie thought for a moment in time before she spoke, "I want to see how easily you can find information about my childhood, in particular anything and everything pertaining to an uncle named Stephen." If he could easily find that out, then anybody could. But she was hoping that she had covered her tracks right, because she really didn't want to deal with memories of that coming back.
"can do I should have the information for you by tomorrow night" he then hung up so that he could get to work but shot her a message having her look up Diana's past thinks she lept quiet not because she wanted too but because they still haunted her
Amie was looking at the message that she was getting, but for the moment she was going to disregard it. At least for the time being, nope she wanted to take a shower first and then she would look into it.
while she was showering and getting comfortable Diana was sitting with Aaron and the kids in the theater. when she looked at her brother and sister she noticed that they had both passed out
Aaron was just looking over then spoke, "I mean I don't blame them." With that he was getting to his feet so that he could pick up one of the children, and they could get going.
Diana climbed into the passengers' seat and then sat back and sighed " I could kill them" Diana was referring to her parents over what they had done to her siblings
Aaron just looked towards her for a brief moment in time before he was nodding his head, although really didn't say anything, just started the car.
Diana looked out the window and then sighed a little and looked at her phone when she got a text from Rafe and it was rather lengthy "well Rafe is pissed"
"When isn't he pissed off? " Was all Aaron could question. Nope he wasn't overly shocked that Rafe was pisses off. Seemed to be pissed off constantly about everything.
"good point but this time it's a good pissed off as it's not directed at any of us but at those who hurt Mags" Diana then read the text to him and sure enough all of the males rage and anger were directed at those who had hurt her.
"Yeah well we'll figure it out. She is safe enough right now." Aaron spoke and soon enough they were arriving back at the mansion.
"yea i say let him beat on who ever hurt her" once he parked Diana got up and carefully got her sister out of the car so they could head in
Aaron was getting out of the car and going over to get Randy out of the car. "If we can actually find them." Aaron was commenting, heading inside with the boy. He was looking at Amie, who was sitting outside at the time talking on the phone with somebody. She did have a slightly annoyed look on her features. "Hey Amie. Do me a favor. I want to take Diana out for dinner." he spoke, and she was commenting that she would sit with the kiddos.
Diana carried Artemis up to the room she was staying in and then settled her in to the bed so that she could continue to sleep in peace. Diana just hoped that there were no nightmares
"I'll stay with Randy though. Based on the information that I got, he took the brunt of everything that was happening." Amie was commenting and was following after her brother up to the room that the boy was staying in. She was having one of the other ladies of the house sit with Artemis, which wasn't an issue at all. The young girl definitely wasn't as afraid of what was going on as Randy, but she was at that age where she didn't really know. Which was a good but bad thing.
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